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Showing most liked content on 09/05/2017 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    There's never been a more exicting time for the Identity development team than right now. We're growing from a small team of passionate and skilled developers into a true studio with real development horsepower. Asylum Entertainment's New Home Identity is being produced by a very small team, although with our new office (see above) we're on a hiring craze and expanding in a big way. In fact, our programming team is going to be three times larger by the end of September. That's only the tip, too, as we're also bringing in a full-time dedicated community manager so that you get the regular updates from the team which you deserve. Our art team is also expanding with some of the most incredible talent in the industry. It pains us that Identity has seen delays; we truly want the game in your hands as soon as possible. With our modest team it's been a difficult road but, with the great help of yourself and other backers, it's full-steam ahead. Once we're situated in our new office (we get the keys in one week) and your new community manager is ready to go, it's our intention keep this great community in constant contact with the team! New in the Town Square If you've been watching closely on the IdentityRPG Twitch Channel, which is live for a Q&A with the developers every Tueday through Thursday, you've seen a lot of art these last few weeks. From concept art to screenshots and clothing, below are just a few of the pieces we've shown, plus something new for good measure. We're really pushing the development streams now, too. You'll be able to watch environment artist Antoine at work Wednesday, August 30 at 1PM EST. Moving forward, we're going to try to give you at least one development stream every single week. Watch Twitter for announcements. Town Square Clothing Store Remember the clothing store concept art we showed last month? This in-game screenshot shows how concept translates to reality (minus the actual clothing). Another new addition, ambiant radio, brings this scene to life. When you walk into this clothing store you'll notice music playing from the speakers. It's not just music in our game, either, it's real streaming radio playing songs you know. Different stores can now play ambiant music that matches their style and enhances immersive atmosphere. Ash Hill Police HQ Concept The Ash Hill police station will open it's doors in the Town Square module shortly after its release. Seen above is the concept for the lobby, locker room (where players "sign in" as an officer) and the shooting range. The shooting range will be available in the Town Square to give you a feel for weapons in Identity before you get your hands on the SWAT module. Ash Hill Barber Concept While a large variety of player customizations will be available during your initial character creation, some options are reserved for locations in the world. Barber shops, like the Ash Hill Barber you'll find in the Town Square shown above, will have additional hair options; other shops around the land will present different styles. Some rarer character customization options may be unlocked through gameplay achievements. A peak at pledge rewards Below are concept pieces of the pledge rewards you may already own. Our new website, almost ready to go, will bring new options while some of the existing will no longer be available. Pledge Reward Concepts -- John VanderZwet
  2. 2 points
    To download the modules and the Beta, it won't be synced with steam, they will be downloaded from this site and launched through a client. At full release, steam keys will be given out but nothing before the full release will be synced with steam. If the person has not pledged on the website then they won't be able to claim they have bought it, the devs know who has pledged for the game as the email on the store account is how the steam keys get given out. If they don't have a email with a pledge on here then they cannot gain anything.
  3. 1 point
    What types of cars, mopeds, boats, motorcycles, etc would you like to see in Identity? post a photo or two below i'll start Jeep Wrangler - perfect for offroading and people living in the rural areas Vespa - Mainly for players who live in the city and do not have substantial income to afford better cars
  4. 1 point
    Hey Guys, I thought I would share with you a little guide I designed a few years ago for businesses in Arma 3 Life. It's a simple business model that worked pretty well. It's more or less an algorithm for any business you choose to make. It allows for your employees to be paid, and will minimize them breaking off for sole profit. It is purposely written so that anyone can understand. --------------- Business Model System This is the business model system for maximum efficiency for any business. This model uses a percentage based pay and is designed to be easily modified and easily implemented. Here is the Key for the following guide: A- Overhead (This is the money you need to cover your expenses) B- Profit (This is the money you make after your initial investment has been covered) C- Employee Payroll (This is the money for you to pay your employees) D- Investors Payroll (This is the money to pay your investors) ----------------- Generally speaking you need to arrange all of your investors payroll and your employee payroll to only come from your profits. It is important to remember what your total investment is, your profit, and your payroll. Be sure that you keep an eye on your finances. This is an example of the business model: Your total Overhead (A) is $1000 You have one investor, who has invested $1000 into your business in exchange for 5% of your profit (B). This places a $20,000 valuation on your company. You have one employee plus yourself. Your employees and investors make 5% of your profits. From 100% of your profit (B), you now owe 10%, which leaves you with 90% of your profit. Your profit is $5000. This means that $250 goes to your investor, $250 goes to your employees. 90% of your profit or $4500 is now left over. You invest $2000 into your Overhead this time. You have the same amount of investors. Your company's valuation is still only $20,000. You have gained another employee plus yourself. You have banked $2500. If your profit from a $1000 investment was $5000, this means you made $6000 from the total investment. In turn you expect to make double because of your investment of $2000. This puts you at a $10,000 profit. 5% of $10,000 is $500. You pay your employees $500 and your investor $500. This leaves you with a total of $9000 profit. This algorithm is a progressive system. You do not have to pay any specific percentage, I was simply explaining the math with the easy percentages. ---------------- Q: Why would someone work for me, if they could make the same amount as me? A: Your employee pays no overhead, he uses your equipment, he uses your services, he uses your resources. He has no risk involved. If he is robbed, it is not his money he is losing. (Or She). Also, your employee will scale with more employees and more profit. Whereas if he were to do it all on his own, he would make the same singular profit without the ability to scale, unless he were to create his own company. (Or She). Not to mention, you could promote the employee to making more of a percentage. Q: Why not split the profits evenly? A: You can do that! Except you do need to take out your next expenses before dividing up the profit. Always cover your next venture. Q: Why bank the money? A: The reason for banking your money is insurance. If you are robbed, or an expensive piece of equipment is lost, stolen, or broken, you need to be able to cover those expenses. You pay yourself, the same amount as you pay your employees. You bank the remainder for upgrades and incidentals. Q: Is this the only system that works? A: Heavens no. There are many different systems that work, this is just an easy one to start with until you get your feet wet. ----------------------- Should you have any questions, or anything you would like to add to this guide (Business Model) please reply and leave a comment.
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    Stream of Sept. 5th 2017. Ovens. Dumpster. Baseball Jerseys. Sweatpants. Shorts (swimshorts?) Two piece bikini. One piece bikini. A little bit more about this coat.
  7. 1 point
    Then look to the east, I live in North Royalton. Wow were like 18 min from eachother.
  8. 1 point
    NOW RECRUITING: Landlords Security Guards Visit Website for more information!
  9. 1 point
    Its a really great idea, I love it actually as I do invest irl in stocks. It could though be pretty hard to make a good stock market in this game but who knows maybe in the future it will be a possibility!
  10. 1 point
    Dear Brian Hamilton, I see you are looking to go into politics at the launch, a man like yourself could use some funding from the side lines to get you to the top, is that something you would be interested in? If so we at The Masked Monopoly would love to be of service, with some specific requirements of course. Regards, Monopoly
  11. 1 point
    I think it is to early to tell for some things. Other things we know this game is not of course.
  12. 1 point
    I greatly appreciate the extremely detailed feedback! Thank you very much!!!!
  13. 1 point
    It will most likely be like Black Desert Online, Where Steam and website owners can play together however only download the client from the place they purchased it.
  14. 1 point
    As soon as Kevin walks through the door the guard walks out and then a lock is heard. Lord Dark Exiles just finished their set, and the crowd was going wild. They all knew who was coming out next. a chant started to form. "Goblin Shit! Goblin Shit! Goblin Shit!" Mad Mark and Tweek are recording the whole thing. Tweek looks up seeing the guards on the balcony of the warehouse. Tweek looks to the stage as it lowers alittle, but then a steel cage is seen to come from the warehouse top down to cover the stage area. the lights go out and a single spot light hits the stage. All the other guards around the stage area leave the area. a guitar rift is heard..the crowd goes ape shit Smoke shoots out from the top of the stage, Another guitar rift. Something is seen coming from the bottom of the stage through the smoke. It looks to be a throne coming through the stage and someone sitting in it. Tweek tries to get closer to see who is sitting in the throne, but can't get close enough due to the amount of people. The man on the throne stands up and walks through the smoke to the front of the cage. Wearing a black hooded coat, black pants and white gloves. He grabs the mic. "Did you miss me?" Tweek zooms in he starts to shake, trying to get the attention of Mark. "Dude....Dude..." Tweek says as he grabs Mark by the shirt pulling him towards the exit. "What the hell man?" Mark says..just in time Tweek points to the stage as they reach the door. The man in the black hooded coat pulls his hood back as it is the man in the white mask. He holds his arms up as he laughs. The crowd starts to panic but then the lights go out. In a blink of an eye all the lights turn back on as he is standing on the balcony with the rest of the Military guards dressed in all in black with a black mask. "Ladies and Gentleman welcome to my new game, welcome to my first game of my return. Welcome to the game that will change the world! Boys! lower the special surprise for these lovely people please!" The warehouse roof opens up as a giant old school looking bomb lowers into the warehouse. It stops and the roof closes. The bomb hangs above the warehouse. "Oh I hope you like this game because it will be the BOMB" He laughs and starts to walk around the balcony looking down at everyone. His hands behind his back as walks. "So Here is the game Metal Heads...There is about what 500 more or less of you here now..I want to see the biggest gladiator fight in the world." He stops and leans over the railing of the balcony, looking down at them all..his head twitches. "That's right folks 500 men and women..and there can only be one winner..." The crowd starts to freak alittle and looking around some are confused some are scared. Tweek records everything but trys to the door as it is locked he looks back at the man in the white mask. "Now If you don't fight you all die anyways..." He points to the bomb. "And if you are the last one to survive the doors will open. buuuuuuuuutttttt you have to get out before the bomb goes off....of course?! But there is a catch to this battle royal....there is only one yes one weapon...no im not that evil I really want to see a good fight...So I will give you two weapons!" The man in the white mask turns around and then back tossing a machete toward the crowd. People moved as it hit the ground, but no one goes for it. The man in the white mask turns around again grabbing a pistol from the one of the guards. He would dangle the pistol over them but then he pops the mag out and flicks the bullets out into the crowd. He stops leaving one bullet in the mag and pops the mag back into place. He does not cock it he just tosses it into the crowd, hearing it hit the ground. "So that you all know im not a bad guy and you all did come here to see the best band in the world...I will have them play one maybe two and if it a good fight three song so dont push it kiddies! Sooo just to recap..only one person will either live or they you all die before the bomb strikes zero. since there is 500 of you I will give you 30 mins before the bomb goes BOOM! " He laughs "Now behold Goblin Shit!" The Band appears on stage wearing the goblin mask, the cage surrounds them as they start to play. -Click the music now- The timer starts to count down. The crowd stands there really not know what to do. some people rush to the door trying to open it, but of course the door is locked and there are bars on the windows. The man in the white mask starts to head bang listening to the band and his small military army guys are seen exiting towards the roof. Tweek looks at Mark as he sets the camera down on the merch table with all the Goblin shit shirts. Tweek nods to Mark as they start to punch their way and kick their way to the gun. Once they started others started to do the same as the massive brawl starts!
  15. 1 point
    Votes love but is secretly faking the love
  16. 1 point
    I was wondering if anyone would need a bodyguard for when the "Town Square Module" is released. I will protect you from whom ever would want to harm you in any way and I will always stay loyal to my boss. A little about myself: Dark skinned, Very big and muscular, though and aint afraid of anything, always loyal, I was a in the military some years back but have decided that I'm done serving my country after one of my close friends died when we was on a mission in Syria. I also know very well how to use a gun if that would be nesecarily. Write a message down below if you're intrested. Peace.
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    New to the Community whats up everyone! Quick question; where's the appropriate section to find out how to sign-up as a developer for this game?!
  19. 1 point
    Sorry for the late post I have been incredibly busy! The winners for the ICAwards are as follows: ICA Politics Award - For whoever has been most active and engaging in the political arena The ICA Politics Award goes to @LuciousTimes ICA Business Award - For whoever has put a lot of effort into their business The ICA Business Award goes to @TheNerdyChef ICA Law Enforcement Award - For the law enforcement agent who has been engaging with the community the most The ICA LEA Goes to @Norway174 ICA Entrepreneur Award - For the business owner with the most unique and original idea for a business There were no nominations for the entrepreneur award. ICA Diplomat Award - For someone who always contributes to discussions in an impartial and respectful manner The ICA Diplomat Award goes to @TheNerdyChef ICA Support Award - For whoever is always there to answer any questions for anyone The ICA Support Award was tied between @LuckyDuck and @JamesLuck01 ICA Underworld Award - For the most lucrative criminal. Can go to a whole group. The ICA Underworld Award goes to @Frank The Identity Masters Award - For the all-around best jack of all trades character on the forums And there were no nominations for this award, but I would like to award it to the whole Identity team including the forum moderators. Thank you! Well done to all the winners!
  20. 1 point
    Aug 29th 2017. Much better.
  21. 1 point
    Ohhhhh, PUBG is actually a really great game in my opinion.
  22. 1 point
    I would like to see the 2018 Ford Explorer Sport because it is a mostly affordable SUV that seats 7 and it has a great style