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Showing most liked content on 12/07/2017 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Clock and Decor Mirror made by Jade !
  2. 1 point
    Hello RPErs, I wanted to bring to light a common issue that people may come across regardless of age while playing role playing games or even video games in general. This issue can impact everyone of us and can have negative effects to our real life. Such effects can range to losing priorities in real life, doing bad in school, performing bad at work, stress, loss interest in socializing with family and or friends in real life, physiological and mental negatives effects. These listed are only but a few negatives effects listed that can occur while we play videos games and or role play for long extensive periods with out breaks. As we embark into role playing and role playing MMOS and video gaming in general we have to understand some negatives affects that these can have on your priorities if you do not manage your time properly. Let me explain: As we "role play" and pretend to be a different person on such platforms that are huge in role playing we often can lose track of who we are in real life. Dont worry i am here to help you understand good practices to keep you focused in real life while having fun in a role playing setting. The following tips can help you keep your real life priorities and goals in order and allow you to have fun resting assure your mom wont yell at you cause you are failing school, or you boss at work is getting ready to fire you or your loved ones aren't getting to see you or issues managing time for your girlfriend or boyfriend. Lets Begin: TIME MANAGEMENT Time management is key for those that are in school and or have a family to look after or even have a job that is time consuming. You must know when to play video games and when you need to stop to get some rest, cook dinner, do laundry etc. These daily life tasks and procedures are whats called your priorities. Remember when your mom told you to clean your room before you played outside or even hopped on your favorite video game? Well, that still applies when you become an adult or even if you are not one yet what your parents are saying is true. You must make sure you have completed your priorities before spending a long period of time on your favorite video game. Time management will allow for you to set schedules on when important priorities need to be completed, you can do the critical important tasks before you start gaming then complete some lesser important tasks after you're finishing your gaming session. Whats important is to remember you are the one to set a schedule and maximize efficiency of your time spent. The goal is to knock out your important tasks for that day before gaming, then finish up tasks that aren't time sensitive after you're done gaming. Have good time management and you'll be on your way to a pound for pound champion!!! Go get em tiger. PRIORITIES Ah, yes priorities. Those tasks you have to do because if you don't you could lose your job, not make rent, lose your girlfriend or even be late on appointments or even just become depressed when you lose track of priorities. Make sure before you have begun planning a good schedule for time management that you are fulfilling your priorities and these could be from a number of things that you have to complete in real life. Only you know what these are or if you are a minor and living with momma and pappa, ask them what are your priorities and listen to what is expected from you by your parents. Once you have established your priorities then you can begin ranking them from most important (must complete) to less important (can complete at will). HEALTH This one is a short one but make sure you are getting adequate sleep .... (4 hours a day is not adequate sleep who you kidding?) make sure you are keep yourself and your environment hygienic so germs do not effect you and get you seek. Make sure you are showering at least once a day (id recommend 2 times a day one in the morning and one at night). Make sure you are playing in a lit room so your eyes dont get damaged (some have more sensitive eyes and over time playing in a dark room can negatively impact your eyes, others however might not be affected, consult your eye doctor. I am no doctor so please make sure you are always consult your doctor about healthy choices not the internet. ) Make sure you are getting from your desk and or area of gaming and stretch those muscles take a little walk, drinks some water. Also, please refrain from eating unhealthy snacks and or sugary drinks as these can cause health problems. A good habit i like to do is eat some carrots and or celery when i game. Or even have some fruits.(fruit juice choose is not recommended as these typically are high in sugar). Make sure you look away from your screen at a distant object to not stra in your eyes. If you feel lightheaded from gaming to long and or feel dizzy stop playing immediately and consult your physician. Lastly stay hydrated! WATER WATER WATER. one good thing about water while gaming its good for your body and while you drink lots of water it forces you to get up with frequent visits to the urinal. Hence making you active and keep your blood flowing. REAL LIFE YOU vs ONLINE ROLE PLAYING YOU Remember at the end of the day no matter if you are a criminal, serial killer, queen, king and or doctor or whatever you imagination takes you at the end of the day those are just fantasies. There is a real you in REAL LIFE that no one can replace. Be sure to remember no matter how good it feels to role play or negative it can get. remember that your virtual life is not a real life representation of who you are so don't be afraid to take risks in role playing, besides it about fantasy and make believe. always remember the real you from the online criminal you! (or whatever you like) CONCLUSION! In no way is there negative effects of playing video games responsibly! (What i mean by this is if you don't spend all day gaming and don't neglect your life goals and or sleep need then you'll be fine). To some degree however there COULD be negative affects from compulsive gaming as i have listed some negative effects in the post. Which i am only scratching the surface as there are more complex problems that go beyond the scope of this post (EX. video game addiction). What i outline in this post is touching bases on video gaming responsibly. The last part about Real life you vs virtual life you is only encouraging you to not take video games serious so you don't get angry at people if they troll you or dont rage because certain things in the game aren't going your way and don't lose who you really are in real life(which i am saying if there is cyber bullying happening remember they don't know who you really are in real life. You are awesome and you should ignore video game bullying. Which video games now days allows us to block people mute people and even report people). Whether it be performance in school or hygiene problems (ex. like playing all night then realizing you have to work in 30 minutes and don't have time to shower. or showering only to find yourself late to work BECAUSE YOU GAMED ALL NIGHT and decided to take a last minute shower.).It is clear that their COULD be some negative implications if we do not set proper time management. Thats all this post is saying. Im not saying video games is bad for you.Im not saying don't play video games i am merely suggesting that because there COULD be some negative effects to compulsive gaming. Video game addiction exists and it is very real. The adult thing is to understand what you need to do to perform great in your personal life without video games impacting you in a negative way. trust me when i tell you i have failed an exam because i was gaming all night even though i studied or i have went in to work late because i am grinding out the last level and i have to work in 30 minutes. Its not that i don't care, it was my error of not managing my time well. That is all this post is saying. here are some sources that inspired this post from credible outlets that you could find interesting. http://www.addictionrecov.org/Addictions/?AID=45 https://www.aap.org/en-us/about-the-aap/aap-press-room/pages/Video-Gaming-Can-Lead-to-Mental-Health-Problems.aspx This link below is an actual academic paper so if you cant understand what its saying then its ok, i had to read it over and over to understand what this paper was saying. https://public.psych.iastate.edu/caa/abstracts/2015-2019/15GA2.pdf trust me you cant understand it if you just read a little it actually takes focus to understand this paper. It highlights some interesting points. Finally i wanna close with the following. No one is saying videos games is bad for you and you shouldn't play it. All i am saying is if you game to much you COULD see some negative affects in your personal life if you are not managing your time well. You cant game 20 hours a day and sleep for 4 hours and expect to have time to hold a job/ shower/ and actually live a healthy life. its just not possible and i wouldnt recommended someone playing that much or even close to that. (Even though we all have had our fair share of all nightes.) This post is just a simple reminder to set your priorities straight as when great games come out we all know how much we wanna no life game them. Thank you if you actually took the time to read this long post.
  3. 1 point
    Will Players be given a chance to see a mental health professional if they witnessed a murder which left them emotionally crippled or scarred from trauma will there be any sort of mental health clinic where players can go to seek help for gambling criminal offending stealing depression etc... unhealthy behaviours making the disturbed and upset can they get help with problems that they face in everyday life that's stopping them from living a normal life in the identity world
  4. 1 point
    Bathrooms can be used yes!
  5. 1 point
    Welcome! What sparked your interest in Identity?
  6. 1 point
    Of course! Maybe you will get a lesser sentence too!
  7. 1 point
    1. There are 3 modules, the first one will be out March 21, 2018. The others will come shortly after and beta will come after all 3. The first module - Town Square will feature apartment customization, character customization, cinema that plays real movies, cell phone with a friends list, VOIP to talk to players through your mic, painting and the art gallery where you can display your paintings, writing and reading books, chess and features added every update! 2. No loading screens except when you enter your apartment. 3. You will only need to pay a bill if you own a house, apartments and insurance don't have bills. Your home cannot be robbed. 4. Addiction is in the game 5. You don't need to, but you will get little buffs for eating and such. 6. They can take it off your character, they can't search your apartment, houses and apartments act as safe havens. 7. You will have a bounty on you after a crime, depending on the severity of the crime will depend how long that bounty is on you. 8. No pc requirements that's why we compare to other games. 9. You are able to refund your purchase at almost any time, just contact @Beach_Ball
  8. 1 point
    Town Square Module Release Countdown - Remember you must have pledged $30 (Founder) or above to get into the Town Square!
  9. 1 point
    Not adding or removing duties but they can create a rank structure in the police department and it might be the same for the other 2 departments.
  10. 1 point
    Dude. I highly doubt people will be ending up with these problems. Absolutely amazing your bringing awareness to it and that you wanna help. But I don’t think it was necessary. And I ain’t hating, I do think it’s good and nice, but 10-11 paragraphs aren’t necessary
  11. 1 point
    there will be a video coming this year regarding some of the features for town square, and another video sometime soon which will consist of the mechanics for combat
  12. 1 point
    I wouldn't mind it as much if we got an official trailer for the Town Square.
  13. 1 point
    I feel the same way, they also keep delaying the video that was supposed to be out 5 dev blogs ago when they said "its pretty much done just finishing up a few animations" I wouldnt be as dissapointed if they showed us gameplay but they havent even done that..
  14. 1 point
    Right now there will only be weather effects such as rain and snow, in the future we will look into it.
  15. 1 point
    The first module will be released March 21, 2018.
  16. 1 point
    I'm an advisor to the ROYAL party and head of the Gottlieb House.
  17. 1 point
    1. Sleep will not be need, but will give you temporary buffs. 2. Planting will only be in certain land marked on the map, you can, however, grow drugs in your house/apartment. 3. No cooking to the point where you burn it, but crafting more or less.
  18. 1 point
    Ghost wakes up laying on a bed as the boat rocks back inforth from the seas. His wounds have been bandaged and he sits up winching in pain. He sees bottle of vodka and pain pills next to him with a note “Take 2 then Head into the galley for food” Ghost takes the pain pills with a swig of the vodka. He puts his shoes on and slips on a sweater that was next to him. Ghost walks his way to the kitchen area as there are two men in it. One is making some food while the other is sipping coffee and smoking a cigarette. The man cooking looks up seeing Ghost. “He lives.” The other man looks up at the comment. “Appears the gods smile upon you stranger. Come let’s go see the captain.” The cook tosses him some crackers “These will help until you find your legs.” Ghost nods as he follows the first man and eats the crackers. They make it to the captain of the boat as he sits in his chair steering the ship and chugging a Red Bull. The captain looks over to Ghost. “Congrats on not dying” Says the captain. ”Why did you save me?” Ghost replies. ”I didn’t, we just plucked you from the water...you can thank the gods for that.” ”Well you can thank them for me.” “By the looks of the scars on you and what we saw a couple nights ago, I’m sure you will be able to thank them in person before anyone of us.” The captain adjusts himself in the seat to face Ghost putting his hands together. “Here’s how this is going to work, I don’t care who or why you pissed someone off that they shot a rocket up your ass, but your repayment for the boat ride is that you work on the boat. You can take off when we get back to the port. Myself nor my men will say anything about you and will just consider you a migrant worker...maybe if the world thinks your dead you can get a fresh start in life.” Ghost nods to the captain. “Tim here will show you around and put you to work.” The captain turns back in his chair as grabbing the mic for the intercom and yells something at the crew on deck. Ghost follows Tim as the go back down stairs. Months later... The fishing boat chugs up the bay heading to the port. Ghost is leaning against the railing at the stern watching the city come into view. It was night time and colder than when he left. A light flurry of snow began to fall as they closed in on the dock. The boat eventually makes it to the dock as some of the crew hops off tieing the boat to the dock. Dock workers start up as they begin off loading the catch. Ghost starts to make his way off the boat as the captain walks up behind him. “Jason, hold up.” Says the captain as Ghost turns around. “Need something else cap?” The captain shakes his head no as he holds out an a few hundred dollars. “You did good Jason...even though I’m sure that’s not your real name. Take this money and get back on your feet, Lord knows I’m justing going to spend on strippers.” Ghost shakes his head. “No thanks cap, I have mattress money at home. You spend that money on the nice strippers.” The captain laughs as he pockets the money and shakes Ghost’s hand. Ghost steps off the boat as he heads to his apartment downtown to rearm and plan his next move. He knew he had an advantage to strike back as everyone in the underworld thought he was dead and he could use this to stalk out Stephanie and her crew.
  19. 1 point
    White Mask is escorted to a table. There he nods and takes a seat. The waiter comes by and pours him a glass of water and hands him a menu. He runs his hands through his hair once more kinda slicking it back out of his face. Wait wait wait hold up...I know what your thinking. one White Mask is showing his face out in public. and two didn't Simms pound his face in and was wearing a head wrap of bloody wraps or something? Well indeed your right with both questions. So lets go back and see whats going. -=-2 days after the Asylum break out -=- "Oh my poor face, my pretty face, my money maker...." White Mask is standing in front of a mirror unwraping his wraps around his face. He drops the bloody bandages into the skin below. "Man I look like Fire Marshall Bill over here...." He smiles "Let me tell ya somethin!" White Mask laughs spitting and dripping blood everywhere. He grabs a nice clean White Towel and starts to pat his face to stop the bleeding, or atleast try to stop it for a bit. "Ya....ye....ah....Oooo....ya" He opens and closes his mouth trying to see if any more blood starts to appear. "Alrighty.." He walks out of t he bathroom and into the bed room. White Mask walks to his closet and grabs a dark green hoodie. He would slip it on and flick the hood over his head. Good thing too we don't want to see that bloody shirt he was wearing might scare the common folk. He would grab his white mask and slip it on keeping his hoodie over his head, and walks out to the world with his head lowered. A few hours later a doctor walks out towards his car and climbs in. He leans forward to start the car up and looks in the mirror seeing White Mask in the dark green hoodie in the back seat. White Mask launches himself forward wrapping his arms around the doctor and putting him into a sleeper hold. The doctor freaks alittle and struggles but White Mask tightens his grip around his neck. "Hush little baby don't say a word...White Mask needs your help good sir.." He laughs "Did I just rhyme?" The doctor struggles again as White Mask pulls back "STOP stop it right now. I will let you go I just need your help.....ok.?" The doctor shakes his head yes quickly. White Mask slowly lets go of the Doc in a sleeper hold. "Now no screaming or I will kill you be a freakin professional here would yeah?" The Doctor nods once more. White Mask pulls his hoodie down and then removes his White Mask. His face is a bloody mess, with black eyes, broken nose, cheek bone broken, blood coming out of every open face wound and anything that was open. The Doctors eyes widen and White Mask points at him "Do not....do not.....scream." Doctor holds his hands up and nods. " I need a face doc, I need you to fix this face I can't go around bleeding on everyone." Doctor: "Yes yes I can fix you but the office is closed.." White Mask with out his mask gives him the 'give me a break eyes look'. and then smacks him in the back of the head. "Come on get your as back in there you face plasty doctor!" White Mask flips his hoodie back over his head and climbs out. He then walks over to the drivers side grabbing the good doctor and pulls him out. "Come on come on I have things to do" He pushes the doctor towards his office. White Mask lays down in the chair looking up the doctor. "Now doc if you try any funny business I will get up and kill you and your family its real simple, do your job." The doctor nods and places the gas mask over his mouth to knock him out so that the Plasty doc can fix his face. "AHHHH!!!!!" White Mask sits up quickly and looks at the doctor as he has even started yet. "Sorry just wanted to get it out of my system...go ahead." White Mask laughs and lays back down on the chair as he was soon knocked out from the knock out gas. More than 10 hours have past and the doctor is finally done. White Mask is starting to wake up. "heh..hey doc, that was the best sleep I have ever got." He raises his hand to touch his face, the Doctor shakes his head "No No you need time to heal." White Mask touches his face and then holds his hand out. "Mirror..." The Doctor shakes his head again. "White Mask you need time to heal.." White Mask sits up and grabs the doctor by his shirt. "MIRROR NOW!" The Doctor nods and hands him a small handled mirror. "Remove the bandages." White Mask holds the mirror to his face as the doctor starts removing the bandages. "hehe...Hahaha." White Mask starts to laugh as he look himself in the mirror. He then quickly smacks the Doctor in the face breaking the mirror knocking the doctor to the ground. White Mask stands up grabs his bandages and wraps his face up once again, he reaches into his pocket and tosses a envelope full of money down at him. White Mask flips his hood up over his head and grabs a large box of bandages for his face as he walks out "Thanks Doc!" He waves and then stops looking at the board with a letter on it. "A invention only party for the rich? huh? don't mind if I do" White Mask rips the paper from the board and soon leaves the area. And now we are back to now. Where we have White Mask unmasked but know one knows who he is sitting at a table looking at the menu. "yes I will have the surf n turf please and thank you." White Mask hands the waiter the menu as he sits back into his chair and places his elbows on the table folding his hands together looking around. -more to come in our next episode-
  20. 1 point
    One week after breaking White Mask from the city asylum. Ghost is exiting the city park headed to his van, which is currently marked “Ron’s Landscape.” Ghost puts his phone to his ear as he climbs in and drives down the road. “Good work Ghost. I’ve got a bunch of assignments pending, ‘‘tis the season for hits.” Says Denise. “Actually I’m going to take the season off, let the amateurs work and I need to wait for the heat to die down since I helped White Mask out of the nut house. I really didn’t want to do this one but wanted to make sure you got paid before I went on vacation.” Replied Ghost. “Aren’t you so thoughtful. Well your client must be crazy if he wanted that psycho out. Have fun and call when you want another job.” Ghost replies “Will do.” Ghost hangs up the phone and pulls under the freeway in a abandon lot that contains trash and junked cars. He gathers the tools of his trade in a duffle bag then wipes down his finger prints. He scatters a mix of gas and diesel around the interior of the van then lights a box of matches and tosses it through the open driver side window. He grabs his bag and walks off down the road. The van is quickly engulfed in flames and the fire destroys any remaining evidence in the van. A few days later, Ghost walks into his favorite local bar “The Watering Hole.” The bar is occupied with its typical crowd, a few bikers and a couple of old guys drinking at the bar. Ghost makes his way to a small table in the corner carrying a newspaper. The female bartender sees Ghost and brings him over beer as he takes out the crossword section of the paper and a pencil. Two men enter the room and head straight to the bartender. Ghost perks up as his eyes scan over the new comers and notes they are out of place. The men reach the bartender and begin talking to her, Ghost takes the opportunity to slide his pistol out of its concealment placing on his left thigh and flicking the safety off. He returns to the crossword but watching the bartender and the men. The bartender pours a shot and heads over to Ghost at his table placing next to his beer. “What’s going on Shelly?” Ghost says to the bartender. “I know you’re on vacation but these guys said they’re ghost hunters and they are going to the old Strongow mansion later.” Shelly replied. Ghost sighed, “Send them over.” Shelly spun around on her cowboy boots and went back behind the bar and spoke to the two men. The men walked over as Ghost places his paper down on the table and motioned for them to sit. Man 1: “I...” Ghost interrupted. “Shh..just tell me what you want. No story..go.” Man 1: “I..uh...” Man 2: interrupts the first man, “We need muscle just incase the deal goes south. Our boss, Steph, specific wanted your help because of your reputation. The job pays $25K, and all that’s required is to be present and ready to act if the buyers attempt a double cross.” Ghost takes a drink of beer. “Half up front since I’ve near heard of your boss “Steph.” Man 1: “Not a problem.” He reaches into his coat pocket. Ghost grips the pistol and positions the pistol on his lap toward the man reaching into his coat as he places his finger on the trigger. The man slides out an envelope. Man 2: “Boss expected as much so here is the down payment in full.” Ghost opens the newspaper on the table as the envelope is placed in the middle and Ghost closes the paper concealing the money. He rips a piece of the paper off and writes down his burner phone number. “Call this number in 5 hours with the location and any special requests” says Ghost. He holds up his shot, “Deal” and shoots it back. The two men smile as they take the paper with the number on it and exit the bar. Ghost goes back to his crossword puzzle and drinking his beer.
  21. 1 point
    Brazil. South America to many. But to the people who live there, it’s home. A home with drugs, disease and criminals spreading like a wildfire. But that’s everywhere right? Upon the 30th floor of a office building were two people, one a married man. The other a hooker that he paid to give him herpes, except he didn’t know that. The blinds were slightly closed, the light barely shining through. The loud moans of the hooker could be heard throughout the entire floor. But nobody was there so it didn’t matter. “Você é uma vagabunda naughty não é você?“ And a faint voice from the darkness. ”Não, mas você certamente é. Uma esposa, filho e uma casa de três quartos.“ The man walks out from the light. His face was white with black paint acrossed his eyes that looks like it was scratched out. “Unfortunate for you.. Isn’t it?” He grabs the man by the back on the head and drags him towards the window. The mans pants still at his ankles and struggling to get away. “Hope you can fly.” The man is flung out the window as the mysterious man watches. The hooker ran to the elevator pressing the down button rapidly. Suddenly the elevator cables snap sending the elevator freefalling, killing the women instantly. TWO DAYS LATER The mysterious man walks into his hideout where a small boy is sitting in his makeshift kitchen. ”Go home.” He says softly and quietly. “O que? Eu não falo inglês.“ ”Sorry, um. Ir para casa. Sua mãe deve estar preocupada.” He pours himself some whiskey imported from America. “Não, ela tem o amigo do seu amigo.“ The man takes a sip of his drink and sets it down. The problem with the boys mother has been growing worse and worse. She sleeps with men for money to support her child. He gets up and walks over to his wall. “Give this to nobody. Fuck. Dê isso a ninguém Rosendo. OK?“ “OK.” The man opens his wall exposing money. Worth at least 2,000$. He gives it to Rosendo and explains to him what he needs to do. The child asks the man where he will go. He points to the bottle and says. “Home...”
  22. 1 point
    Time: 7:00pm Location: The Police Commissioners House "Can you please pass the gravy?" Commissioner Baron passes the gravy to his son, and smiles. Commissioner Baron sits down and looks at his wife, his son and then over to his dog. The Dog seems to be staring at the door as Baron shrugs it off. He then looks back and grabs the carving knives standing back up over the turkey banging the knives together. "Well tonight I want to give thanks to my family for ......" *Knock Knock Knock* The commissioner stops and looks to the door. He sets the knives down and walks over to the door opening it. "hello?" The Commissioner opens the door. A man wearing a buckled hat, and a pilgrim outfit stands there with his head lowered. "Umm hello?" a low laughter is heard coming from the man in the pilgrim outfit.Barons dog runs outside quickly barking into the night. The Commissioner eyes widen and his mouth drops as he takes a step back slowly. "Hello Commissioner did you miss me?" the man in the pilgrim raises his head reviling that it is the one the only White Mask. He laughs and steps into the house closing the door behind him staring Baron right in the eye as he steps back into the dinning area where the rest of the family is. "Please please have a seat Commishy." Baron walks back to his seat and sits down. His family move to his side as he wraps his arms around his son and wife. " What a beautiful house! WOW! Commish you make that money!" He points to the family "And you got a nice lookin family too there" White Mask pulls a chair out for himself. "Please please sit sit lets eat this looks soooo good!" Baron looks at White Mask and then nods to his family to go sit in their chair. White Mask removes his pilgrim hat and tosses it to the side, and then removes the other pilgrim outfit tossing it to the side as well. He is now wearing his Black suite, with his white mask "Alright lets eat!" Baron grabs the knives and slowly stands up. His hands shaking as he cuts the turkey. "I Would like the dark meat please." White Mask says placing his hand on the table and his fingers start to tap on the table. Baron starts to pass out the turkey to the family and his guest of honor. Once the food is all past out Baron sits down. White Mask grabs his dark turkey with his hands and is about to stuff his face. "Excuse me....we need to say grace..first." said Baron's son. White Mask stop holding the turkey as he was about to lift his mask up to take a bite. "OH MY GOD..... my bad..where are my manners!" White Mask drops his turkey as Barons son reaches for White Mask's hand. He looks at the son and reaches his hand out to his and holds it, he then reaches his hand out to the wife's hand. She looks over at Baron. White Mask makes a fist and slams his fist on top of the table making a loud bang. The wife jumps in fear as tears start to come from her eyes. Baron nods to his wife as she takes White Mask's hand. "I will say grace......please lower your heads..................Grace" White Mask takes his hands back and grabs the turkey with his hands once more and lifts part of his mask up shoving it into his mouth. With his mouth full. "Eat..go ahead." The family in fear but not the boy, start to eat their food. After 20 to 30 mins later White Mask leans back into the chair placing his hands on his belly. "Boy am I stuffed..." The family was barely eating White Mask looks at them. "You know, it's funny. This reminds me of a joke. ok, ok, stop me if you heard this one. There were two guys locked in a lunatic asylum alright got that? ok, one night...they decided they didn't like staying in the asylum five start hotel anymore. So they decided to escape. So, they made it up to the roof right, they move just across this narrow gap, they see rooftops, stretching across town, stretching to freedom. Now, the first guy, he jumps right across, no problem like he is a superhero or something. But his friend, was like, no way, cause he is afraid of falling. So, the first guy has an idea. He says, "Hey, I got this flashlight. I'll shine it across the gap between the buildings and you can walk across the beam." But the second guy says, "What do you think I am, crazy? You'll just turn it off when I'm halfway across!" White Mask pauses and looks at the three and the burst into laughter slamming his fist on the table laughing like a crazy man. The commissioner Baron looks at White Mask "So how does that remind you of a joke in our current situation?" White Mask stops and shrugs "I dunno I just thought of a joke I heard from a famous person that's all" Baron shakes his head. White Mask watches Baron shake his head and then looks up at the time. "Ok times up..." White Mask stands up and walks over to Commissioner Baron by the collar and lifts him out of the chair. White Mask looks at Barons wife and nods " Thank you for a lovely dinner, but I need to borrow the Commissioner for a little bit." He pushes Baron towards the door and then stops and reaches into his pocket, and pulls out a candy cane. "Hey kid" He tosses the candy cane to Baron's son and then turns around again pushing Baron out of the door. As they stand outside White Mask grabs the Commissioner by the head "By the way, who the hell have thanksgiving dinner at seven at night??" He holds him by the head and guides him to the car to get him in. "And Im the weird one I eat dinner around one or two and this clown is eating at seven...gah..loco!" ( Alright this is my thanksgiving post, you guys have a good one and I will post part two after thanksgiving sometime...)
  23. 1 point
    I'm sorry that you have the writing skills of a five year old @Asupra. Also are you saying that your computer is worth more than 5 years of college? (Basically 60k-100k USD) Also, I love how you are trying to say that im at a lower level than you in understanding your poorly written sentences, "showing my gaming in fps," for example. I love playing Arma 3 btw, I have hundreds of hours in it. Are you trying to say that because PUBG is based of a gamemode created in Arma originially it can't be a standalone game? What about Fortnite? There are many standalone games that are based off only one subject but what's the problem with that? You fail to explain why it cannot be a standalone game besides stating that it cannot because, you know, why not. Please explain your reasons as I do not see why it being a standalone game that was created does not add value to it. Games are supposed to waste time, what the fuck are you playing at? Lastly, all the COD and Battlefield games are the same playstyle, as they are all in a series you dipshit. Oh, and fuck lootbox.
  24. 1 point
    The white van is racing down the road and Ghost is on the phone. “Thank for the assist Denise, take 5% off my next assignment for your help” Ghost says. “Anytime Ghost, good luck.” Ghost hangs up the cell phone and grabs the iPad from the passenger seat. He looks at the map on the iPad and drives off following the moving red dot. Minutes later Ghost finds himself trailing behind a vehicle he was tracking on the iPad. He turns off the screen on the iPad as the two vehicles approach a stop sign. The vehicle infront of Ghost comes to a complete stop and Ghost taps the bumper of the vehicle. The man in the other car puts his car in park and gets out throwing his hands in the air. “What are you drunk asshole!” Screaming at Ghost in the van. Ghost reaches between the seat grabbing a bottle of clear liquid and a rag. The man walks quickly to Ghost’s driver side. Ghost opens the door and exits it. “Hey asshole are you blind!?” Ghost lunges forward surprising the man, placing the rag over his nose and mouth, his other hand grips the back of the mans head tightly, keeping him from pulling away. The man’s eyes roll into the back of his head and becomes limp. Ghost quickly drags the man into his van as he strips the man of his janitor uniform and badge. He then tosses the man into the trunk of his car and Ghost goes back to his van and moves it from the roadway. Ghost returns to the man and ties his hands and feet up from inside of the trunk. He then slams the trunk closed and jumps into the vehicle speeding off to the target location. Moments later Ghost approaches the large gates of the asylum and slowly comes to as stop grabbing the access badge that was hanging on the rear view mirror and swipes it at the access panel. The guard in the guard shack peaks out the window recognizing the vehicle and quickly returns to playing on his phone. The gates open and Ghost pulls through and quickly finds a parking spot and parks. Ghost exits the vehicle as he hurried into the employee entrance that is clearly marked swiping his badge for easy access. He looks at his watch and opens the door. The time read 11:00PM. There was a guard seated playing on his phone next to a metal detector. Ghost sighed as he walked toward the guard. The guard perked up and stood as Ghost approached disguised in a janitor uniform. “You don’t look familiar.” The guard said. “It’s my first day, and I think im late.” Replied Ghost. The guard looked at his watch. “Cutting it kinda close don’t ya think? It’s cool man just empty your pockets and step through.” Ghost put his cell phone and keys on the table as he stepped through the detector and it immediately went off. “Double check man, it’s probably loose change.” Said the guard. Ghost sighed. “I don’t have time for this.” The expression on the guard changed to a more serious tone. “Excus...” Ghost slammed his foot into the side of the guard’s knee, buckling his legs and throwing him off balance. Ghost followed up with a open hand strike to the man throat, silencing his cries of pain to a grueling sound. Ghost used his momentum and palmed the side of the guards head and slams it to the concrete wall numerous time knocking him unconscious. Ghost takes off the janitors uniform and pulls his mask over his nose and mouth. “Screw it.” Ghost said removing the pistol from his shoulder holster. He looked up at the security camera in the corner as the red light on it turned off. Ghost began moving through the corridors of the asylum carefully as the security cameras in the halls he was in were being disabled remotely, Letting Ghost only having to worry about was avoiding patrols. Minutes later Ghost makes it to the maximum security wing undetected. He hurried down the long hall silently when all of a sudden his phone vibrated in his pocket. He looked down at his phone and the message said “Behind you.” Ghost spun around as a guard rounded the corner and froze for a second as a ghostly figure in black stood there. The guard dropped his coffee as he reached for the radio on his belt. BAM BAM BAM The guard crumbled to the ground as the bullets struck center mass. Ghost went back to his phone and replied to the message “0” and continued down the hall. The facility went dark for 30 seconds and then the backup generator kicked on providing emergency power and lights. Dr. Harrison looked up at the single light in the room as the power kicked back on. White Mask was asleep and remained chained to the wall. A shadow figure rose up behind the Dr. Harrison as he was writing the time on his clip board of when he injected White Mask. “Shh...” was whispered by Ghost standing behind the doctor. Dr. Harrison froze as the hair stood up on the back of his neck and goose bumps ran down his arms. He pistol whipped the doctor on the back of the head dropping him to the ground. Ghost removed the doctors keys from his belt and pulled out a syringe jamming the needle into White Mask outer thigh. He unlocked one of the hand restraints, and looks down at his phone as a message comes in. “Police notified, closest unit 3 min.” Ghost pockets the phone and smacks White Mask across his bandage face. “Wake up asshole.” [Thanks for giving me this opportunity @UnknownX aka Mask! I PM’d you again.]
  25. 1 point
    ((sorry about being away, I think I should be able to be a bit more consistent now)) Kevin watches the Cadillac drive off, leaving two bodies on the ground. He starts the engine on the Mustang and begins the long drive back to Roseport. After several hours driving (and several back roads), Kevin finally pulls up outside of his shop. Kevin heads inside and opens the garage door, bringing the Mustang inside. Kevin opens the trunk pulling a duffel bag out containing the promised money. "Well he didn't lie" Kevin grabs a screwdriver, removing the plates from the Mustang. Next he grabs a car cover, tossing it over the car. Kevin flops down on the couch, the full weight of the last two days finally washing over him. Just then Kevin's phone rings. "Hello?" "What do you mean you got it?" "Well that is great news, drop her off at the shop, I owe you big time" Kevin flops back on the couch, staring into space for a few minutes before his sight focuses once more, this time on the bag of money. He jumps up and grabs the bag, heading into the shops small office space. Kevin opens a small safe under the desk, and starts to place the money inside. As Kevin locks the safe, he hears a knock at the door. He opens it up and sees a old friend of his. "Jack, good to see you buddy!" "Just because I saved your car from being crushed is no reason to act like this" The two men stare at each other for a few moments before bursting into laughter and giving a large bro-hug. "For real though, good to see you. Open up one of the bays and I will tow her in here" Kevin opens a garage door, and Jack backs his flat bed with Kevin's destroyed 240sx on top. "Fucking hell, I was in that shit" "I took a look at the frame, and it is properly fucked" "Shit, that was a clean car when I bought it too, cost me way to much money to wreck it that fast. Fuck, I was supposed to go and do some show drifting this weekend" "So whats the plan? I know you, your bound to have another car you can take somewhere" "I guess I could break the E30 out, I haven't driven that little beast in a while" "And this car?" Jack points at the ruined Nissan "Strip what I can off of it, most of the powertrain should be recoverable" "Alright man, need a ride anywhere?" "Thanks for the offer, but I need to take the Bronco back to storage anyways" "Okay then, have a good night man, get some rest, you look like shit" "Fair enough, see you around" Once Jack has left, Kevin locks the shop up and heads back to his apartment in his Bronco. Kevin parks outside and heads up to his apartment on the third floor. He tosses his plaid jacket onto the back of the couch and heads into his bedroom where he flops down on the bed. Just before passing out Kevin notices his clock reads 2:30 am. Kevin wakes up the next morning at ten, grabs his hat from where it fell off his head in the night, and grabs his coat off the back of the couch and heads down to his truck. He drives across to the city outskirts into a fenced off property with the only building being a large barn. Kevin stops in front of the barn, and opens the door, driving the Bronco inside. Kevin parks, hoping out, and heads to a metal box on the wall. He opens the cover revealing several rows of single keys. He hooks the Bronco's key onto a empty hook, and scans the rest of the keys, eventually grabbing a single key with a red tag. Kevin then flips on a light switch, revealing a row of covered cars stretching through most of the barn. Kevin walks down the row, stopping mid way down, and pulling the cover off, revealing a lowered red 1990 BMW E30 M3 with gold rims. Kevin unlocks the door and sits down, memories flooding over him. He shuts the door and fires up the engine, letting it idle for a few minutes while he got a sense for the old cars condition. Once satisfied, he sets off, locking the barn behind him.
  26. 1 point
    Chain to the wall like an animal. He hangs there like he was on the cross or something. His bandages had all dried blood on it once again but this time he didn't care it was only his face, his money maker, his meal ticket thats all. "Im Blue.....daba dee....daba doo.......Im blue......dee dee dee..blue...........blue.....blue river....daba dee...doo..I'm Blue." His cell door is heard unlocking, White Mask raises his head looking up towards the door and smiles. "Doctor...how the hell are you?" Harrison walks in by himself today. "Mr. Mask I am well how are you?" "Oh you know me just hanging around." He laughs and quickly moves towards Harrison but the chains are nice and tight and he doesn't move too far. Harrison stepped back and held up his clip board like a shield to his face. He then see that White Mask can't move that far so he smiles and fixes his glasses. "Good your not going anywhere I see..no Tricks Mr. Mask just me and you talking that is all." White Mask rolls his eyes and lowers his head. "Listen Doc." Harrison walks closer to White Mask "No you listen Mr. Mask I ask the question you answer my question and we will get through these little visits so that I do not have to come see you every day." White Mask raises his head looking dead in the eyes of Harrison. " May I ask you one question before we start?" Harrison sighs pushing his glasses up his nose once again and sighs." Very well Mask go ahead." White Mask spreads his fingers apart and leans forward closer to Harrison. "How long have I been here?" Harrison shakes his head and looks through his notes. "Uhhhh well looks like a couple weeks or five? why?" White Mask eyes gets bigger and he starts to twitch a little. "Wait......what? Five weeks? five? One two three four FIVE!?" White Mask starts to struggle with the chains. "UH shit...ummm shit shit shit..oh freak a leak " Harrison raises a brow. "Calm down Mask or I will have to calm you down." White Mask looks at Harrison again "No no you do not under stand...oh god..." Harrison sighs reaching into his pocket pulling out a needle with some calming juice in it. "Alright Mr. Mask time to take a nap" Harrison Walks over to the struggling White Mask sticking him with the needle in his neck. "But.....But...I feel your presence amongst us" White Mask takes a deep breath trying to stay awake. " You cannot hide in the darkness........... Can you hear the rumble?...........Can you hear the rumble that's calling?" Harrison looks at White Mask shaking his head. "Goodnight Mr. Mask..see you in the..." ***BAM BAM BAM*** "He's Here......" White Mask starts to laugh more of a low laugh because he is about to pass out from the drugs that the doc just gave him.
  27. 1 point
    A white van with ‘Fred’s Plumbing’ slowly comes to a stop on the side of the road infront of what appears to be an affluent house. Time of day is approximately 9:00PM with moderate cloud cover. The man in the driver seat puts the van in park and flicks off the lights. The man reaches into the inner pocket of his coat pulling out a small piece and a photo to verify the address of the residence he parked infront of. “Michael O’Rourke. Bonus if it’s slow and painful”. The man checks the magazine of his pistol placing it back into the shoulder holster. He reaches behind his back under his coat and taps his knife. He pulls a black half mask up that has a dark grey skull design over his nose and mouth. ”Too easy.” He says. The garage door opens of the home as a Mercedes pulls in from the street and into the garage. A man steps out of the car that matches the picture of Michael O’Rourke. Garage door begins to close as the man and the van exits and walls up the driveway using the shadows to hide himself from the unsuspecting eye. Moving swiftly around the house the man notes the general out lay of the house. The nice fall weather had provided an easy entrance into the home as majority of the windows remained opened to let the crisp air blow through the house. Mr. O’Rourke went up stairs and the man seized the opportunity to cut the screen and enter the home. Silently he moved upstairs, as he listen for footsteps or any other indicators of Mr. O’Rourke. A toilet flushed and then the sound of shower started. The man moved into the master bedroom and into the closet which was direct across from the bathroom Mr. O’Rourke was in. The man slipped the knife from its conceal location and remained crouched and unmoving waiting for the time to strike. Minutes go buy when suddenly a the man feels a buzzing sound in his coat pocket. Quickly reaching into quiet the sound he pulls out the phone looking at the message. “818001 10k. ASAP” The man scowls at the phone as he quickly shealthes the knife and stands in the closet just as the shower was turned off. The man removes the pistol from the shoulder holster as he exits the closet just the bathroom door opens and Mr. O’Rourke walls out in a white bath robe. Mr. O’Rourke lets out a terrified scream at the sight of this ghostly figure emerge from the dark closet. The man gave to quick trigger pulls aiming center mass at Mr. O’Rourke instantly dropping to the ground. The man walks to the side of the now deceased Mr. O’Rourke and fires one more shot into his forehead. Holstering the pistol, the man takes a picture of the body and then puts the phone to his ear as he walks out. A female voice on her phone says, ”Good job Ghost, the money will be wired to your account. No bonus for this one. Rough night?” ”Yeah, emergency job came up just now Denise” Replied Ghost. ”Have fun hun.” ”Always do.” Ghost gets to the van, hoping in and taking off down the street. Sirens could be heard a short distance away. A short time later ghost pulls into a back alley has he quickly hopes out of the van and removes the magnet sign of advertising plumbing and replaced with ‘Tim’s Electric.” Back in the van ghost slides out an iPad that was under the driver sweet and enters the code 818001. Maps and building schematics pop up on the screen. ”You got to be shitting me.” Ghost throws the van in drive and speeds off into the night. [I’ve been following the series since Season 1 and love everything that everyone has created and had to join in this epic story!]
  28. 1 point
    I lay there in this padded room, my head/face wrap needs to be change as the dry blood on the non woven fabric is starting to become part of my face. Damn it going to hurt when they pull it off. White Mask starts to laugh, and then stops hearing his cell door being open. He would sit up still in his straitjacket looking at the door. "Mr. Mask its time to replace your old bandages with new ones." Doctor Harrison walks in with two guards and a nurse. "Oh the Joy I was just saying to myself 'Self! I hope they will fix my bloody rags." White Mask gets to his feet and laughs once again this time laughing and alittle bit of blood comes out from his mouth. The two guards quickly grab White Mask by the arms holding him in place. "you know I can walk right rent-a-cops?" Harrison would nod to one of the guards as White Mask would tilt his head to one side "What the?" The guard made a fist and slammed his fist into White Mask's gut. "PFffffffffffff" White Mask lowers his head as blood drips from his mouth. "Holy.....Hell...you hit like your mom! " a low deep laugh is heard and then he would get another punch to the gut. "PPPPPPPPPPuuuuuuckkk............and ....you sir...hit like his mom doing your mom.." He begins to laugh again as both of the guards get ready to punch him. "Enough! put him in the chair and strap him down." Harrison says pointing to the two guards and then the chair. "Sorry boys that was a bad joke, im sure your moms are very nice lovers...I MEAN PEOPLE!..." The guards drag White Mask to the chair and force him down to sit, and start to strap him in. "Come on Fellas.....Shit that is tight...How am I suppose to kill you two if you...." The guard places one of the straps around his throat and pulls it back tightly. "AGGGH too.....................tight...........as...ss.....hooole..." The Nurse pushes a cart of new bandages and whatever else they need to fix a face to stop bleeding. She would start to undue his old bandages, cutting a few pieces here and there. "AHHHHH!" White Mask screams the nurse jumps back a little and then White Mask laughs.." Im ok ok you just took some skin there. but im cool..carry on.." She shakes her head and keeps unwrapping his head. "Mr. Mask are you ready to talk today?" Harrison said as he walks around to the back of the chair where White Mask is sitting. "Doc listen I am always ready to talk." He says Harrison looks at his clip board and clicks his pen. "Very good how are you feeling today?" Harrison says walking back to the front of the chair. "Oh doc glad you ask...you see the little green men in this cell are very nice but they keep me up all night with their music." The Nurse finishes unwrapping his face. "Oh little green men huh? what kind of music are they playing." Harrison says looking at White Mask's messed up face. "They love that song where they are like I'm blue da ba dee da ba daa Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa...but they are GREEN! it makes no sense what so ever." White Mask says with a smile looking at Harrison. "Mhhmmm ok" He would start to write something down on his paper attached the clipboard. The nurse starts to wrap his face and head with new clean bandages. "Alright Mr. Mask...is there anything else?" White Mask eyes narrow. "Why yes there is I have a....headache.." The Nurse finishes up and collects her things and pushes the cart out. "You have a headache you say?" Harrison says as the guards start to unstrap his neck and the other one starts to working on his chest straps. "Yes you can say its a.." With that and the unleashing him from the neck strap White Mask slams his head on top of the guards head who was doing his chest straps knocking him to the ground. "Splitting Headache now!" He laughs as the other guard tries to restrain him but can not as White Mask was to quick to get out of the chair and some how gets his arms free from the straitjacket. "Ta Da!" "GUARDS!" Harrison would yell towards the open cell door. and looks back seeing both the other guards pull their nightsticks walking up behind White Mask. He turns around just in time using his straitjacket as a weapon and smacks the two guards across the face with his long straitjacket arms. He would laugh and slowly turn towards Harrison blood starting to show on his newly wrapped bandages. "Anymore Questions Doc?" As soon as White Mask took a step more guards ran into the cell. "Ahh Come on...." White Mask lowers his head as the guards tackle him to the ground and starts beating him with the nightsticks just like last time. "That is it! I want him chained to the wall so he can not move!" The beating continued as White Mask just laid there laughing once more. HA HA HA HA HA HA
  29. 1 point
    Was that even meant to have some king of sense?
  30. 1 point
    And here I was, wondering what was the worst-looking forum post of all times...
  31. 1 point
    I don't think many people do that.. People play games for fun as you said, just there are assholes out there that think its more fun to exploit and hack and shit
  32. 1 point
    I like it! You probably complain that there is already another Battle Royale game out there and PUBG is totally not neccecary Let me break it to you! Little history lesson! The owner of PUBG. ( PLAYERUNKNOWN ) Made a mod for ARMA, called Battle Royale ( http://battleroyalegames.com/ ) This was the first original massive survival battle of it's own. Later on he got asked by the developers of H1Z1 to create a game mode for them. Currently known as the KOTK. PU wasn't allowed to make the mod as he liked, he had a lot of restrictions which he didn't really like. He finally decided to create his own game, no restrictions. Just pure his game and his vision of a true Battle Royale. This game is unique, there won't be a big competitor. It's no where near repetitive, it's different every game.
  33. 1 point
    let people play whatever they like. and as long a shooter gets bought all the time everyone will produce a similar game.