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3 pointsThe Town Square module takes place in a tiny piece of a city called Ash Hill, which is in many ways based on a real city in North Carolina called Asheville (the same city the above photos are from). It's not the largest city in Identity, though. It's the second largest. The city hall you see above is modeled after the Savannah, Georgia city hall. Identity is inspired by much of the south-eastern United States.
3 pointsFollowing are the questions that Asylum team answered on Reddit for a Q&A. Angpresc0 I wanted to know if you would get a check you have to deposit at the bank (which could be stolen), or if it would be sent straight to the bank. Payment from careers and jobs will often go into your bank account directly. If you meet with someone in person and exchange money for goods, you're going to have to have it on hand. That's a bit more risky as you could be robbed. There are many cases where it'll go on-hand though. For example, if you're selling drugs to a drug dealer walking the streets they're not going to give you a direct deposit and accept your debit card. In most cases of illegal money you'll have it on hand. If you're very much wanted, you might find you can't even access your bank account without informing the police of your whereabouts, so you'll find "alternative" banking for the notorious. Sophie2772 Will there be proper in game proximity voice? As in, the louder I talk the further my voice travels in game. Yes, and your voice will be obstructed by objects. We've had this working in-game for about a year now where we can control how much an object dampens sound based on its material and thickness. So if you're behind a door and someone's talking it'll be quiet and muffled, but if that door is opened it'll be nice and audible. There's also microphones and loudspeakers to really get your voice out there. Roxbury27 What level of control/customization can we expect from private servers? What will be the process of obtaining a private server? Private servers are rented from an Identity approved partner. There will be servers on every continent of the world. We cannot release the binaries to the public as a server like Identity's is quite complex behind the scenes; it's not a simple dedicated server like most games. You'll have a lot of control, enough to change the game experience considerably. Career whitelisting/rank control, loot drop, damage systems, and the list goes on. We want the community servers to be where Identity shines. A lot of people will play on official servers because they're official, but nothing beats a dedicated community putting their love into their own world. Will private servers actually cost something to rent? There will be a cost, but it'll be reasonable. It's more to cover the hardware expenses as Identity servers are far more robust and complex than most games. EiskalteCola What do you think is the most challenging subject in your game? From a design perspective, having simple and elegant systems to control bad player behavior was one of the biggest challenges and I think we nailed it. For the player, I would imagine it would be any high-end crimes. Crime is profitable but also difficult and risky; if you fail, you're going to lose very expensive things when the cops confiscate them. Also, if you're robbing a bank for example, the police will likely be responding with SWAT which isn't going to be easy to handle. Ajever01 Is the Town Square module still on track for a Q1 2017 release? Will jail/prison time only be counted if the player is logged in? Or can they get 1 hour of jail time, log out for that hour and log back in to be free again? The Town Square is still on track for Q1, but it's tight! We have a lot of work to do and everything's still as we scheduled it. Jail time will only be counted when logged in. If you log out with 10 minutes on your sentence, it'll be there waiting for you when you return. We've had a ton of debates about that, and we don't want to make prison feel like an actual punishment, because technically crime is encouraged through gameplay mechanics in Identity. But we've hopefully solved it by giving prisoners a lot to do to stay entertained while confined. Martin_M_ Private security in the game - Will that be a thing? Security isn't one of the designated careers, but Identity is made to be open-ended. We want the players to have the tools to do what they want even if it's not something we coded for, and security would be a good example of this. People will want protection, no doubt. Some of this will be falling on the police force automatically, too. MikeArubaaaaa I noticed in the "Identity Insider: Housing" video that you can see outside your window. The exterior scenery does change based on location. Will the "scenery" change depending on your apartment and it's position? Also can you see inside apartments/houses from outside? You will however not see activity outside, such as other players. This is because in order to maximize the network activity and get as many players on as possible, when you enter your house/apartment you're going into another "instance." We have some tricks to make that feel pretty seamless, though. This is the only way it can be done when you consider how much is going on inside a single apartment; you've got people running around, using storage, watching TV, and even just the placement of furniture and wall customization. VegarHenriksen Will there be climate changes depending on the season? Snow in the winter that affects driving, walking, etc. There won't be any climate or season changes in Identity, but we do want to celebrate holidays with their respected decorations. Things like, an easter egg hunt on easter, fireworks on the 4th of July (for the US), and christmas lights peppering trees and buildings. SteveisBuscemi Will there be a system in place for players to start up small businesses and then build them up to the point that they could have multiple stores open across the island and have something like Walmart or another major store running as a massive business empire? Short answer, yes. Players can lease storefronts around the world. These can be themed based on what it is you're selling and then you fill up the stock yourself. For example, if you find people love your clothing designs you can sell them individually to start, but that's a lot of work. Opening a store gets you more exposure as people drive by and now people can just walk in and check out your clothing store as though it was any other NPC store. We expect prime locations near city centers to become very valuable, but there's also an internet site that will help you find products anywhere. HansomVann What can we expect to see in the talent tree? It's been a long time now since the Kickstarter overview trailer, and this idea has undergone a few changes since we first mentioned it. But the important thing to note about talents is that we don't want to include any learnable skill or talent that will give a player PVP advantage over new players who just entered the game. Everyone should be on the same level playing field no matter how long they've spent in Identity. Still, there has to be a sense of progression, and what you do earn needs to feel worthwhile. KoshaBear How big do you estimate the full file size to be when the game is complete and what is the number at the current point in time? The landmass is expected to be about 225 km2, and that's roughly the size it is already as first we create the terrain and then slowly populate it. This is one of those tasks that is enormous and ongoing as we're always getting new props completed from the art guys. Also, what ideas did you have for dealing with the issue of RDM outside of the "safe areas"? There are a lot of mechanics in place for handling RDM, and they're done in a manor that should feel pretty intuitive. That said, they can be disabled entirely on private servers if you trust your community. We've developed what we call the "stress system" which you'll find at a medium setting on official servers. By default on official servers, you're going to have low stress. This determines how much damage you'll take from gunfire and other players in general; however, some actions or even locations can add or remove stress, and we've set it up in a way that discourages unwanted behavior. For example, if someone came to me and pulled a gun on me my stress level would rise quickly. This makes me vulnerable. I could try to run but he might shoot me in the back and it's going to hurt. Alternatively, I can put my hands up and surrender. If I surrender my stress level drops, but I can't move and he can rob me. I had the choice to run with risk, or surrender and spare my life at the cost of my cash on hand. The above is one example of how the stress system works, but it's designed to cover all sorts of situations. MaxMaxx31 As I'm living in France, is there different official servers locations planned? We will have official servers in Europe and I'm expecting several community servers hosted directly inside France. Is there some sort of mechanism giving us the ability to switch servers location without losing stuff/character, or do you bind a user/persona to a server? As it stands right now, servers fall into two categories: private and hive. A hive server, like the official servers, share character data but not vehicles, houses and other local things. There's a timer preventing you from moving quickly (~15 mins) between the hived servers. Then there's private servers, which are their own instance in every right. Regarding renting servers, will we be able to select the location? You can choose the location of private servers, and France will be an option for you. Do you intend to use famous cloud providers? Or gaming specialized providers or custom solution? You'll rent servers through partnered game hosting services. Is there some sort of internationalisation planned? The Identity client will be localized for most major languages, although Town Square may be only English to start. Jake8811 Can you physically build up your character to look more fit/stronger using sliders or other mechanics? Player characters in Identity will all have the same muscle/fat physique, at least by the time the game launches. We really want to add bodyweight, and visible muscle growth but we ran into a problem with the way our clothing is created in Identity. We may have been able to do morph targets, but as it is now, it would mean having to create multiple 3D models for each and every piece of clothing in Identity, which really means the time it would take to create 3 different pieces of clothing would be spent making the same piece of clothing 3 different times to fit each body type. Will you be adding character models that are taller and shorter? With a bigger budget, we'd definitely want to add this level of detail to the game, so it may have to wait until after launch when funding makes that available to us. You will however be able to customize the entire array of facial features for your character, including tattoos, jewelry, and piercings. Will there be a large variety of cars available to the players? We'd love to have a huge variety in vehicles, and will constantly be adding more even after release. Vehicles take a lot of work for the team though as we have very high fidelity which you don't see in other games. For example, you can wear your seatbelt, use your turn signals, windshield wipers, lower your side windows, and so on. If so, what type of cars can we expect to see? More pedestrian, everyday cars? Or will it be mostly expensive performance and expensive vehicles? You're going to see, for the most part, pedestrian vehicles. Identity is all about immersion. While exotic cars will exist they're going to be extremely rare as they're extremely expensive. This is one of the things we hated to see in games like Grand Theft Auto; when everyone is driving an exotic Italian super-car, yours doesn't feel all too special. Jonexys Can you use the toilet or shower? You can but you don't need to. Can you open the kitchen cabinets? While kitchen cabinets don't swing open physically, they can be used as specialized storage, only holding certain types of inventory items. We may still animate the cabinet doors in some way though, even if they just crack open to show they are being accessed, for the sake of immersion. Can you use kitchen tools and appliances? Certain appliances in the kitchen are use-able or even required for cooking (i.e. oven, microwave) but most countertop objects are simply meant to be aesthetic decoration. Is there doorbell or knocking system? Of course! Grand_Paladin So if I'm playing with a friend and i invite them into my house/apartment will they be able to customize it with me like put stuff down but with things out of their inventory? They can do this if you've given them access to do it. There are several access levels in your home, so that you can have your friends help out or even hire an interior decorator. There can only be as many co-owners as there are bedrooms in the home though. Are there beach houses? Of course! Turtle Beach is a notable town right on the water. Even Roseport has waterfront, but it's not as beachy. Will there be any DLC for the game? We have no plans for traditional DLCs. Identity will be extended for all players. Will there be an annual purge? Not on official servers. It's funny how often this has been asked, though! Devonor How will the themes work for renting out the concert hall? This is a feature we've had a lot of fun planning. We're really interested in the potential that exists here for talented players to get their names out into the community, even beyond Identity. It would be incredible if a video posted to Youtube of someone singing on stage in Identity managed to jump start their professional singing career in real life. I hope they invite us to their first performance! The way concert halls will work in Identity is that a player will be required to visit a fixed location on the map (the concert hall). There is a default theme pre-installed, so they can explore the hall before talking to an NPC for rental options. The NPC will ask them what theme they'd like to choose, and whether the hall will be for private entertainment, or open to the public. How many orchestral instruments will be available for the classical theme in particular? There are a few different instruments for players to play with in Identity, but using them effectively with a mouse and keyboard is likely to pose a challenge, we imagine. It may still be better off to provide background music using virtual audio cable, especially since a lot of music has license fees we'd likely not be able to afford! RPG14 How is the day cycle? The day/night cycle in Identity is much faster than real-time. At the moment, it's set to 3 hours daylight; 1 hour nights. How long is one season? There aren't seasons in Identity, but we do plan to celebrate holidays with appropriate decorations scattered around the world. Will be there loading screen while playing? Most of the world, and transitions between exteriors and interiors in Identity is seamless, but some buildings do have loading screens for performance reasons. The cinema is one such example. The movie screen is performance heavy for instance, so we don't want players walking past the building to have to load and render that data if they don't plan on watching it. Or for that matter, we don't want the people in the theater to have worse performance because they are loading data from people walking/driving past the building outside. Are there any plans for natural disasters? We definitely want to include natural disasters in some way, but we aren't yet certain how we want to go about it. We've had a lot of fun and laughs discussing how we can mess with the game population using hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods, but some things just seem like they could get a little too out-of-hand, so we don't want to commit, or make any promises until we're more sure about this idea down the road. Zan_H What are your thoughts on oatmeal cookies? Very good cookies, but only without raisins. I actually just made oatmeal cookies a couple weeks ago. I ate so many, I think I gained about 5 lbs. just eating them alone. -Motown RedankulousTV How many people are actually making the game right now? We have 3 full-time salary employees as well as 9 freelancers, some of which also work dedicated to Identity. We outsource most of the art to our freelancers which then goes through art direction to keep everything properly styled. Raffen48 How in depth will weapon customisation be? Weapon customization is quite detailed. Some weapons have more room for changes than others of course, but things like stocks, grips, sights and even paint/finish can be customized. How in depth are the weapon actions? Weapon actions are one of those things that don't work well in video games, mostly because no matter what you have in the game you're still firing with a mouse, and it will feel counter-intuitive making it overly-complicated. For example, if you have a double action pistol and pull the trigger, your mouse click is all the same no matter if the hammer is back or forward so we need to design around the peripherals people are using to play. Weapon jams are something you can encounter. Will weapons ever jam and require stripping for maintenance? Our weapon physics are incredibly advanced and was one of the first systems completed long ago. We can create magazines of any size which hold physically accurate ammo. Caliber and even type (hollow point, FMJ, etc) have an effect on trajectory. Our programmer on the weapon physics read a lot of papers to get proper formulas, and they function off the same math used by real-world forensics. A bullet fired in Identity will travel almost identically to the same being fired in the real world, even when it comes down to things like stopping power versus penetration. TheOriginalJape What is in game prison like? Identity's prison is very much a game within a game. As a prisoner, you can join one of three prison factions and battle for territory, or just hang out in the recreational room and chat and interact with other prisoners while you wait out your time. Is it like real prison with guards, rec time, shiving, and keeping a tight grip on the soap? You'll be able to craft a crude shank and attack others, or attempt a prison escape as a group that the police will be forced to respond too from across the map. There are no player prison guards though. The decision for that was mostly just because we couldn't find a way to keep it engaging and fun. We don't want people to be forced to sit and watch other players. For those in prison however, when they've served their time, they may simply exit the prison through a series of corridors that only they have access too, or if they just have a lengthy prison sentence, they can request a trial which will notify random players across the map to report for jury duty, in which case they will plead their case, and have their fate decided on by a vote whether to be released early, or spend the rest of their time behind bars. How does the drug manufacturing and trafficking work? In the outside world, there are a number of drug manufacturing processes, including the production of meth, heroin, cocaine, and marijuana. Each has its own unique crafting process. For instance, in order to cook meth, which is the highest paying and most valuable drug in Identity, it will require the player to purchase a mobile RV, convert it into a meth lab, and then steal all of the ingredients from across the map in certain factory locations. They'll then have to spend time cooking the meth through a series of time-based processes that determine the quality of the product before finally selling it to an NPC drug dealer for a big payout (or you can consume it if you feel like cutting into your hard-earned profits). DestinyMaker101 Will users be able to reach 60fps? We hope you'll be able to reach 60fps in Identity, but our response may be a bit biased! When can we expect more videos from you guys showcasing the game? Our next video should show off actual gunplay in Identity, so we think it will really satisfy those who are interested in the more darker side of Identity. FlebortManigleo Can I have a pupper? You can! At first pets will be restricted to homes but we'll look into expanding this post release. WalleyWorld29 I know you talked about police, but will their be military personnel? There is not military in Identity, only police. There is SWAT, though. Given that there's only one nation, a military would be quite bored. Will you be able to have a group of friends that can live in the same house? You can have friends in your home. You can have as many co-owners as there are bedrooms in the house. For example, if you have a two-bedroom apartment you can have one friend using it as their home with you. How does owning a company work? You can own stores or even entire corporations. For information on the corporations available, click here. E_Games Can we store our product or weapons or money inside the house? Not only can you store your items in your home, but there are even special containers meant for certain item types, like the weapons you ask about. You can place a weapon rack on your wall and hang your favorites for all to see. I imagine a lot of.. less than savory.. people will build armories in their houses. Sharvy_Frost Will you have controller support added? We do. I've done a little play-testing using an Xbox One controller myself. FreeKilleRGR What will the price of the game when it releases? Currently, you can pre-order, or pledge early for Identity for as low as $15 (without beta access) or $30 (with beta access) from our website @ identityrpg.com - however, we expect the price of the game to jump up to about $45 when it hits steam, as steam takes a pretty large chunk of income from each sale. Will there be realistic payments for the jobs? Expect Identity's currency to be realistic in value, so your pay will also be realistic. A pair of shoes may cost about $40, and a decent car around $30,000. A lot of games reward players with such high numbers in currency and damage though because there seems to be a psychological attracting to larger numbers, so we can understand why games do it but it won't be that way in Identity. Will the items take up physical space inside the car? Items will take up physical space inside the trunk of a car. When a player accesses the trunk, there is a 2D grid placement system in which each item takes up a number of squares on the grid depending on its shape and size. The largest items will not fit inside the trunk of a small car, so a big semi-truck with a trailer may be necessary. Will there be real life cars in the game or unlicensed cars like in GTA V? There won't be real-world cars or brands in Identity. We can't afford the license fees to include real brands in our game, and we're almost certain these companies would not want their brands associated with vehicle damage, or some of the criminal and illegal elements also featured in the game. Will there be any AI cops or enemies? There won't be AI cops out in the game environment, driving police vehicles, or paroling streets. If there are any, they will simply stand behind a desk at the station recruiting new player officers or providing information. Will I be able to raid other players’ houses? You will not be able to raid another player's house, or enter their house without their permission. We want player homes to be your personal space, safe from any outside influence. Players are going to put a lot of effort customizing their homes, and we don't want to jeopardize or disturb the work they put into it. Will there be a report system? RDM/VDM isn't an enforced rule on official servers, but there will be a tool for reporting these actions on private servers who create rules for these actions. Instead, on Official servers, we have a stress system in place to discourage random attacks or griefing. Will there be an in-game recording system? There won't be an in-game video recording tool, but you can use 3rd party video recording software like OBS, Fraps, or Shadowplay. Will there be a casino? There will be casinos in Identity, but they are not player owned. Will there be micro transactions for things other than cosmetic items? Micro-transactions exist for cosmetics, some vehicles, and some apartments, and will be claimable across all servers (hopefully including private servers). We will not sell weapons. Can you compare the driving to another game so we kinda know how driving will be like? Expect driving in Identity to be realistic, much like Grand Theft Auto IV, not V. Players won't be able to survive crazy stunt jumps in Identity, and enough damage could disable your vehicle. Unfortunately however, we cannot easily do a damage model like you might expect to see in BeamNG. Damage has to be networked across the server, and we feel transmitting that much damage data could hurt performance. Will you be able to shoot while inside a vehicle? You won't be able to shoot from inside your vehicle. We want to discourage random acts of violence for the sake of roleplay. Will there be rebel items like armored vehicles, helicopters, or jets? There won't be any armored vehicles in Identity, apart from maybe SWAT trucks. We don't want to give anyone a PVP advantage based on vehicle armor. Aircraft are also not present in Identity, as it is important to us that players do not skip over potential encounters they may have gotten into while driving, and of course because we don't want the world to feel smaller by flying quickly from point A to point B. Thank you everyone! Our work-day is drawing to a close, but we'll try to keep revisiting this thread to respond to more questions! Although our responses may come slower than they have been as we pop in individually to answer questions from here on out. Have a wonderful weekend! https://www.reddit.com/r/IdentityMMO/comments/5nqgo0/official_qa_with_asylum_entertainment_devs_behind/?sort=old
3 pointsIn theory, the town square would most likely be the oldest part of the city. So it would make sense to have older, brick-heavy architecture in these areas. I'm sure that the entire map is not going to be run-down, per say. There will be 3 cities in total (I think I remember that correctly), and I'm sure there will be "newer", more modern areas to every part of the map. Also: I don't know why you seem to think that the map supposed to be in America. And I'd also like to point out that there are buildings similar to that of the Town Square in EVERY city in America. I don't understand what you mean by "British." I think the most American part of any town are the suburbs. But otherwise, I don't think the architecture of the Town Square is necessarily inspired by any city from a particular country, but just cities.
2 pointsHello guys and gals! So I was thinking about starting a fight team in Identity RPG recently called, Born To Bleed (B.T.B.) Doesn't quite slide off the tongue but not too sure about the name yet so it might change. Basically this was my idea. We'll come in contact with other fight clubs for a match up and advertise a event or something for people to show up and watch, probably setting around posters if that's possible and posting on the forums for sure. we'll be sure to say what server we will be on and what time it will start and in what timezone. (I'm in Pacific Time) So this is how I'm thinking it should work. Rules: No weapons, The fighter must only use their boxing gloves (or fists if there are no boxing gloves) to fight. No drug use such as weed,cocaine,heroine,steroids, etc. Use of these drugs will automatically disqualify the fighter. No bad sportsmanship, Fighters must not curse or insult the other fighter or this can result in a warning or a disqualification. Fighters must obey the referee at all times or they will receive a warning or disqualification. Fighters must not attack the referee or they will receive a warning but most likely a disqualification. Fighters must not attack the other fighter after the bell (or the end of the round or match) or it will end in a disqualification or the fighter will receive a warning. If a Fighter "floors" their opponent, they cannot hit them when they're on the canvas. If a fighter is absent when his fight is up, he has 1 minute to show up or it will be considered a no contest. If it is an event, the fighter that is missing his opponent will move on to the next fight. Fighters only have a 1 minute break between rounds, taking too long will result in a warning or disqualification. (These rules only apply if there is mechanics in place for these.) If you score a knockdown on your opponent, you must go to the farthest neutral corner while the referee makes the count. The floored boxer has up to 10 seconds to get back up on his feet before losing the bout by knockout. A boxer who is knocked down cannot be saved by the bell in any round. Referee/Judges:Referee's and Judges will most likely just be hired to avoid cheating and/or favoritism. If we cannot hire one, we'll have somebody on our team and/or the other team to judge and/or referee. The Referee will be in charge of enforcing the rules, and announcing the final decision made by the judges at the end of a fight. Judging: Since there is no take downs,kicks and other stuff, The judges will keep track of whoever ever lands the most good punches,using good technique and blocking. If nobody is knocked out, the decision will be made by the judges. They will choose whoever they thought was the best fighter and be announced by the referee after he gets the final decision from the judges. Rounds and Time: There can be 3-5 rounds and each one will be 3-5 mins. It depends on who's fighting and what kind of fight it is. Amateur Fights: I match up one of my fighters with another fighter from another gym/club who are around the same skill level, unless there is nobody else to fight and they still want to fight but they risk a butt whooping and a loss on their record that I'll keep track of. Professional Fights: This is when I match up my best fighters with the best fighters out there and put their skills to the test and put it on their pro record, no matter if it's win or loss. Possibly being a reward at the end Events: I might host events and might have people pay for tickets to enter the fight and spectate it. We'll have people from multiple gyms and teams to compete for the grand prize while trying to improve their record while getting recognition. Each event will have at least 8, 12 or 16 fighters. It will be set up like this. All fighters that participated will get a shout out for their teams and a thank you at the end of the event. Let me know what you think, Thanks for reading~! P.S. Let me know if you have anymore ideas or suggestions, or if you have any questions for me.
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1 pointGlobal Transport My Introduction: Hello, my name is James and well I think all of you have seen at least one of my posts now. I am going to be competing against Air and this will be fun as its going to be a challenge (if the business' are on the same servers). I love a bit of a challenge and well I give him the best of Luck. Business: So this company is going to specialise in public transport. We will have the many assets ranging from taxis to bus's/coaches to limo's. This company was founded to make you have cheap and easy journeys. Regional Areas City Bus Prices: Single Ticket: [#1: $2 - #2: $3 - #3: $4] This is a full single journey which is on any route in the city of purchase. Day Ticket: [#1: $6 - #2: $7 - #3: $8] This ticket allows you to have as many journey's in a single day on any route in the city of purchase. Weekly Ticket: [#1: $36 - #2: $42 - #3: $47] This saves you even more money as its unlimited journeys in a week on any route in the city of purchase. Monthly Ticket: [#1: $124 - #2: $145 - #3: $166] This will save you $20 from buying any day ticket. This ticket allows you to have unlimited journeys in a month within the city of purchase. City Outskirt Bus Prices: Single Ticket: (Will vary between) #1: $1 - $4 #2: $2 - $5 #3: $3 - $6 These tickets vary on distance and on which city outskirts. Return Ticket: (Will vary between) #1: $3 - $6 (city 1) Roseport #2: $4 - $7 (city 2) Turtle Beach #3: $5 - $8 (city 3) Ash Hill These tickets allow you to return the same distance as travelled. Weekly Ticket: (Will vary between) #1: $19 - $40 #2: $26 - $47 #3: $33 - $54 These tickets allow you to travel unlimited times for a week from day purchased. Monthly Ticket: (Will vary between) #1: $66 - $150 #2: $94 - $178 #3: $122 - $206 Coach Ticket: (Varying on Distance) #1: $20 #2: $35 #3: $50 Taxi Prices: (Varying on area/ Distance) #1: $4 [per mile radius] in towns. #2: $8 [per mile radius] in a city. Limo Hire Prices: (Varying on Time) Deposit: $50 Non Refundable. #1: $350 (4 hours) #2: $1550 (Full 1 Day Event) #3: $4250 (3 Full Day Events) #4: $2000 [per day] (Permanent Limo and Driver) {Weekly payments} Theses prices are not final and can be changed at any given time. Wages & Salaries The wages/ salaries of our colleagues/ work force will be very competitive and diverse to all. We do not discriminate, we pay our employees fairly and also provide legal coverage to every one for a certain monthly fee (automatically deducted from payments). Company Assets The Depot's: The depot's will be where all assets will be stored when not in use. All drivers will have to report in to the depot with the "Duty Manager" who gives them the permission and tells them which asset to use for the day. Asset #1: Bus Asset #2: Taxi Asset #3: Coach Asset #4: Limo Staff Positions Board Of Directors: James and Andrew Supervisor: (all available) x positions Workers: (all available) x positions This is a draft copy not the final copy of the post. This post will be updated over time as it is a long process and vital to success.
1 pointTouff's Transport Company See earlier post to learn more about pre-requisits and general description of the company AVAILABLE JOBS - CEO - *Investor* **Manager** Guard Truck driver Temp truck driver PRIORITY CUSTOMERS Donaldson & Guns Famtiano Family MANAGER Johnny M. [Oceania server] DRIVERS MADDXBOSS ricat16 The Purring Lion *Investor* : Depending on the amount of money gathered by the investors they then will have ownership corresponding to the amount of money they individually pledged [ Given that 51% of the company will always be owned by the CEO ] **Manager** : This occupation is reserved for those of you that want to take this company to other servers and make it your own [ Always crediting the main one ] Temp truck drivers : These are the ones that don't want to commit to a regular job and they'll be always accompanied by a trusted employee to prevent stolen cargo. NOTE: If you don't see your name listed or want to be hired DM me NOW HIRING
1 pointHello everyone, With the growth of activity and forum users, we are looking to add some more moderators for the Identity forum. If you are interested in being the next moderator, please private message me with the following details: Message Subject - Forum Moderator Application Content: Name, age, languages you speak, how much do you know about Identity, how much do you know about the forum rules, any past experience on forum moderation, why do you think you can be a good moderator, how much time you can spend on forum moderation, more about you to get to know you better, what would be the first thing you would do as a new moderator, and anything else related you can think of. New Moderators will be announced after few days of taking applications. Those who previously messaged me about their interest please enter the application in such a way. I will consider each application but here are few things that can give you an advantage or indicate a red light: Advantages: 1. Forum activity 2. Positive interaction posts/comments 3. Well put application 4. Past experience 5. High involvement on the forums 6. Age/maturity Red lights: 1. Previous warning points 2. Very new forum profiles 3. Low activity on the forum 4. Negative forum interactions with other users, etc. Thank you and I look forward to finding the right fit to ensure the best experience on the Identity forum. We will also be preparing a moderator guide as well as instructions for the newly selected moderators.
1 point
1 pointAlright, so I want to start my own PMC (Private Military Company). So I want to have a actual company with a chain of command. I want a three department company to deal with financial, security, and products. I am already informed about 'No security companies' but I want to classify my security department as a body guard service for my corporation. Is it possible to pay them as I would a normal employee with some kind of payroll even though they're working for me but in the private sector with there actions being payed to the company and then the company paying them a base salary ? Thanks in advance ! Insert other media
1 pointIt would be decent if the game were to consist of a fair and/or amusement park that could be controlled by players. In the process, annual events could be hosted within the fair and/or amusement park in order to boost tourism and the demand for the amusement park.
1 pointWhy should it matter if the offender is male or female? You would not be able to do more to the suspect than what the animation allows anyway. If you are looking for more, go play a porn game instead! Cops are there to enforce the law, period! They should not be limited by sex of the offender in my opinion.
1 pointMa'am, I'm pretty sure that if I had listened to that for another 10 seconds, I would've burst a testicle
1 pointOkay seems like your new so im taking the benefit of the doubt and think you have no clue about modules. So Basically Founder pack allows you to get the 3 Modules however they arent released yet. The devs are working hard everyday to release town square so we will soon ourselves get instructions on how to download etc. Right now no one has a clue how and its not even possible. I say be patient and be active on updates. Since you have pledged you could ask for the newsletter which they release like every month. Also if you need anything else use the search bar on the older posts which might help or join the discord https://discord.gg/NGktMAx
1 point
1 pointI'm also personally really hoping for a pizzeria somewhere in the cities. I love me some pizza and wings. (wink wink) COUGH CHICKEN WINGS COUGH
1 point
1 pointYeah, i think that is exactly how it works. You give friends a set of keys to access your car etc.
1 pointWill every house have a special parking space like an garage to park your car so nobody can take it? ?
1 pointIf you tried to rob someone in real life and they escaped or stood up to you, are you going to report them to the police for not letting you rob them? This is basically what you are saying lol. If someone doesn't comply with you trying to hurt or rob them then that should be no punishable offense, if anyone should get punished it should be you for attempting to rob them.
1 pointSeeing how much detail Asylum is putting into the game, I don't see any reason why they won't put 110% into making realistic and attractive animations for such.
1 pointAs CStove stated, you will not be able to build a house, but the interior of houses are highly customizable. There is an Identity Insider about the beginnings of the interior design system in the game. Here it is.
1 pointBear with me because this long reading will be worth it! Now I just posed a topic around if buses are going to be in the game. The answer is yes, city buses and buses that go between cities. I just wanted to add a couple suggestions or ideas for a bus system because I LOVE BUSES! Although I don't want that as my career in real life (I want to become a pilot in real life), I always loved RP-ing them. Unfortunately there are no online games that have buses to RP with until this game! Just a little information, I live in Santa Monica so we have a fairly advance system of buses. So I have some ideas to make the bus system better for passengers and bus drivers (me) to enjoy! I will only be talking about city bus ideas, not between city buses. 1. Different bus routes - this is an obvious one but this depends on the size of the cities. If the cities are fairly large, it would be great to have 2-3+ routes on the buses. 2. Bus functions - I would love to see some functions including: Putting money into the dispenser to buy a ticket, walking around in the bus, controlling lighting inside the bus, controlling doors, choosing what seat to sit in or standing around. 3. Bus time estimator - Now this one is a fun one. In my city, we have a board showing a route number and its route as well as a screen above it showing the times that the next bus will arrive in. If you guys have the app Transit on your phone, it shows the real-time next bus. So I think there should be a system where it calculates when the next bus will arrive by using some formulas which I don't know what they are. Something to do with how far away the bus is and how long it would take to get the station by using the average speed the bus will drive (here's something to start off with ) But I have an example of what type of "Bus Time estimation" I'm thinking in the file (picture) I have attached. 4. Bus Times - Now I want to leave this open for you guys. How often should the bus go? If it is often, then the majority of buses will most likely be AI. But if it is rare, or enough time for a player bus driver to complete his route and start again, it will be basically player based. I want to have people ride my buses! It will be boring just driving around with no passengers. I think the buses also should go more common around the peak of travel (start of work or end of work hour) and should be pretty rare like maybe once per hour around 2am. Can some one tell me how time will work in game, is it real time or like every minute is 3 seconds long? 5. The famous "Stop Requested" - I don't know if this happens in your city, but whenever someone pulls a cord along the top of the windows there is a "Stop Requested" voice (computer generated voice). This should also illuminate a light on the car panel to let the bus drivers know to stop. 6. Same with #5 but... - But there should be a voice saying where the next stop is to let passengers know instead of having them look at the route and figuring it out. 7. Different bus passes - There should be different bus passes for a greater price. Example: $1.00 one way pass. $7 for an unlimited one day pass. $14 for an unlimited one week pass. $75 for an unlimited month pass. I would like the passenger to tell the bus driver what pass she/he wants so that the bus driver would have to select it manually, more fun! 8. Farebox - use an example of the picture I have attached as an idea for #7 9. Different buses - Now I'm not crazy about this idea and honestly it'll be tooooo much extra work for the devs, but maybe smaller buses for shorter routes and bigger buses for longer routes? 10. Your Ideas - Please write in the comments for any amazing ideas! And if anyone knows the devs personally could you please, please pass this on. It would mean everything for them just to take 5 minutes to read over this. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this. Have a wonderful day!
1 point
1 pointI believe that they will probably have a garage for cars and you only can have one car out at a time.
1 pointI think that you have to be out of site of other players to disconnect, to avoid people disconnecting and breaking immersion and if you re-connect it will likely be in the same place as where you disconnected or in your apartment.
1 pointRare image of IdentityRPG servers after 10,000 players go on...
1 pointHave you read anything that devs have posted since the launch of the website? Crime is discouraged as it is in any real-life society. Of course there are those that still do it, but it is not supposed to be the norm of the game. That's why the whole other 98% of that paragraph exists. The devs are constantly talking about difficult it is to obtain guns, and to create drugs, etc. There are thousands of other things to do in the game that don't break the law.
1 point
1 pointFor official racing, there will most likely be stadiums/tracks (Should devs decide to make this a part of the map). For illegal racing, it will most likely take place in the more rural areas of the map, or at least less dense parts of the cities. Town Square is going to ultimately be a place to hang out, shop, and do social activities such as watch movies, bowl, etc.
1 pointWith voice chat, there is a proximity and so unless you use a mic then at a big distance people won't hear you. I know if you are talking behind a door and it is a closed one then the sound will be quieter and also muffled for the other person e.g. objects affect sound... Text chat will likely be a local and like ooc chat, but not sure.
1 point
1 pointWell what many people forget is that huge player size can also make the game miserable. First it depends on how big the map is. 10.000 player on a small map kann be very crowded. But only 100 players on a big map can make it look too big and you will not meet other people. One of the main things in this game is interacting between people. So the map size is one factor which player amounts will be calculated with. The other one is that too many players also can make the game very hectic. crime here, crime there, a bank robbery there (if you know what i mean) By the way the WoW comaprison is not good. There are thousands of players on one server that is right, but they use a system called pashing. These are virtuals copys of parts of the map so there may be thousands online but you just can't see them. Not good for a game like Identity.
1 pointThis is an idea. What if they would add Biker Gangs. if you could start up your own Biker gang give it an awesome name and make a custom Patch (the vest) and a custom gang logo so people would know who you are, drive a harley make rules, train Prospects, Have other MC gangs be your friend or maybe enemy Mc gangs. or join a biker gang, enter as a Prospect and fight your way up the ranks so maybe one day you could be a Vice President maybe even President P.S i know my english is bad but i come from denmark
1 point10,000 players is insane. There servers would not be able to support that. It would be insanely laggy. I was already super thrilled to have 300 player servers, but now we might get 1,000 player servers. So honestly you should be grateful for that, cause no other game offers what identity is.
1 pointUh I mean the 300 or the other amount is just enough already, We do not need 10,000 players in one server. Lets just be grateful when it actually comes out.
1 pointAccording to that, germany is one of the popular hosting spots for european servers because of the good connection to the others countries. It's very likely that there will be server hosted in germany (Talking about community servers) official server coukd be hosted in germany but the spoken language will be english.
1 point
1 pointHey all, The Asylum Team sent this email out to all of their newsletter subscribers, discussing progress with the game: I'm pretty gutted about the delay, obviously, but it sounds like the devs are once again making progess - can't wait to see the results. Felix
1 point
1 point@JamesLuck01 Would it kill you to be a little bit genuine when welcoming newbies? We all know you're copy and pasting the same message to get your post-count up, you're not fooling anyone. Please and thank you.
1 pointThere are a lot of us, about 12! Be sure to look at the list of people running, the names and parties of some candidates aren't correct (like myself), but you'll get the gist!
1 pointHi, I already love how this looks! I started a model agency and if you don't mind you could take a look at my post. Maybe we could work together.
1 pointIt's an 18+ game, and it will have strip clubs. If that bothers you so much, msg me and I'll give you my club penguin account from 10 years ago.
1 point
1 pointDescription: Let’s let this serve as a resume of sorts. I'm a Criminal "Fixer" The name’s Atos “Jack” Constantine. But you can just call me Jack. Why, you ask? It’s on account of me being the proverbial “Jack-Of-All-Trades” kind of criminal and you can hire my company, “Croatoan, Inc.” to "fix" just about anything you need criminal. Right now it just consists of me but I will be hoping to grow our number in the future. But I assure you, my loyalty comes at a price and it is short-lived to the specific amount of time you hire me for. One day I could be hired to provide security for your shipment and the next I could be the one stealing it. I will complete every task to the best of my expert abilities. However, There are some jobs that just don’t require my skill set. After all, you wouldn’t hire a brain surgeon to mow your lawn. They have the ability but it’s just not worth it. Services: My company will provide almost any service you can think of including but not limited to: Armed Escort/Security Bodyguard Consultations High-end Theft Jobs Wheelman “Cleanings” Assassinations (Political or Regular Hits) Fixer …and much more. Never hesitate to ask if I’ll do the job. The worse I can say is “No”… Skills: So, I am a Police Officer as well as in the military IRL, so I do have quite a bit of experience with strategy as well as majority of the skills required for this line of work. The more jobs I get, the more experience I’ll get and the better I can serve you in the future. Rates: All jobs will be assessed on the spot and rates will be given then. I will take into account several factors when determining the cost of the job: Cost to myself/my company Income of the Requestor Difficulty of the job Resources required for the job Amount of time job will take …and yes, you read that correctly. I will take the income of the requestor into account for the rates. Everybody’s got to start somewhere and why should my services be out of reach to some of the little guys? Hell, I’ll be one at the beginning. Summary: I’m going to try my best to be reachable. Feel free to PM me if you would like to join my company “Croatoan, Inc.” and get this off the ground as well as make it more elite. I’m not going to be extremely picky on who I hire and you very well may be a partner depending on you skill set. My main hope is to eventually build a team of highly and diversely skilled individuals. Never hesitate to contact me with a job offer. Like I said before, I’m very loyal for the period of the job. What’s the worst that could happen?
1 pointHello there! My name is James, also know as Spank (among many other names). I have been gaming since i was a kid, from the nostalgic SNES all the way up to PC. I am a member of Gaming-Asylum, which is Asylum Entertainments Altis Life mission for ArmA 3. I have been a member of their community since Christmas 2013. I am also an Administrator there, which i have held since roughly April of 2014. Other than Gaming-Asylum, my past community history as well as Admin positions would have been in BF2 (PC), and BF3 (X360). Being mechanically minded since i was a kid, I am man of many talents but a master of none. Born and raised in Alaska where I work in aviation as a mechanic. I also hold a private pilot license, which i hope to continue to commercial. Other hobbies would have to be hunting, fishing, cars, firearms, & planes. I am a pretty laid back guy, i like to make jokes and am all for friendly ribbing. If you're upfront and honest with me, i will be straight forward with you. If you need help or have any questions, you can reach me here through PM. Or on Gaming-Asylum, which i have linked in my name above.
1 point