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Showing most liked content on 06/30/2017 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Yes, WE will be your competition, you do not seem to be much at the moment though. You are offering 20.00 to DJ's to work for you , yet you are begging for donations to a radio station that as yet does not exist! LMAO Getting a bit ahead of yourself there aren't you? I would very strongly suggest that you treat the ladies of Identity with the utmost respect. My advice to you is to get your station up and running BEFORE you make offers you cannot keep. I look forward to watching how in the world you manage this, it should be quite amusing overall. Oh and if you want to listen to some music while you are begging for donations, please stop by our station as it works NOW! HAHAHAHAHA Take care and good luck to you also!
  2. 3 points
    RAVENWOLF RADIO DJ RAVENWOLF will be live this Sunday from 12noon to 3pm!!
  3. 2 points
    Hey there.. Wanted to introduce our Radio station that we have up and running already. 101.5 WIRP SHAMOKIN RAVENWOLF RADIO We are looking to bringing it into Identity once the game goes live. DJ Kat, DJ Ravenwolf, and DJ OldNo7 already to rock you around on the radio waves, LIVE! We play from Old school Rock n Roll to Country.. with a lil bit of the other genres in between for some added spice. We are available for events or just if you want to tune in to listen. As we wait for Identity to arrive, we already have a few events scheduled and will be posting those times as they come up. In the future, we will be looking to hire DJ's who want to rock the radio waves! Here is our link http://www.ravenwolfradio.caster.fm/ so that you can listen, enjoy and relax. Please if you like the radio.. please give us a thumbs up on the page.. Keep Rocking On Everyone!! SCHEDULE OF EVENTS As we are eagerly waiting for IDENTITY to open, here are a few times that we will be on the air! SEPTEMBER 22, 2017 DJ OLD NO7 NOON TO 3PM SEPTEMBER 23, 2017 DJ RAVENWOLF 6AM TO 9AM DJ RAVENWOLF 3PM TO 6PM SEPTEMBER 24, 2017 DJ OLD NO7 NOON TO 3PM ALL TIMES ARE EASTERN STANDARD TIME ZONE.
  4. 2 points
    So, their streams is from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm EST time. The EST timezone isn't active at this time of the year, because it's summer, therefore, the EDT timezone should be used instead. The same goes for your timezone, PST, which will use PDT instead. There's this amazing site called WorldTimeBuddy, which converts timezones. When it's 4 pm EDT time, it is 1 pm PDT time, which means, that their stream is from 1 to 2 pm PDT time.
  5. 2 points
    It was the progress of the Library/ Gallery which was shown and also on the live stream, they said that they want to surprise us with things instead of give us everything and have nothing for us to not have seen. e.g. Showing us everything we are excited for means no more excitement for it. Yes a video will be out soon enough and we just have to wait for it which is the combat video.
  6. 1 point
    Greetings everyone, Today I'd like to update you guys on some progress for Identity. Below, you will find new pictures that haven't been shown to the public eye yet. We know you are waiting so eagerly to play, but please remember everything takes time. Thanks to everyone who has shown the developers support thus far!
  7. 1 point
    Want to become friends before we even get into the game? Or want to successfully create your character before the release hits? I have a copy/paste character outline for anyone that wants to use it! Outline: [ Credit: Yeah Write ] Name: Nickname: Reason for name: Birthday: Age: Gender: Place of birth: Places lived since: Parents’ names, backgrounds, occupations: Number of siblings: Relationship with family (close? estranged?): Happiest memory: Childhood trauma: Children of his/her own?: If so, relationship with their mother/father?: Age he/she gave birth/became a father: PHYSICAL Height: Weight: Build: Nationality: Disabilities (physical or mental, including mental illnesses): Complexion (freckles, acne, skin tone, birth marks): Face shape: Distinguishing facial features: Hair color: Usual hair style: Eye color: Glasses? Contacts?: Style of dress/typical outfit(s): Typical style of shoes: Health (is this person usually sick? or very resilient?): Grooming (does she/he wear makeup? shower daily? wear only clean clothes? pluck her eyebrows?): Jewelry? Tattoos? Piercings?: Accent?: Unique mannerisms/physical habits (bites nails, talks with hands, taps feet when restless): Athletic?: INTELLECT Level of education (high school drop out, undergrad BA/BS, PhD, MD, etc.): Level of self esteem: Gifts/talents: Shortcomings: Style of speech (loud, mumbler, articulate, etc.): “Left brain” or “right brain” thinker?: Artistic?: Mathematical?: Makes decisions based mostly on emotions, or on logic?: Neuroses: Life philosophy: Religious stance: Cautious or daring?: Most sensitive about/vulnerable to: Optimist or pessimist?: Extrovert or introvert?: Level of comfort with technology: RELATIONSHIPS Current marital/relationship status: Sexual orientation: Past relationships: Primary reason for being broken up with: Primary reasons for breaking up with people: Level of sexual experience: Story of first kiss (if any–if not, how does he/she want it to happen?): Story of loss of virginity (if any–if not, how does he/she want it to happen, if at all?): A social person? (popular, loner, some close friends, makes friends and then quickly drops them): Most comfortable around (person): Oldest friend: How does he/she think others perceive him/her?: How do others actually perceive him/her?: VOCATION Profession: Past occupations: Passions: Attitude towards current job: Attitude towards current coworkers, bosses, employees: Salary: SECRETS (Every character–no matter how minor–should always have secrets!) Phobias: Life goals: Dreams: Greatest fears: Most ashamed of: Most embarrassing thing ever to happen to him/her: Compulsions: Obsessions: Secret hobbies: Secret skills: Past sexual transgressions: Crimes committed (and was he/she caught? charged?): What he/she most wants to change about his/her current life: What he/she most wants to change about his/her physical appearance: DETAILS/QUIRKS Daily routine: Night owl or early bird?: Light or heavy sleeper?: Favorite food: Least favorite food: Favorite book: Least favorite book: Favorite movie: Least favorite movie: Favorite song: Least favorite song: Coffee or tea?: Crunchy or smooth peanut butter?: Type of car he/she drives (or wishes he/she drove): Lefty or righty?: Favorite color: Cusser?: Smoker? Drinker? Drug user?: Biggest regret: Pets?:
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    Check out the replay! https://www.twitch.tv/videos/155049217
  10. 1 point
    Lombardo was born in Boston on the north end to Italian-American parents. His childhood was plagued by trouble at school and growing up around gangsters. By 13 he was running with a street gang committing petty crimes and constantly getting in trouble with law enforcement. The north end gangsters took notice and the neighborhood capo took him under his wing. Lombardo by then was 16 and already committed his first murder as a revenge killing. The future looked bright for johnny until a war broke out between the north end and the southie Irish mob. His capo and several of his friends were murdered and johnny himself was almost killed. With a crippled crew and RICO coming down on the family, johnny decided to break off and escape to the island. With his contacts from Boston he linked up with the luprano crime family where he is today. Age- early 20s hair- black eyes- brown build- athletic, 6ft
  11. 1 point
    Harry Luprano’s back story I grew up in Venice in a small house, if you want to call it that, but it was terrible. My dad was my idol, the man I looked up to who I wanted to be. But when I was around 14 my dad got in an ‘accident’ while driving, but the week before that my dad lost his license and car, so I knew something was off about it. Later on, I looked around all the areas he took me, and his ‘friends’ were there in fedoras and black suits with weapons, making a deal. As an anger impulse I sneaked up behind one of them, grabbed his gun and shot the bastard I felt who did it…killed my dad.. When I looked up 4 or 5 guys were there staring at me but instead of killing me for killing one of their own, they took me in instead. Eventually I was doing drug runs, gun runs, you name it, because no one suspected a kid doing this type of stuff, so I was the perfect guy for the job. When I turned 20, 6 years with the mob at this point, they figured out who my dad was as they were going to make me. Instead of killing me there and then the boss sent me out to an island in the United States, on an island in the east. As soon as I arrived I knew I had to join the mob again…It’s the only thing I’ve ever known how to do, so now I’ve going up with the Luprano Family, the reason why I did? Because it felt right, having the same last name as the family I’m going to be with for the rest of my days. However one thing is always on my mind, that bastard I shot back in Venice…was that the man who killed my dad?.
  12. 1 point
    Add in custom business cards that can be edited to have custom text about your corporation.
  13. 1 point
    the video u posted is the most appropriate thing ive seen
  14. 1 point
    omg that will be My worst nightmare that i could ever think of i mean look at ea play just look what happend there that vloger jessi Damn !! come on , how desperate u need to be, to get someone Like Him in this Picture ??!?!?!?!?!? he got nothing to do with anything even in life ?! to say the least its BAD Realllly bad , and they have the guts to come up on camera say to our faces we are listening to u players , omg , how is there not somebody exposing the shit out of EA , i mean for sooo long they milked the Money out of there fans to me its been 7 years on the same method and now ubisoft is falling in there footstips the Assassins creed games its getting ridiculous , why isnt there something to keep those people in check like back in the days when they do a bad game they go up and say we apologize and we Fucked up , now look at sniper ghost worrier they Bribing youtubers to play the game and say good thing about them and they got exposed by an honest youtuber , am lacking words now but DAMN ITS BAD for Games right now !!
  15. 1 point
    I have been hearing this for like 3 months now
  16. 1 point
    Hey guys.. I´ve made an Identity Steam Fan group :D. If you want to Join: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Identity-Fans
  17. 1 point
    regardless, luckyduck you are a forum god. appreciate everything you do here man!
  18. 1 point
    That is why I said "At least a year after".
  19. 1 point
    Hey there, so far this game will be PC exclusive until release and after. I mean by this is that none of the developers on the Identity team has not got experience on developing for console and so after full release for PC, they will look into console porting but there is no plans on releasing the game to console of of now and so you need a PC to be able to play it. Console release if ever will happen, will likely be at least a year after the full game releases for PC (My opinion).
  20. 1 point
    Hola!! Soy Drusylla y escribo desde España, espero con mucha impaciencia la llegada de este juego. Espero que seamos una comunidad grande de latinos porque el inglés no lo domino muy bien. Tengo 25 años y soy veterinaria, no se si se podrá ejercer esta profesión de entrada, si no es asi me vale cualquier trabajo en una tienda o restaurante, etc Espero que me contrateis jaja Bueno, no veo la hora de conoceros a todos y que seamos amigos (O enemigos, quien sabe xD) Hasta pronto!!
  21. 1 point
    More 3D objects oh yay, anyone can build 3d objects. There is no gameplay yet. There wont be.
  22. 1 point
    FAQ : The initial world size is expected to be an enormous 200 km2 . When launch idk i estimate 12th july (probably not) august
  23. 1 point
    Physics: Bumpy roads with realistic camera movement. Cars, Semi trucks, etc all have different physics. Cars have more moveability, semi trucks are bigger and have trailers. Different licenses. I was told there was going to be a tutorial as a license. I believe that is fine but should be different for every vehicle. Semi trucks are completely different and people that don't know that will crash their vehicle. Make acceleration more realistic for keyboards. As in realistic acceleration, braking, etc. Also trying to help out keyboard trying since it is either full throttle or full brake. (If possible.) Realistic damages and maintenance All realistic vehicle physics Map: Speed bumps in certain areas. Offroad roads Backroads Tracks for racing. (Foot racing and car racing) Drug camp. Where drug addictions hang out and dealers pass by. Bus lanes DMV where you take "vehicle license test." Cities in hills. Forum: Sections to advertise private servers. Other: Ability to break down building owned by a player. Or buy land and build buildings there. (If possible and most likely have to be requested to a developer.) Able to carry multiple phones and radios. (If possible) Dual wield weapons Animations for picking up items, pulling out, showing, etc. When creating a character you must have a real first and last name. I will update this as I brainstorm ideas. If you have anything to add comment it down below!
  24. 1 point
    Hey everyone! awesome to meet everyone! Looking forward to the grand opening as well! Hope everyone has a safe and wonderful 4th of July.. Give a shout of Amen and thank you to our military out there protecting us!
  25. 1 point
    roleplay... the game is (or will be) literally built for the ultimate roleplay experience in my opinion.
  26. 1 point
    I hope they incorporate training them... and maybe even vets/animal hospitals in the future?
  27. 1 point
    at this point i'm not losing interest in the game because of the lacking gender expression features, i'm losing interest because this community (like most online gaming communities) is so fucking saturated with ugly old white men who make fun of trans people to feel better about their receding hairlines. i'm pretty new to this type of online game, but would it be possible to form a server/community that specifically blacklisted bigots? lmao because i am fresh out of spoons to have to prove my fucking gender to someone named "the orgazoid" whose main goal in this game is to spearhead an escorting service lmao
  28. 1 point
    Identity's development has been moving at a pace we've never experienced in the past. With added full-time programming and art talent, we've been able to produce more content in a shorter time than expected. With all of the base features of Town Square in place, we've now been building up the supporting systems; the menu interfaces, server selection systems, character creation and more are well underway now. You'll get a good preview of the character customization soon! Ridable bicycle; work in progress Some exciting progress is also being seen beyond the Town Square! Our vehicle systems are starting to get fleshed out. We found the integrated Unreal Engine vehicle subsystems to be inadequate for the realism and fidelity we seek, so Identity will run on an entirely rebuilt vehicle physics engine. With this you can expect extremely realistic handling of bicycles, cars, vans, motorcycles, semi-trucks and more. We've got the Twitch Game development is an exciting career that many gamers aspire for. Just a couple of weeks ago we had test run streaming our development live on Twitch. In our first stream, our character artist Miroslav added different eyebrow varieties to Identity character head models. These are some of the eyebrow options you'll be able to choose when creating your characters; get an inside look at the work which goes into even a small detail as this. While the task Miroslav had at the time might not have been the most exciting, we're in the process of setting up a schedule for very regular streams from a variety of development departments. Keep an eye on Twitter and Facebook for stream time announcements. Click the preview below to watch the recorded stream. It runs at just under an hour in duration. Identity's first Dev Stream: Miroslav's Eyebrows You can find our Twitch channel at Twitch.tv/IdentityRPG. Follow us there to get notified when an Identity developer starts streaming! Path to the Town Square Town Square early revision; work in progress A lot of Town Square work has been accomplished since the last dev blog! From interface to animations and more feature polish, the Town Square is shaping up into a genuinely interesting social environment. We've been making everything we can in the environment interactive. If it looks like it would have some sort of purpose in reality, we're making it useful (or at least entertaining) in Identity, too! Grab a newspaper for the latest happenings, toss a coin into the fountain or grab a can of soda from the machine. Visual dynamics have been added as well. Simple things bring immersion to the environment. The clocks on buildings and towers show the real in-game time, the cinema marquee sign shows the movies playing with real times (which can be adjusted by owners of community servers in retail Identity) and more. We're making the Identity environment, and thus that in Town Square, feel alive and interactive. A hotel lobby at night -- John VanderZwet
  29. 1 point
    Yesterday afternoon, for another Identity Insider, we've released a video detailing the workings of player housing in Identity and what it has to offer at our present point in development. This gives you a good idea of the level of fidelity we're going for in all of our key systems, and more videos will follow as we continue. Housing was chosen for our first video as our initial focus in development is for features present in the upcoming Town Square module. If you haven't already seen the video, check it out above. Housing as you've seen in the video is an excellent place to hang out with friends, but it has a lot of good practical uses, too! First, housing is the primary storage location for items you've collected. Whether it's a bookshelf full of books, a gun-rack with wall-mounted guns, or a crate full of junk, it's sort of like a bank for tangible stuff. Housing is also valuable for moderate crafting, too. Some advanced recipes might require a factory, but a lot of stuff can be created at your home using special crafting tables. A hydroponics table can even be used to grow small-scale plants, legal or otherwise!
  30. 1 point
    i am nutral on this, but fair point we need to be updated more, to keep all intrested, was bit of a unfair comment about "have you done 3d game development before?" etc, just as a sub note, i have built the whole of Storybrooke from ABC once upon a Time , and that only took a year so , if you have a good devs team yes you could build a City or even a world in 3d, but the devs team need to keep us who have backed this updated, like Planet Coaster , always keep the backers in the know
  31. 1 point
    Hey Jabba, here is a link: https://discord.gg/nByZX Everyone who is arguing: STOP. This forum was made to discuss the game, not hate on it. We don't want a toxic community. If you think it is a scam, leave. No need for unnecessary hate. -Badger
  32. 1 point
    You're trying to be a tough guy and put down this game anyway you can. You try and ruin it for anybody else because you're mad you didn't get it already.
  33. 1 point
    Hey guys, I'm really happy about how excited you all are to see these screenshots of the Town Square. They're just meant to be a little something to show you guys how progress is going for that module! You might remember the first screenshot of this location that we published back in may, and will notice that the square has been completely rebuilt from that original version! Just keep in mind that this is a work in progress with much of the detail, props, decals, lighting and textures still remaining to be added to the scene. Old Square:
  34. 1 point
    Yeah, I should have added sisters, I went over this like 5 times knowing I was missing something.
  35. 1 point
    There is one gang here, Men Of Mayhem, where if you're lady you have little options. I just find it awkward when in the description it says "We are a band of brothers" or "Call other members brother" because I'm clearly a sis.
  36. 1 point
    You got a steam bro?