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Showing most liked content on 06/24/2017 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Identity has blown me away... I mean this in the nicest way possible, It seems so ambitious I truely wonder if it will ever get done. Nonetheless I have decided to back this "game". Lets be honest, this will be much more than a game if it ever comes to be. Ive played hundred of hours of AltisLife, so you deserve my money for that anyway. I need this life in my life..
  2. 3 points
    Here you go! Some images might cause trouble. Paste URL In 1. Copy the URL of the image 2. Paste it in, it should turn into an image automatically Insert URL of Image 1. Click on "Insert other media" in the bottom right corner. 2. Click "Insert image from URL" 3. Copy the URL/link of the image 4. Paste it into the box and insert it Drag Image From Site 1. Find the image 2. Hold down left click over the image 3. Drag it onto the textbox Imgur If you post the image onto Imgur you can easily drag it in/use the URL. http://imgur.com/
  3. 2 points
    When you pledge on the store, you will get access to the Modules and Beta and when the full game comes out it will be on steam in which you will get a steam key sent via email.
  4. 2 points
    welcome to the community fam, hope you have fun and stay active in the forums I'm doing pretty good!
  5. 2 points
    Wow, what a month. It's been busy here at Asylum as usual, so let's get down to the interesting stuff! As expected, our current focus is on the Town Square so that we can get it out to you as soon as possible. We're finalising the interior of the library and art gallery (shared within one building) and adding polish to the environment. Once the clothing store interior is complete following that, the Town Square environment is ready to go. We'll continuously be adding more art after release though; specifically for house furnishings, decorations and clothing. In addition to the environment art, Miroslav (character artist) has been creating all sorts of hair assets which allow us to show hair appropriately when wearing a hat or helmet. This is a big task for him as it means making variations to match the hat options for each length of hair, but in the end it'll ensure your hair always looks as you'd expect when wearing headgear. Hair under a hat; work in progress Right next to the clothing shop you'll find a bicycle store where you can get a sneak preview of some of the bikes you'll be able to ride around in the full Identity release. We showed you a bicycle work in progress last blog post and now you can see the finished result of that below. This image will give you a rough idea of the detail level you'll see in Identity's vehicles. Ridable bicycle With more final systems coming online for the Town Square release, we now have functioning phones. Each player will start with a cellphone, although you'll be able to upgrade it with three mobile OS options available. The phone OS' each have a unique and interesting style. Characters also have a designated phone number assigned when they're created; you'll be able to get a custom number for a fee. These phones work just as you'd expect. You're able to dial up another player and speak with voice remotely. Businesses can even get a business line which, when called, will contact a member of that corporation who's online. Shot from an internal system test: advertising While the art of the billboard above isn't final, it gives you a very good idea of what you can expect in Identity for advertising. That's right, you can really publish messages around the world through billboards and other means. Corporations and those running for government office can purchase billboard space to help get their message out. You'll select a graphical template from a large list of options and then attach a brief message or other customization to make it your own. These billboards can also be moderated by the server operators. There are other similar advertising systems, too. For example digital road signs can be made to show custom messages by the current government. We can't wait to show you more of Identity, and we'll soon have that opportunity with the release of an overhauled website. Those current pledge packages are about to go away forever, and some of the rewards won't be available for purchase again after the new website changes. Also, follow us on our Twitch channel if you'd like to stop in and ask questions of the developers. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday you'll find a few developers playing a random game from 4pm EST to 5pm EST. Ask any questions and they'll be happy to answer on stream. Catch some of Identity's developers hard at work and see how they make the magic happen: we'll be providing development streaming dates and times on Twitter, soon! -- John VanderZwet
  6. 2 points
    We have formed a community unlike any other game. I have a feeling that this will be special! See y'all in game!
  7. 2 points
    I am not reading through this entire debate because I have seen some misinformation regarding Leslie Benzies. First and foremost he was forced to resign from Rockstar, and in turn sued Rockstar for it which was settled about a month ago. Though this is not backed by Rockstar, this is backed by one of the largest names from Rockstar (his resignation and lawsuit caused a drop in Rockstar stocks) and has interest from Microsoft and Sony. Rockstar itself is a large brand, however that brand was built by the Houser brothers and Leslie Benzies, his name alone has power still. Leslie Benzies was against mircotransactions and his primary focus was story and character development, the Housers are the micro-hungry-whores or "Cockstar". He is essentially Kojima of Rockstar..
  8. 2 points
    This should be a warning to the devs to at least give us something tangible soon before other games like everywhere take up all the attention(not saying this to be an ass its just a fact)
  9. 2 points
    Since the Developers of Identity already have created a lifeRP mod for Arma3, they know what they are doing. They are much further ahead in the development and have a great community to back them and give them great ideas which cannot happen in triple A games. Most people here will recognise this game as the pinochle of LifeRP games and the modules will be coming out soon, so the game will get abit more publicity therefore attracting a larger audience making it less prone to being overrun by 'everywhere'.
  10. 1 point
    Hello everyone! Some of you might remember that I had a thread on the old forum with an Imgur album containing all pictures posted by the developers on Twitter and Facebook. I just wanted to let you all know, both those who might have seen it but had forgot about it, aswell as new people who found it just now that it still exists and is updated as soon as a new picture is released. You can access it here, feel free to use it (or not use it) however you like. Take care!
  11. 1 point
    *Disclaimer: I get that my business may not work in game but hopefully.* Whopper Garage™ About: Whopper Garage™ ~Since 2012~ Car Customization service in the Forza Horizon franchise and Identity. We Specialize in: Performance Tuning Cosmetic Enhancement and Design Showroom Quality Cosmetics and Painting Detailing Repairs Pricing(Price not available until release): Performance Tuning on Stock Car - $XX Depending On Car Performance Upgrades - Depending on Upgrade Cosmetic Modification - $XX For Body Kit Cosmetic Custom Design - Depends on How Complex Positions Available: Mechanic (4 Spots) Painter (2 Spots) Cosmetic Designer (2 Spots)
  12. 1 point
    Hello guys! I am thinking of opening a restaurant but I do not know how this system will work and I do not even know if I can create a restaurant. Can anyone tell me if it will be possible to create a restaurant? I'm only 14 years old but I invest in stock exchange, I know a lot about how a restaurant works and many other things.
  13. 1 point
    (Deleted bc i wrote this when i was really angry and probably should have)
  14. 1 point
    Hey there fellow people! I'm here to give my opinion on this. I don't want any argument and I ain't here to complain as I don't really care about when it will go out or whatever, I got all my time. I'm a bit disappointed with their interaction with us though. What about those weekly tweet answers we used to get? And all those videos we got promised? I mean.. I've been working on a game for two months now, I'm a one man team, I work on modelling/programming/texturing and much more everyday and i still got the time to make two 20 mins videos to present all the gameplay mechanics and interfaces we've made (2 months and we got game mechanics and interfaces ready for final release) so I'd just like to know.. Is it pure laziness or is it just that you guys REALLY have nothing to show that could be intereting? I personally released a video on test gameplay mechanics and people loved it so.. Yeah. What do you guys think? I'm still hyped for the game, don't you worry.
  15. 1 point
    This group = no f***s given Alright, I'm going straight to the point. Like to just chill? Like drugs? Wanna make easy money? Looking for people to chill with? I'm starting a little group called the Dozers. We doze around, we don't really care. We produce drugs and sell them, and also use some ourself, for example, weed. We do pretty much whatever we feel like doing. If we feel like just chillin for the day and just smoking backwood we do it Whenever we're losing money or low on it, we sell drugs, when we cash a check, we split some if we wanna, and we usually spend it however we feel like it. We're going to have a trap house, and just whip on the stove until we break our wrist rofl Hmu if you're down
  16. 1 point
    Can you change your profile pic maybe? I like your campaign!
  17. 1 point
    The people who pre-ordered it will get access to beta/modules and when it releases on Steam you will get a Game Key and then you can activate it on your account.
  18. 1 point
    If fake credit cards and counterfeit money is invented people will find ways to glitch it to exploit it, it's going to become a game-breaking bug and will probably result in chaos happening.
  19. 1 point
    First of all, welcome to the community! Now let's address your questions: As far as I know, your character and businesses will not transfer between servers, however there will be an option to make a duplicate of a previous characters looks across servers so you look the same world wide. Do not be intimidated by the already built businesses. I made my business when the market was already full of other clothing manufacturers, I just made my business unique and had a solid plan as to what I want to do with my business and it became one of the more popular threads, getting over 1000 views. Just be confident and unique. I can see you are determined, so if you would like I can make a marketing deal with you in which you will market for me and I will pay you in money and I will help get word about any business you also want to run. Maybe a marketing firm? Maybe a private health care centre? Get creative! We haven't really heard much about official business structures, I know any models already made are entirely by the owners/CEO's themselves.
  20. 1 point
    yea but a Modification for Arma 3, so for me its a new game its RP
  21. 1 point
    I bet its like apple pay with all money actions either over phone or like GTA 5
  22. 1 point
    I think credit cards is a great addition but sadly for the fake money, I don't think it will work but it is a good idea.
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    Hello @SpirokBr and welcome to the Identity community. Feel free to read the 2 FAQ's which you can find in my Signature. They provide good information about the Game. If you have any questions regarding the community or the game and which answer you can't find in the forums, feel free to contact me. Enjoy your stay here -Radack
  25. 1 point
    Hi everyone, I discovered identity through a Brazilian channel on youtube and I really enjoyed the game since I first saw it. I am thinking of buying the $ 30.00 package but I want to know if it is reliable to buy it since it has no launch forecast. Could someone get me that little doubt?? Thank you if anyone can respond. I do not know english very well, sorry.
  26. 1 point
    It would appear as though that this site has a bad spam filter for supplement pills. Maybe someone should look at that.
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
    What is Days = Real life time? (I'm talking about jailtimes)
  29. 1 point
    Yeah, many people have wanted a game like this and finally, someone is making a serious game where you feel immersed, can RP, can do a wide variety of jobs, and can live a "Second Life." As I said before, this game seems to be serious and realistic, and also not just a bunch of criminals shooting you in the face if you step out of a safe zone. *cough* GTA Online *cough*
  30. 1 point
    honestly I think that this game genre will be the first of many. I think it looks really cool
  31. 1 point
  32. 1 point
    Im so lazy that I just stole this IMG instead of typing it out.
  33. 1 point
    I feel sorry for the person who can't get genuinely excited about his work. Not only will he never be satisfied, but he will never achieve anything worthwhile. - Walter Chrysler
  34. 1 point
    "I like saying 'no' It lowers their enthusiasm" -Ron Swanson
  35. 1 point
    Hey my man. Yes it looks cool. Im doing k even with now just one broken arm. ~Luck~ -Whopper
  36. 1 point
  37. 1 point
    I see your point. But it is not everybody who are able to take care of them selfs. And especially such a basic and important thing like healthcare should be a right for everybody - maybe by highering the taxes? I guess it's just me who would feel like these taxes is veeeeerrryy low! Here in Denmark the lowest tax is about 40% - and I'm pretty sure the highest is 56%. I think it'll funny to have debates from such many cultures as Identity will represent - and of course to see the outcome of it
  38. 1 point
    a Trench coat like the ones seen in PlayerUnknowns BATTLEGROUNDS would be great, I love the look of trench coats!
  39. 1 point
    Have you thought of finding alternatives to prevent guns from being smuggled in? Maybe just limitations on the military grade weapons?
  40. 1 point
    Question: How do you manage to solve 60% of Identity's population being obese as the game comes out?
  41. 1 point
    Welcome to the Political Arena!
  42. 1 point
    Ive watched it once and couldn't do it, its always the same generic questions, same generic answers , and them playing other games ( i was somewhat hoping they would have slideshows of the game, or a little sneak peak of the game during stream )
  43. 1 point
    The only thing anyone ever gives for an answer is, "delay" "cant rush" " things take time" i dont think we ever will know whats causing them to be so many months behind, but just hope they finish soon before people lose interest. i honestly wish they communicated a lot more to the community about these things and progress and such.
  44. 1 point
    Competition makes the best result... enough said
  45. 1 point
    Hello guys, you both seem to be having a fight over who is right or wrong, well i will tell you. @cops6829 is closer to the truth. 1. The 1st module and 2nd module will release close together but the 3rd module (Racing) will take longer as it is a bit more complicated stuff and they could encounter things they have not anticipated for being that will be release by the end of this year or early next year. 2. Beta is said to be Early 2018 3. This leaves the Full Game to be Mid 2018 or after.
  46. 1 point
    We shall stay as loyal fans
  47. 1 point
    The big problem that is the game "everywhere" made its first video then we are screwed !!! because the problem is not about if there are 2 games that are the same. the problem is the attention that "everywhere" is going to take more than identity while identity is the first of this genre idea. identity should make a really good ,fast video about the game or all the big news like ign gamespot polygon will go after everywhere.
  48. 1 point
    Are you crazy thats the former president of rockstar the maker of GTA series without him there will be no gta. so he will make a really big game as he got more than 1500 followers on twitter in the first day also go check youtube, ign have announced it and are making attention on it now
  49. 1 point
    Not a problem from what I can see. First off, he left Rockstar, so therefor he loses the Rockstar backing and the Rockstar feel, not to mention the financial support. Rockstar games are popular because of the brand name and the experienced team they have together, not because of a few people. He's leaving that all behind in hopes of bringing some of what he's learned through them to this new game, which doesn't necessarily guarantee it any success. Secondly, the development is just beginning. From what I've read on it, there are no clear plans, just ideas. It may turn out to be similar to Identity, or it may turn out to be a very different game with the same ideas. The great thing about games is that you can have multiple games of the same type, and each will be very different. I'm certainly not counting out Identity, nor am I fearing for it at this point in time. I have no doubt the developers here know what they're doing, and will deliver us a great product. From what I've seen, they're already surpassing the customizability and creation that is allowed with any GTA game.
  50. 1 point
    Hello reader, General Background I am creating this post just for anyone that wants to know a little bit about me and who I am. To start off, my real name is Andrew. I like anime and all you RE:Zero fans out there probably could have guessed that by now. #TeamRem. I am in highschool and I take Graphic Design/photography and enjoy it thoroughly. I aspire to go into business and create my own business that invents new technology that is innovative and exciting. In 'Identity' I will be a radio talk show host and own a large radio company with multiple stations with many types of stations. I will have stations dedicated to music, talking, sports announcing, etc. I don't really have a logo as of now because I am slacking off and not really in the mood to make one but I will be shortly an you bet your ass that it will be beautiful. I will most likely make it once the game comes out. Common questions Q: What kind of accent is that? A: I have a Russian accent as I speak and understand fluent Russian. Q: How old are you? A: 15 Q: What got you into gaming? A: On my 7th birthday, a random guy appeared at our house while I was living in Brooklyn, NY and he offered to sell his Xbox with over 100 games and a steering wheel. I have played "Midnight Club 3 DUB edition". That was the first game that I ever played. I soon went onto play AA2 (America's Army 2). I then branched off and played many other games and now I am here. Q: Why do you like forums so much? A: I like forums because here, I can talk with people that have a similar interest and make new friends that can last a life time. Q: What's your ultimate goal on this forum in particular? A: Well, it all varies. On this forum, I might shoot to become a moderator one day because everyone on here seems to be well behaved and no trolls, I could go around helping people; which I love to do. Anything else Favorites. Color: Purple Food: Sushi Music: Heavy Metal/Punk Rock Anime: RE:Zero Band: Hollywood Undead Song: Dive in - Pierce the Veil Game: ATM Arma 3 Conclusion I am a chill guy and I like to have fun. Thanks for reading my post and have a wonderful day! ~Rem Leave any comments or questions and I will answer them :). Make sure to @ me so I know that you left it.