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3 pointsNATIONAL IDENTITY FRONT (NIF) There is nothing more important than the political independence for a civilized group of people. As the people, we must embrace and share a communal identity with our nation to ensure that the political measures taken are for the furthering of full sovereignty, self-governance, and for the interest of the people. Through contextualizing history, we can understand that groups of people work best together when they share a common goal and idea. This is the ultimate goal of the National Identity Front. For those who are unaware, allow me to explain the meaning of Nationalism. Nationalism is the patriotic principle which sticks people together of different ethnic, tribal, linguistic, religious and cultural groupings into a single defined population, linked to a specific geographic territory. Our proposed system works through near-total democracy, with the voices of the people being heard over the non-elected bureaucrats who run our land. However, in order to reach such a democracy which is fair and equal for all, we must enforce an ethnostate to first achieve the aforementioned common goal, idea, and national identity. We are all for political discourse, and in fact, we promote it. We believe that no matter how much you may disagree with any form of speech, that if you are truly the "correct" one, then you should be able to out-argue them in an intellectual discussion. With the National Identity Front, our member base generally leans to fiscal conservatism, minimalism in government, market freedom, and, for the most part, social conservatism. However, our biggest focus is bringing the voice back to the people who built the lands in which we stand. It is the people's choice in which direction we take our land, with obviously the help of advice of council. How the Party is structured: President - Supreme Leader Vice Presidents - Djdobish, OnePumpWonder (There will be 2 of these) General Secretaries - iAreJayar (There will be 3 of these) Council Member - TBD (There will be 8 of these) NIF Members - Anyone who wants to help out and support the movement. We are looking for people who are like-minded, and want to help promote this party. If you want to join our party, PM me! Visit our website here: http://nationalidentityfront.co.nf This is a movement, and we need YOUR help to make IdentityRPG a truly great experience. UPDATE: The NIF President, Supreme Leader, is running for office. Show your support!
3 pointsThere will be an ingame news paper! But no news cast on the tv however you can have your own radio show. Another idea I had for people who want to have a tv show in identity is they could stream themselves on twitch and players in game could watch that twitch stream on their ingame TVs.
3 pointsWelcome to Identity, Brad! Thank you so much for your support, and for being a part of our ArmA 3 community before this!
2 pointsBUMP. Feel free to ask questions about the party, and the functionality behind it. We are planning to have representatives run for office(s) through our Party.
2 points
2 pointsWell I say this cause the the progress bar has moved up to 89%. Also the devs plan to release a weapon game play video within the next two weeks. I know the devs are always pushing back stuff and delaying releases, which is good and bad. I really think that town square should be out in 3-5 weeks. It's just been pushed back so much, but I think the devs are really almost ready.
1 pointTHE ROYAL FAMILY PARTY PLATFORM ICA Politics Award - For whoever has been most active and engaging in the political arena. The ICA Politics Award goes to @LuciousTimes - Joel Keys _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Policies (Simplified) : SOCIAL SECURITY: Social Security should be privatized (not to be confused with private savings accounts, but rather, private investments). JOBS: Pro small business. Supports giving small businesses and large businesses a 10% tax on corporation profit ( profit means after employees, inventory, and other expenses have been paid for) so that more jobs can be created. TAXES: Taxes will be a very simple flat tax. 13% of your reported yearly income. 10% tax will be placed on corporation profit, not income. ECONOMY: Supports free market competition and entrepreneurship, corporate deregulation and cutting entitlement spending. SECURITY/DEFENSE: Believe in a limited missile defense. Oppose nuclear buildup in the U.S. Believe that peace is achieved through worldwide relationship building. LEGAL/TORT REFORM: Supports tort reform and limiting victims compensation,especially for frivolous lawsuits. IMMIGRATION: Support illegal alien’s ability and right to become citizens and giving them more protections under the law. FAITH: Advocate free exercise of religion. EDUCATION: Promote school choice/vouchers and homeschooling. Supports voluntary student supported prayer in school. Opposes gender and race quotes in colleges. ABORTION: Generally pro-life with emphasis on promoting alternatives to abortion. ENERGY: Wish to find environmentally friendly energy sources and solutions. Oppose private increased drilling, especially in the U.S. However, government may be held to no large environment restrictions. HEALTHCARE: Strongly supports a complete separation of healthcare and state. However, in Identity our government will provide healthcare as the National Health Service introduced in 1948. 3% of all taxes will be put towards all healthcare needs. Doctor & Dental! FOREIGN POLICY: Strongly supports worldwide coalitions and multi-national programs. Supports aid for disadvantaged countries. Supports the UN. PEACE. UNITY. FOREVER. CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM: No restrictions on contributions form any legal resident. Believe that politicians holding an office should not be able to run for another seat until term is over. ENVIRONMENT: Supports privatizing federal land. Believe in cap and trade market based air pollution reductions and that the market should regulate itself. GUNS: Limited gun control. GAY RIGHTS: Pro private choice and equality including marriage. Laws (Detailed) : Due to the game environment the worst punishment for a crime is prison time and fines. So, for all crimes criminals will be punished by fine and/or prison time. THESE ARE FIRST OFFENSE PRISON TIMES, EVERY ADDITIONAL OFFENSE WILL HAVE YOUR TIME DOUBLED ( NOT EXCEEDING AN HOUR) WITH A $1000 FEE ATTACHED. SO, IF YOU PLAN TO MURDER 5 PEOPLE YOU MIGHT WANT TO BE PROSECUTED FOR ALL OF THEM AT THE SAME TIME. MURDER - 1 Hour THEFT OVER $5000 - 1 Hour THEFT BETWEEN $1000 & $5000 - 45 Minutes THEFT UNDER $1000 - 30 Minutes POSSESSION OF ANY ILLEGAL DRUGS - 30 Minutes ANY ACCOMPLICE ACTIONS OF ANY CRIME - 15 Minutes Five Characteristics of a Lucious Times Economy The main features of a Times economy are as follows: (a) Factors of production are owned by the individuals. (b) Every individual has freedom to start business of his own choice. (c) All economic activities are guided by the motive of profit. (d) Individuals are the owners and acquire property and pass it on to next heir after death. (e) Government has little role to play in the functioning of the economy. Prices of goods and services are determined by the market forces of demand and supply. Important Business Information Tax on businesses is 10% on company profit. After employees have been paid, inventory bought, etc. Depending on what the company reports as profit a business could nearly have no tax! The Tale of Lucious Times Lucious grew to be homeless on the streets of Los Angeles. In a city of crime Lucious had to be on the lookout at every turn. In Lucious' young life he grew to be very aware of the crime filled city and knew he had to do something to ensure his safety. At 15, Lucious started an organization with a few neighborhood boys called "The Peacekeepers". These boys were brutal. They cleaned the streets of crime in the most direct ways possible. Showing up to criminal hideouts and wasting away every member present, making fake visits to prisons and jails to poison and eliminate those criminals on the inside, making appointments with the LAPD to let THEM know how things would be done. The Peacekeepers were vigilantes at the finest. The city soon had a crime rate so low new schools were being built and more people migrated to the lovely city of Los Angeles. Through all the harsh deeds The Peacekeepers had done Lucious never was present for the actual action. He was the mastermind, the planner, the brain of the whole operation. Sitting behind a desk as leader of The Peacekeepers. Oh how things looked great! Lucious had made something out of nothing and became a city icon and hero as he grew older. Though soon, things made a turn for the worst. Lucious' closest partner, his beautiful fiance was capture by a man known by the name Gustavo Fring. A now well-known high profile methamphetamine drug lord. He did so because by cleaning up the city Lucious made distribution for Mr. Fring come to a complete stop in the area. Lucious grew furious, so furious he began to walk into a whole new light. The Peacekeepers became a weapon at Lucious' disposal. He thought long and hard and then finally had a plan. After finding where Fring was located Lucious and his team of over 200 men approached the location, guns loaded and ready for anything. However, Fring was already aware of Lucious' presence and decided to retaliate. Fring killed Lucious' fiance, then sent out total war upon Lucious and his men. In the end only two men were left standing; Fring and Lucious. After few words, Lucious caught leverage and killed Fring. Though Lucious was severely injured by gunshot. He called the LAPD. With quickness, Lucious was saved and had chance to speak with the LAPD Chief of Police. He thanked Lucious for his doings and after a long conversation of tears the chief left. Lucious began to realize how much he'd loss. All his men, his fiance, his hold on the city from crime all gone! Three weeks later Lucious walked out of the hospital, grab all $789,211 he'd raised with his people, and began to leave town for a new home. A place called Turtle Beach on Identity Island. However, when he got to the town line he found something waiting for him. Over half the city was standing their with gold-colored gold-scented candles. Some of them stood to give thanks, but many stood ready to follow him wherever he went. A woman by the name of Dorris Jean approached Lucious and told him this: "We give these candles to represent who you are to the city. Forever will you be the gold we all love, the gold we all know has provided, the gold we all know will pay the price. For to us you are a leader and friend. For you have become like royalty in this city. And with you royalty we be your royal family." Lucious was proud. All negative feelings previous washed away. Lucious now felt the obligation to continue to lead. For he knew he was wise and could give great leadership. This time he wouldn't limit himself to the leadership of a groups of boys who run a city, no. That was below him now. Now he needed to lead in higher heights where he could have greater impact and influence. A position of power such as Governor would do the trick! So he then decided to venture into the political field of leadership once he arrived in his new home. A few hours later after a celebratory evening Lucious and the now called Royal Family left. 12 days later they arrived in Turtle Beach on the Identity island and the rest is soon to be foretold...
1 point✖ MOB-MECHANIX ✖ // ABOUT US // Mob-Mechanix is a high-quality mechanic industry. We focus on putting the customer's service first. Our president, SummitsEdge, and our vice president, Kryptonix have both been working very hard to make this company what it is. The company was founded by both SummitsEdge and Kryptonix in 1956. Ever since then, they have worked long and hard to make Mob-Mechanix what it is. Some say our mechanic work is like a drug and we take that as a compliment. Unlike any other mechanic company, we try to have connections with our customers. We get to know them. we hope that some time you will come stop by and have a chat with some of our amazing mechanics. // APPLICATION & HIRING // Mob-Mechanix is currently hiring employees for its company. If you would like to apply for a position, please message the president or vice president of the company. I'm sure that they would be glad to hear from you. If you'd like any more information on the company or have any questions concerning the applications feel free to message any of the workers, managers, or staff employees. A list of the company ranking is below. Ready to fix some cars? // COMPANY RANKING STRUCTURE // President: @SummitsEdge [MAX1] Vice President: @Kryptonix [MAX1] Chief Executive Officer: N/A [MAX1] Chief Operations Officer: N/A [MAX1] Chief Financial Officer: N/A [MAX1] Board of Directors: N/A [MAX3] Managers: N/A [MAX5] Workers: N/A [MAX∞] Drivers: N/A [MAX∞] // RANK DESCRIPTIONS // President: The president handles all operations in the factory and company. He/she is the final chain in all decisions made by the company. Vice President: The vice president handles all operations while the president is away, and also helps make final decisions on the company. Chief Executive Officer: The CEO handles all business operations. He/she handles all business opportunities, decisions, and choices. Chief Operations Officer: Handles most operations. Supervises choices, decisions, and takes over for CEO when he/she is away. Chief Financial Officer: Handles all financial decisions, he/she also manages financial issues, financial choices, etc. Board of Directors: The BoD handles issues with the company. Managers: Manages the factory and employees. Supervises all things in the factory and store. Workers: Workers can do anything from managing the cars, fixing the cars, selling the car parts, etc. Drivers: These players drive the cars/parts/etc from the store to the destination. // REMINDER // If this business could not exist in the game, the company will be changed to something else (i.e. Jewelry store) // TERMS OF SERVICE // The customer is always right - We will deliver to anywhere - We do not release any customer information - Every employee must follow the chain of command if any decisions are wished to be implemented - If you fail to pay for our service upon arrival the authorities will be contacted // INVESTORS // Investors will always get 5% of the profit. All investors are listed below, if you'd like to invest in our company please message the president, vice president, or CFO. Company Name: ----- Company Name: ----- Company Name: -----
1 pointBorn To Bleed is a professional boxing team looking to turn our fighters into champions by helping them achieve their full potential and bring greatness to all of Identity RPG. The 'Born To Bleed' Team competes regularly and are very competitive always looking for competition. We want to motivate our fighters to give their best effort at all times whether it's in the ring or training.To join you must train with a Trainer which can be found below along with other information. If you want to set up a fight with one of our fighters message the Team Leader or a Trainer on the forums or come into our gym so we can schedule a appropriate time for the fight. We also host events sometimes with a grand prize! If you are wondering why there is so few openings, it's because we need to focus on our fighters and having too big of a team can be pretty difficult. We want to be able to give everyone even attention and opportunities. If this team is manageable we will create more openings and jobs. Born To Bleed Boxing League Website: http://btb.leaguerepublic.com/index.html Born To Bleed Boxing League Events: http://btbevents.leaguerepublic.com/l/fg/1_959179695.html Born To Bleed Sponsors: Supreme@SupremeLeader Born To Bleed Members: Amateur Record Pro Record Forum name In-Game Name W - L - D W - L - D CEO/Team Leader/Fighter (Closed) - Mastahakill (Name) 0 - 0 - 0 0 - 0 - 0 Representative (Closed) - PRINCECHAWMIN - Timone Garcia Representative (Open) - (Name) (Name) Trainer/Fighter (Open) - (Name) (Name) 0 - 0 - 0 0 - 0 - 0 Trainer/Fighter (Open) - (Name) (Name) 0 - 0 - 0 0 - 0 - 0 Fighter (Closed) - HeapyHoo-Jesus Araya "Chut" Ernesto 0 - 0 - 0 0 - 0 - 0 Fighter (Closed) - GGTZEALOT (Name) 0 - 0 - 0 0 - 0 - 0 Fighter (Open) - (Name) (Name) 0 - 0 - 0 0 - 0 - 0 Fighter (Open) - (Name) (Name) 0 - 0 - 0 0 - 0 - 0 Fighter (Open) - (Name) (Name) 0 - 0 - 0 0 - 0 - 0 Fighter (Open) - (Name) (Name) 0 - 0 - 0 0 - 0 - 0 Jobs: CEO/Team Leader: The job of the CEO/Team Leader is to find sponsors, match ups, and events for the fighters to compete in while keeping track of their records. His job is also to scout and recruit fighters IF there are openings. His job is to also enforce the rules and train his fighters. He is also the chief executive officer, the highest ranking person of the company and makes the managerial decisions. Trainer: The job of the Trainers is to recruit fighters IF there are openings. He also trains fighters for upcoming fights. Trainers are allowed to compete in fights as well BUT, they might not to get to compete as much because we need to focus on our fighters.(This applies for the Team Leader as well.) Fighters: The job of the Fighter is to train and compete in fights when they are ready gaining recognition and possibly getting a sponsor for themselves or the team. Representative: His job is to speak for our team/business and showcase our fights/events and stay in contact with our sponsors and help manage. The job of the Representatives also are pretty much assist the CEO/Team Leader with his job because it can get overwhelming. Team Application Process: To join you must talk to the Team Leader or a Trainer on the forums,with a direct message, or in-game. (Forum Name) (RP Name) (Do you have a mic?) (Age):Optional (What position are you trying to get?) (What makes you wanna join the team?) (How active are you?) (Tell us a little about yourself) (Anything else you would like to tell us?) After talking to us, we will call In-game or let you know on the forums or direct message if you got accepted into B.T.B. (most likely on how you contacted us.) Rules:No weapons, The fighter must only use their boxing gloves (or fists if there are no boxing gloves) to fight.No drug use such as weed,cocaine,heroine,steroids, etc. Use of these drugs will automatically disqualify the fighter.No bad sportsmanship, Fighters must not curse or insult the other fighter or this can result in a warning or a disqualification.Fighters must obey the referee at all times or they will receive a warning or disqualification.Fighters must not attack the referee or they will receive a warning but most likely a disqualification.Fighters must not attack the other fighter after the bell (or the end of the round or match) or it will end in a disqualification or the fighter will receive a warning.If a Fighter "floors" their opponent, they cannot hit them when they're on the canvas.If a fighter is absent when his fight is up, he has 1 minute to show up or it will be considered a no contest. If it is an event, the fighter that is missing his opponent will move on to the next fight.Fighters only have a 1 minute break between rounds, taking too long will result in a warning or disqualification. When a round is over, the fighters must return to their corner.(These rules only apply if there is mechanics in place for these.)If you score a knockdown on your opponent, you must go to the farthest neutral corner while the referee makes the count.The floored boxer has up to 10 seconds to get back up on his feet before losing the bout by knockout.A boxer who is knocked down cannot be saved by the bell in any round.Referee/Judges:Referee's and Judges will most likely just be hired to avoid cheating and/or favoritism. If we cannot hire one, we'll have somebody on our team and/or the other team to judge and/or referee to fill in the spots. The Referee will be in charge of enforcing the rules, stopping the fight if somebody is knocked out, or if nobody is knocked out the Referee will announce the final decision made by the judges at the end of a fight. Judging: Since there is no take downs,kicks and other stuff, The judges will keep track of whoever ever lands the most good punches,using good technique and blocking. If nobody is knocked out, the decision will be made by the judges. They will choose whoever they thought was the best fighter and be announced by the referee after he gets the final decision from the judges.Rounds and Time: There can be 3-5 rounds and each one will be 3-5 mins. It depends on who's fighting and what kind of fight it is.Amateur Fights: I match up one of my fighters with another fighter from another gym/club who are around the same skill level, unless there is nobody else to fight and they still want to fight but they risk a butt whooping and a loss on their record that I'll keep track of. A Amateur Fight will be 3 rounds and 3 minutes with 1 minute break between rounds for corner men to tend to their fighters.Professional Fights: This is when I match up my best fighters with the best fighters out there and put their skills to the test and put it on their pro record, no matter if it's win or loss. Possibly being a reward at the end A Professional Fight will be 5 rounds and 5 mins with a 1 minute break between rounds for corner men to tend to their fighters. Special Events: I might host special events and might have people pay for tickets to enter the fight and spectate it. We'll have people from multiple gyms and teams to compete for the grand prize while trying to improve their record while getting recognition. Each event will have at least 8, 12 or 16 fighters. It will be set up like this. All fighters that participated will get a shout out for their teams and a thank you at the end of the event. Match Up and Event Example:
1 pointHello everyone! Some of you might remember that I had a thread on the old forum with an Imgur album containing all pictures posted by the developers on Twitter and Facebook. I just wanted to let you all know, both those who might have seen it but had forgot about it, aswell as new people who found it just now that it still exists and is updated as soon as a new picture is released. You can access it here, feel free to use it (or not use it) however you like. Take care!
1 point-+- Who Are We? -+- Gold & Associates is a modern, young and fresh new law firm. Everyone deserves to have a fair trial, and we at Kuijper & Associates don't only make sure you get one, but also that you get the best legal help we can possibly provide. Our firm stands for human rights, and we've done lots of pro bono service. We are even encouraging our associates to do pro bono work. You see, we don't care about the money. We care about that everyone gets what they have the right to get. Of course we know money plays a big role in the Identity society, but we're always trying to keep the prices as low as we can, and also providing our clients the best attorneys in <insert city>. -+- Our Goals -+- ‘Human rights belong to every one of us without exception. But unless we know them, unless we demand they be respected, and unless we defend our right, and right of others, to exercise them, they will be just words’ - United Nations Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, Human Rights Day 2011 As an organization working everyday with complex laws, we know the importance of enforceable laws. We are passionate about using our professional expertise to give importance to human rights, to make sure that they aren't 'just words.' -+- Why Us? -+- Well, simply because we care about you, and your rights. Unlike other law firms, we don't see you as our property. You can leave us as a client whenever you want, without paying any fees. And on top of all that, we provide everyone legal advice, for free! Visit us whenever you want, and we make sure we've got a cup of tea for you, and an attorney ready to give you all the legal advice you want! We even investigate cases from clients who are imprisoned. -+- What We Do -+- Once we receive the details about the case, one of our best attorneys will immediately look at the evidence and give you the best help we can provide for our clients. Then we'll give you the best advice we've got on how to continue, and if necessary we'll assist you in courtroom. -+- Our Packages -+- Note that these prices and packages can always change in the future. - Death Penalty Cases: $420 - Serious Offensive Cases: $330 - (Sexual) Harassment Cases: $275 - Arrestable Cases: $255 - Indictable Cases: $235 - Minor Cases: $145 - Summary Case: $105 - Legal Advice: Free! -+- Positions -+- Chief Executive Officer: (OreoIsLekker; Julius Kuijper) [NOT AVAILABLE] Responsibility: Setting strategy and direction, modeling and setting the company’s culture, values, and behavior. Executive Assistant: (0/1) [AVAILABLE] Responsibility: Takes control over the firm in the absence of the CEO. Helps the CEO. Human Resources Manager: (0/1) [AVAILABLE] Responsibility: Strengthen the mutual commitment of the company and its image in the market. Head of Recruitment: (0/1) [AVAILABLE] Responsibility: Develop and implement strategies to recruit international students. Finance Manager: (0/1) [AVAILABLE] Responsibility: Oversee the overall corporate budgeting preparation, management and monitoring processes, monitor and manage all expense within the allotted budget. Lawyer(s): (0/5) [AVAILABLE]* Associate(s): (0/5) [AVAILABLE] Responsibility: Associates are not yet attorneys, they are still studying with help from other partners to pass the bar exam. Minimum pay. Receptionist: (Female)(0/2) [AVAILABLE] Responsibility: greet incoming visitors and callers, answering visitor inquiries about the company, directing visitors to appropriate contacts, sorting mail, answering incoming calls, arranging appointments for guests to meet with company staff. *As a lawyer you will be able to be promoted to 'Junior Partner', 'Senior Partner', and maybe eventually 'Name Partner', if you're being selected, and have enough votes from the other partners. If you want a position in Kuijper & Associates, notify the CEO and we'll discuss everything, including salary. Feedback is always appreciated.
1 pointI am new to this community and game. A few days ago I found a video about Identity...which I had to watch several times because I could not believe my eyes on what I had come across. Like.. there was this MMORPG in the works I had always searched for :). So I had to plege for the game and I am now anxiously waiting for the beta with the rest of you :). Hopefully I get to know some of you and great social relationships are made at the town square:) Charmeley
1 pointSup guys. My name is Brad, but I go by the alias "Cube". I've played a fair bit of Altis Life servers, and as much as I enjoy them, I feel like Identity is going to be the real deal when it comes to roleplay. Super hyped to be able to play this game eventually, I just hope that time is soon.
1 pointSo I got a few questions about Boxing Gyms and Stadiums. Will there be Boxing Gyms that players can buy, and can they customize the inside to their liking? Like placing where they want the boxing ring, punching bags,gym equipment, etc.? How big will they be and how will they look? Will they look similar to any of the gyms below? (More questions below) Will there be any Boxing stadiums to host boxing events and will people be able to buy tickets to enter? How will they look? Will they look similar to any of the stadiums below?
1 pointI agree with @Charmeley, there might be potential guides that come out on how to get specific buffs when creating your character and could provide some unfair advantages to players who found these guides after others had already completed their character. If it could be fair in some way, however, then I believe it might be a great addition to the game. Otherwise, I do believe that having certain heights that are labeled as the actual height instead of just a slider that is Short → Tall. Great idea @Cstove, your posts always get me thinking Have an amazing day, ~ SummitsEdge
1 pointWelcome and enjoy your stay. If you need any help around the forums I'm always open for questions, I'm sure there are plenty of other users as well that would be glad to assist you. Have a wonderful day, ~ SummitsEdge
1 point
1 pointI'm interested in more Natural looking makeup, like simple liner and maybe just some lipsticks. All of the above looks great though!
1 point
1 pointThe Immigrant tag doesn't relate to the package you've bought, it relates to your forum reputation.
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1 pointProbably neither but if I had to choose it would be the police :). Can't really see myself shoplifting...or having a portable meth lab...Can I ?!
1 pointHello and welcome to the Identity community! Nice to meet you and don't forget to read the 2 FAQ's. Also everyone is happy to answer to the best of their knowledge. Cheerio and see you in the Alpha aka the "Town Square"
1 point
1 pointHello and Welcome to the identity community! I hope this game turns out to be the real deal for it too! Please use all resources available including the 2 FAQ's and then ask the questions you have unanswered still from searching. Nice to meet you and see you in the Town Square possibly.
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1 point
1 pointMy current goal is to run a mechanic shop with a fellow friend @Kryptonix. He'll head the mechanic shop, I'll head the secret cartel that is hidden inside that mechanic shop
1 point
1 pointWhy would someone vote for you as Governor when you joined 7 days ago and only have 13 posts. The position requires you to be known, active and intelligent. You need to act the role and in my opinion I don't see you fit to do so. Many other candidates have amazing applications and I think you should add more detail to yours. Sorry for the criticism.
1 point
1 pointThis is a good idea but boxing isn't a confirmed career so until they put notice for it we don't know whether you'll be able to do these things but, as in the trailer it shows everything is interactive, so i'm sure there will be a punching bag to train strength and if you can't make one of these boxing gyms you can buy a shop and customize it to be like one.
1 point
1 point
1 pointHello and Welcome to the Identity community! Please feel free to use all resources with in the forum, whilst also making sure you read the forum guidelines. Nice to meet you and have a nice day!
1 pointThe official servers will be English Speaking only. If someone so chooses to start a private server they can restrict it to french speaking if they wish.
1 pointWelcome to the forums, hope you like it here hope to see you in game.
1 pointI'd use the keyboard because I can't access any of the hotkeys on a controller. That sort of sums up the reason why Identity would be unsuitable for console, because of the very limited number of hotkeys they can assign.
1 pointHey @SummitsEdge and welcome to the community. Nice to meet you. Enjoy your stay here Greetings from germany
1 point
1 pointI'm just gunna ask one thing: Whe they said they are capable of thousands of players in a server with spatialOS, why does everyone instantly think 1,000? thousands is not 1000..... Also guy who asked this question please learn something about game development that is a really dumb question...
1 pointLmao I know all too well what you are referring to...GTA is rampant with them. Can't forget the Fly-By-Night Criminal They are the type you normally see being awkward in criminal situations. They try to act powerful and smart about their criminality, however they end up drawing attention to themselves and anyone they become involved with. Examples of them is speaking loudly in public situations about criminal actions, or trying to act like a major kingpin in situations they are overwhelmed by. "Where can I buy drugs and guns!?" (Said in front of civilians in large public area) "Yo, I will kill you and everyone here that witnesses it!" (Again spoke in public loudly, like they are proving something) They normally end up in prison all the time, or most of the time because they aren't smart enough to learn to keep themselves out.
1 pointWow this could be really good for advertising sports in Identity!
1 pointWell purchasing of clubs are for people with that kind of money. In the world of Identity, i think it won't be too hard to achieve wealth. I will lower the prices if i see making $100,000 proves too difficult. As for your other questions, yes sponsorship will be a huge part in order for the league to succeed. I'm hoping that the league will promote various businesses around the island, as the businesses promote the league in return. Also remember if you purchase a club, the more money you put into your team, the more players you can afford.
1 pointI absolutely love your idea! I can see that we both have around the same equal hype for Identity! Perhaps we could chat through discord and share some of our ideas and things that we're excited for?
1 pointHi! So I was wondering can we become stars in the game like a singer or athlete and If we do how are we gonna animate and add stuff to it because For example, As a Basketball player you gotta go to college,get drafted, animation of dunks and such idk and singers have to like do career stuff and other stuff. But yeah can we add Stars and Celebrities and can we animate them somehow?
1 pointI know there was a soccer ball in the YouTube video about home customization, but to what extent will we be able to play full blown organized sports? I'd love to spend a couple of hours at the baseball diamond or soccer field with my friends.
1 point
1 pointCan you consider adding sports like soccer 1 basketball 2 football 3. And also can you make the teams and leagues player managed and owned. Full customization of uniforms stadium ticket prices you can watch game at the arena or television or pc. Different arenas so forth.