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Showing most liked content on 11/20/2017 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Hey there, there is indeed going to be a sewer system so you can escape the cops etc.
  2. 1 point
    The time draws near! In the last dev blog I sent out, I mentioned that we were going to announce the release date for our first playable game module, the Town Square. Those of you who follow our Twitter and Twitch streams will have already learned this date. It's a very exciting and important time for Identity; we're fast approaching the time where you'll first step foot in Identity's grand world. We've crunched all the numbers and can now say with fair confidence that the Identity Town Square module will be released, to all backers with a $30 or higher pledge, on this coming March 21st. What will you find in the Town Square? The Town Square is a social game module. You'll be able to create your character, which may be transferable to the retail game after release, and meet hundreds of other Identity backers in the town square of the clean and quaint city of Ash Hill. You'll be able to talk to those around you, add them to your phone contacts and have full phone and IM support to stay in touch. You'll find a completely functional cinema playing full movies around the clock, a karaoke bar to show off your skills (or see me making a fool of myself), a working restaurant, art gallery, shops and more. The biggest single feature is the housing system. You're getting a taste of the full and complete player housing mechanics that you'll find in Identity. Everyone will have access to a tiny apartment, but those who pledged for higher rewards will be able to check out and decorate their larger spaces. It's a preview of what you'll have in the full game. Invite friends to your place and party it up! After the initial release of the module, we'll continue to add features to the Town Square as they are completed in development for Identity. Barbershops and tattoo parlors will let you customize your character further. A garage will let you sample your vehicles. You'll even get to test your ability with firearms in the police shooting range before the SWAT module is released. For me, one of the most exciting parts of Town Square is just to get inside the game and finally get a feel for Identity and how it plays. Check out a few of the Town Square work-in-progress shots we've released in the past. It's been a long road for the development team here at Asylum, but we're almost there! Flexing our new manpower Productivity has skyrocketed with our new office. We're working better and there are now many more of us knocking out code and assets each day. Our programming team has expanded with Charles and we're still hiring more. We've brought three new and incredibly talented 3D artists on board as well as a new technical artist. Brandon, our new Community Manager, has been hard at work keeping you in the loop. These guys are all proving their worth each day and I'm extremely excited about where Asylum is going. Looking to the future With some of our Town Square art wrapping up now, we're beginning to shift a bit of our focus to the second module: SWAT. The SWAT module will be a team vs team competitive shooter using the combat mechanics you'll find in the full Identity release. Expect combat to be slower and more realistic than most similar games. You'll learn much more about this module as work progresses. Above is an MP5 sub machinegun which will be used by the SWAT forces. This particular model was created from scratch in a matter of days by one of our new artists, Dan. The awesome talent of our art team is undeniable! -- John VanderZwet
  3. 1 point
    But trashcans.. You NEED to be able to hide in those.
  4. 1 point
    A large part of this game will be the combat. The "Cops and robbers" aspect of the game will be one of the main parts and in my opinion the most exciting, especially with all the cool, detailed weapons they're adding.
  5. 1 point
    That is all we must give to you? Trust? I have your word that you won't betray us?
  6. 1 point
    okay then I will consider your offer
  7. 1 point
    The white van is racing down the road and Ghost is on the phone. “Thank for the assist Denise, take 5% off my next assignment for your help” Ghost says. “Anytime Ghost, good luck.” Ghost hangs up the cell phone and grabs the iPad from the passenger seat. He looks at the map on the iPad and drives off following the moving red dot. Minutes later Ghost finds himself trailing behind a vehicle he was tracking on the iPad. He turns off the screen on the iPad as the two vehicles approach a stop sign. The vehicle infront of Ghost comes to a complete stop and Ghost taps the bumper of the vehicle. The man in the other car puts his car in park and gets out throwing his hands in the air. “What are you drunk asshole!” Screaming at Ghost in the van. Ghost reaches between the seat grabbing a bottle of clear liquid and a rag. The man walks quickly to Ghost’s driver side. Ghost opens the door and exits it. “Hey asshole are you blind!?” Ghost lunges forward surprising the man, placing the rag over his nose and mouth, his other hand grips the back of the mans head tightly, keeping him from pulling away. The man’s eyes roll into the back of his head and becomes limp. Ghost quickly drags the man into his van as he strips the man of his janitor uniform and badge. He then tosses the man into the trunk of his car and Ghost goes back to his van and moves it from the roadway. Ghost returns to the man and ties his hands and feet up from inside of the trunk. He then slams the trunk closed and jumps into the vehicle speeding off to the target location. Moments later Ghost approaches the large gates of the asylum and slowly comes to as stop grabbing the access badge that was hanging on the rear view mirror and swipes it at the access panel. The guard in the guard shack peaks out the window recognizing the vehicle and quickly returns to playing on his phone. The gates open and Ghost pulls through and quickly finds a parking spot and parks. Ghost exits the vehicle as he hurried into the employee entrance that is clearly marked swiping his badge for easy access. He looks at his watch and opens the door. The time read 11:00PM. There was a guard seated playing on his phone next to a metal detector. Ghost sighed as he walked toward the guard. The guard perked up and stood as Ghost approached disguised in a janitor uniform. “You don’t look familiar.” The guard said. “It’s my first day, and I think im late.” Replied Ghost. The guard looked at his watch. “Cutting it kinda close don’t ya think? It’s cool man just empty your pockets and step through.” Ghost put his cell phone and keys on the table as he stepped through the detector and it immediately went off. “Double check man, it’s probably loose change.” Said the guard. Ghost sighed. “I don’t have time for this.” The expression on the guard changed to a more serious tone. “Excus...” Ghost slammed his foot into the side of the guard’s knee, buckling his legs and throwing him off balance. Ghost followed up with a open hand strike to the man throat, silencing his cries of pain to a grueling sound. Ghost used his momentum and palmed the side of the guards head and slams it to the concrete wall numerous time knocking him unconscious. Ghost takes off the janitors uniform and pulls his mask over his nose and mouth. “Screw it.” Ghost said removing the pistol from his shoulder holster. He looked up at the security camera in the corner as the red light on it turned off. Ghost began moving through the corridors of the asylum carefully as the security cameras in the halls he was in were being disabled remotely, Letting Ghost only having to worry about was avoiding patrols. Minutes later Ghost makes it to the maximum security wing undetected. He hurried down the long hall silently when all of a sudden his phone vibrated in his pocket. He looked down at his phone and the message said “Behind you.” Ghost spun around as a guard rounded the corner and froze for a second as a ghostly figure in black stood there. The guard dropped his coffee as he reached for the radio on his belt. BAM BAM BAM The guard crumbled to the ground as the bullets struck center mass. Ghost went back to his phone and replied to the message “0” and continued down the hall. The facility went dark for 30 seconds and then the backup generator kicked on providing emergency power and lights. Dr. Harrison looked up at the single light in the room as the power kicked back on. White Mask was asleep and remained chained to the wall. A shadow figure rose up behind the Dr. Harrison as he was writing the time on his clip board of when he injected White Mask. “Shh...” was whispered by Ghost standing behind the doctor. Dr. Harrison froze as the hair stood up on the back of his neck and goose bumps ran down his arms. He pistol whipped the doctor on the back of the head dropping him to the ground. Ghost removed the doctors keys from his belt and pulled out a syringe jamming the needle into White Mask outer thigh. He unlocked one of the hand restraints, and looks down at his phone as a message comes in. “Police notified, closest unit 3 min.” Ghost pockets the phone and smacks White Mask across his bandage face. “Wake up asshole.” [Thanks for giving me this opportunity @UnknownX aka Mask! I PM’d you again.]
  8. 1 point
    Sadly, that map posted above is very much out of date. The current geometry and layout of Identity's world has changed vastly beyond that conceptual map. However, Identity's world will be based on the Carolina states in the United States. Ash Hill represents something similar to Beverly Hills. More wealthy and a lot cleaner. Turtle Beach represents Myrtle Beach. and Roseport represents a mixture of places like New York which will be much more compact and run down, a slum of sorts. While there are no real good pictures showcasing these locations, quick google searches can help get a general idea of how the cities will look.
  9. 1 point
    Chain to the wall like an animal. He hangs there like he was on the cross or something. His bandages had all dried blood on it once again but this time he didn't care it was only his face, his money maker, his meal ticket thats all. "Im Blue.....daba dee....daba doo.......Im blue......dee dee dee..blue...........blue.....blue river....daba dee...doo..I'm Blue." His cell door is heard unlocking, White Mask raises his head looking up towards the door and smiles. "Doctor...how the hell are you?" Harrison walks in by himself today. "Mr. Mask I am well how are you?" "Oh you know me just hanging around." He laughs and quickly moves towards Harrison but the chains are nice and tight and he doesn't move too far. Harrison stepped back and held up his clip board like a shield to his face. He then see that White Mask can't move that far so he smiles and fixes his glasses. "Good your not going anywhere I see..no Tricks Mr. Mask just me and you talking that is all." White Mask rolls his eyes and lowers his head. "Listen Doc." Harrison walks closer to White Mask "No you listen Mr. Mask I ask the question you answer my question and we will get through these little visits so that I do not have to come see you every day." White Mask raises his head looking dead in the eyes of Harrison. " May I ask you one question before we start?" Harrison sighs pushing his glasses up his nose once again and sighs." Very well Mask go ahead." White Mask spreads his fingers apart and leans forward closer to Harrison. "How long have I been here?" Harrison shakes his head and looks through his notes. "Uhhhh well looks like a couple weeks or five? why?" White Mask eyes gets bigger and he starts to twitch a little. "Wait......what? Five weeks? five? One two three four FIVE!?" White Mask starts to struggle with the chains. "UH shit...ummm shit shit shit..oh freak a leak " Harrison raises a brow. "Calm down Mask or I will have to calm you down." White Mask looks at Harrison again "No no you do not under stand...oh god..." Harrison sighs reaching into his pocket pulling out a needle with some calming juice in it. "Alright Mr. Mask time to take a nap" Harrison Walks over to the struggling White Mask sticking him with the needle in his neck. "But.....But...I feel your presence amongst us" White Mask takes a deep breath trying to stay awake. " You cannot hide in the darkness........... Can you hear the rumble?...........Can you hear the rumble that's calling?" Harrison looks at White Mask shaking his head. "Goodnight Mr. Mask..see you in the..." ***BAM BAM BAM*** "He's Here......" White Mask starts to laugh more of a low laugh because he is about to pass out from the drugs that the doc just gave him.
  10. 1 point
    I'm always impressed by the art produced by the Identity team! That talent is pretty undeniable.
  11. 1 point
    I think it would add to the realism if we had car dealers specializing in different types of car
  12. 1 point
    Hey Volpe, I appreciate the help, however, they aren't mistakes. Some of these words are not meant to be in the proper Italian language, but rather in various southern italian dialects, which most older Italians in North America still speak quite frequently. Like amicu is sicilian for amico. I know that Amica is the femenine version, but i am only putting the masculine versions to make it more simple. Cidrul is the Italian American/ Napolitano way to spell/pronounce citrullo. The mafiosi in North America do not speak the standard Italian language that much, in case you are not aware. @HaydeVolpe
  13. 1 point
    Hey. I'm italian and I want to correct some of your words. Giovanotto (Prounounced "jova-notto")= An expression of endearment to a younger person. Barese (Pronounced "Ba-reh-zeh")= Someone or something from the City/area of Bari, in southern Italy. Siciliano/Siciliana (Prounounced "See-chili-anno, "See-chili-anna")= Someone or something from the island of Sicily, off the coast of southern Italy. Compaesano (Pronounced "Con-pie-zano")= A friend, usually of Italian descent. Compare (Prounounced "comb-pa-re")= A very close friend. Amico/Amica (Pronounced "a-meek-oh" or in Sicilian, "a-meek-oo")= Another, and most direct word to say friend. Stronzo/strunz' (Pronounced "Strown-zo" or in Barese, "stroonz")= Big piece of shit. Cazzo (Prounounced "catso") = Dick U' cazz (Prounounced "oo cats")= Literally means "the dick", but is an expression that means "nothing", in a pissed off way. Stu'cazz (Pronounced "stew-cats")= Calling somebody a dick in south italian dialect. Cornuto (pronounced "corn-oot-oh" or in Sicilian "corn-oot-oo")= Cuckold, can be used to curse someone Ricchione (Pronounced "rick-yown")= Insult to someone who is homosexual. Puttana (Pronounced "poo-tanna")= Whore Citrullo (Pronounced "chidrool")= Moron Vaffanculo (Prounounced "Bafangool")= Go fuck yourself.
  14. 1 point
    Here are the stream notes for Identity's twitch stream on November the 9th. Remember - Certain elements are subject to change, especially specific numbers, etc... - Game play videos is in the works. Previously the Dev team was running an old version of Unreal Engine, but this week they are merging the game and upgrading to the latest version. UI is a top priority right now. There is also a vehicle physics video planned soon, but it cant be done until engine merge is finished which should take around a week. - There will be lots of weapon attachments including a range of optics, flashlights, compensators, etc... There will be no very long range optics or silencers as this would make murder too easy of a task and promote RDM. By making murder an automatic wanted level and police report, it makes murder a lot more important and discourages RDM, whilst also promoting jobs such as assassins who will take the risk of the murder. - Your civilian life is very separate from your cop life. You will join the server as a civilian and can go to the police station to clock in as a police officer where you will be allowed to join depending on the servers max number of cops allowed at one time. You can own a corporation and be a cop at the same time through this system. - There will be character creation, but it will be limited in certain parts to avoid unrealistic characters being made that ruin Role play. - Town Square Features: An Art Gallery (you can Paint pictures in your house and take them to the gallery to submit them. If it is accepted everyone who goes to the gallery around the world will see your masterpiece. - Karaoke bar, Chess and other board games should be ready for Town Square and more board games are planned for later on. Later on you will also be able to have your own chess sets you can take to your apartment. - Town square has been a total redo artistically since early kickstarter concept art. - To vote for your governor you will have to go to a voting booth which will be in city, usually in high population areas such as Town Hall. Whichever Governor pays more gets higher priority in the voting list (basically if your campaign fund is more you will be high up in the list of candidates to vote for and so will get more votes out of the hundreds of applicants that will be in the list). The same applies for billboards, where more money means higher billboard priority. - Marijuana business will be easy to run, where you simply have to find it, pick it, process it and sell it. The same can not be said for other drugs. Meth will be much more complicated to make and can be dangerous to make (for example you need to wear appropriate clothing. With Coke you will need to stomp the leaves, process the product with gas, etc... All the drugs were very researched - John spent days "researching" these drugs. - Kidnapping: You can restrain people with zip ties, and you can then force people into the back of your vehicle. There are special animations for throwing people into back of cars. - There will not be helicopters or planes in Identity as they remove interaction. - There will be Debit cards (which can't be stolen). They are for convenience purposes so you don't go to a shop to realise you are 23$ short and have to go back to an ATM. They will not accepted everywhere, such as in illegal areas. Someone asked: will detectives have access to debit transactions? Not planned yet but they will take it into consideration as it would make carrying cash (though risky) more useful for criminals. - You can get containers and fill them with drugs, weapons and other items and transport them by vehicle. - Pledge cars will have a lifetime insurance. Stealing cars is a touchy subject at the moment as vehicles with insurance could be duped if you stole a car and could take it for yourself. - Mechanics have the ability to repair vehicles. You can get called out to repair someones car and then you can tow it back to work on it, or replace a wheel there and then. - Trains will be AI run going cross map at high speeds. You can walk around the interior of the train while they are in motion. Busses will be player run and can be run by corporations. - You will need to refuel your cars quite regularly as they want this mechanic to be realistic. - You can go to the gym to improve physical attack stats (i.e. punches) but it won't change character appearance (how muscly you are) as they would have to make different sizes of all clothes for all physiques and there are a huge amount of clothes planned for the game especially seeing that players can make their own clothes. - Pledge rewards won't come with a drivers licence, but they will be easy to get (more like a tutorial video and game play scenarios such as getting tickets to teach role play and the realistic driving mechanics which should be a 5-10 mins task) Police can revoke your drivers licence for reckless driving. - Corporation logos can be branded on clothing to show something is authentic. - When you create a shirt you can have a decal on it (such as a logo or a graphic) and then you can choose clothing material, patterns (stripes, circles, checkered, etc...), colour each part of pattern, rotate patterns - variety is endless. - There will be a 2 seat Harley styled motorcycle. - You can wear 2 layers of clothing (shirt and jacket for example). - There will be tons of Easter eggs and little things that the map has to offer that can be found. The Devs really enjoy adding pop culture elements, and items such as (examples they named could be implemented) big foot in the woods, UFO's in the sky, etc... - You can make/drink coffee. - If you kill a corporation leader nothing really happens. The corporation isn't lost but it can be a show of rivalry. - You can't take clothes off bodies but can ask for their clothes in robberies. - Rain will effect road conditions. This mechanic is really based on the tyres your car has. Your car can get multiple types of tyres for different conditions. -RV's can switch between meth labs and drive-able vehicles, but you can't cook meth whilst driving. - Vehicles will despawn after around 45 mins. Link to Twitch VOD: https://go.twitch.tv/videos/188955437