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Showing most liked content on 01/26/2017 in all areas
3 pointsFloor 3: A completely empty room with no windows. A single man sits on the floor with a bowel of cereal
2 pointsIf someone starts arguing with you or is irritating you just walk away like he/she doesn't exist.
2 points
2 pointsI didn't see that you replied to him and not me. That's a little embarrassing. By the way CHUCK_01272003 you should just stop talking to him, cause hes not worth fighting with.
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2 pointsIt's been a busy, eventful and productive month for the Identity team at Asylum! Only a few weeks ago we released our first video showing real in-game content, the player housing system, and Identity has gotten a good bit of much-needed exposure! If you haven't seen the video, visit Identity's YouTube channel. Our programmers, especially Henrik Sonesson, have upgraded our inventory mechanics and created two new important gameplay systems these last weeks. The library which you'll have access to in the Town Square module is now in place and functional. Players can both read public domain classic books in-game, or even write their own and submit them to the library for other players to read. In addition, the NPC shop systems are now in place. When you enter most shops you'll be able to find the items you need on racks or displays around the store. Grab what it is you're looking for and then make your way to the cash register to make the purchase. In some places you can preview the items you're holding even before buying; for example, in a clothing store you can go into a change room. This system even allows for shoplifting some items, although player-crafted or very expensive items cannot be shoplifted on official servers. On the art front, we've brought on new artists and are continuing to build the world you'll be exploring. We've also been focusing on the interiors of buildings and characters. We've gotten our first facial hair assets and are approaching a complete character customization system. An overhaul of character skin and hair has Identity's characters looking incredibly life-like in comparison to other MMORPGs. Next on that list for a re-work is the eyes.
1 pointI saw a video a few months back about this game and I was really exited for it but I ended up forgetting all about it. Took me forever to find this game again cause I couldn't remember the name. Now I'm back and can't wait for it to come out and hope that it's very successful. I've been waiting for this type of game to come out ever since I was a little kid. Thanks for making this game possible!
1 pointXilion Law Practise “veritas semper vincit” > Company Website < Ever since the dawn of society, man has practised a system of rules and regulations to maintain order. Those who would not abide by the rules would be punished. Because criminal activity and punishment is, and has always been, a point-of-view area of expertise, legal representation has always been a certain necessity in order to safeguard the innocent. In the modern era, with so many laws in place, it is quite understandable the average man does not know his rights and limitations. What may seem as a perfectly allowed action can sometimes cause severe legal action. We understand you; and we are there for you! The Xilion Law Practise, established in 1987 by Abraham M. Crow has a formidable record of serving well over 1500 cases at an 81% success rate. We specialize in both criminal justice and financial law, but have served with excellence in most other fields as well. Currently ran by Abraham’s son Barry L. Crow (LL.M), the firm is ever growing and ready to take your case head-on! Some additional facts: - Legal aid for anyone; if you require assistance in understanding your legal situation, we are there for you. We carefully explain in ‘plain English’ what your situation is and what your options are; - More than a case; we are also adept at permanent legal representation as a family lawyer or corporate legal assistant. - Pro Deo work; because we want to give back to the community. We deeply care for the less fortunate; - No situation too tough; because we believe in you and will do our very best to help you out. Important note: We are currently moving offices. As such, our address will change in the foreseeable future. We will keep you updated! (i.e. I don’t have a place to stay yet in the world ) NEW!! The Xilion Law Practise is hiring! Are you an aspiring (young) professional with a knack for the wondrous world of legal? Then we have need of you! The following positions are open: - Administrative clerk / Secretary; - Trainee Legal; - Senior Lawyer; In order to apply, please fill out the below form: (Form to be added soon!) Lastly; thank you for your time, and when you are in a pickle, remember that we are there for you, always! Kindest regards, Barry L. Crow
1 pointI have a few questions, sorry if they've been asked before I searched them up however I haven't found any results or answers to my questions. 1. What animals can we expect to see, obviously we have seen deer, will there be foxes, birds, will fish be an actual visible thing underwater or is fishing just like altis life and they jut appear in your net, is there badgers and maybe pigeons or rats could eat dropped food items in the streets. 2. What kinds of boats will there be? We've seen yachts, will there be one type of yacht or maybe a few types and they'll be different prices. Will it work like in gta and you can chose lights, colour scheme or will it be like a floating apartment and you can customise the inside like the apartments.Will the yachts also work like in GTA and not drive around but just be in a fixed place or can we take controls with a steering wheel and drive it. Will there be jet skis and leisure boats like luxury speedboats or stand up paddle boards, kayak, windsurf, kitesurfing ad you had said there would be sports involved. 3. How will the sea work, coastguard, drowning etc? Will there be waves, tides and currents in the game, which would create amazing immersion if you asked me, and how would swimming work (hopefully not like altis life god i hate that), would there be different types of swimming like front crawl, breaststroke etc, and if you crashed your boat out to sea would the boat sink slowly leaving you stranded, maybe you could add life jackets or those rings you throw out to save people if they fell near a harbour or something. Is there a coastguard that could come and save you in a rhib or a lifeboat if you were seen drowning or drifting out to sea? 4. Rougly how many houses will me my the map, and will there be other houses like mansions other than the ones we have seen like 1 bedroom apartment and luxury one bedroom and two bedroom and the studio apartment, wi there be huge mansions will pools and thins like that, excluding the penthouse. 5. Can the police raid your house/search the house if you are seen entering with illegal items or something. (I have read something about people not being allowed to enter without permission because it's your personal area, but does this exclude cops) 6. Will there be working wing mirrors and mirrors in cars, working windows you can put down, and working parking sensors which maybe would beep if your near to hit something but william also cost extra on top of the price of the car. Also I noticed in the overview the car has manual and automatic, how exactly will manual work? 7. Trains?? Public transport like buses and trains would be a really nice feature and could add lots of roleplay scenarios. 8. Snow. In the map picture there is mountains with snow on by the looks of it and I was wondering... Will this jut be an aesthetic? Or would there be snow sports like skiing, snowboarding or maybe snowmobiles. If you do add skiing you could make it a proffessional sport or maybe have a ski lift. 9. Is there going to be large cargo ships? In the map picture we are able to see a large harbour. Will there be large cargo ships to carry huge amounts of produce or items. It could be a way for corporations to bring larger amounts of items at once form one end of the island to the other instead of needing lots of trucks. Now, you might say like aircraft that it would just avoid encounters which is the core of role play gameplay. However I think, as yeah you would miss encounters with other cars on the road, you could come across other ships that are sinking and maybe get lifeboats out to save them, you could be attacked by pirated for you produce on the ship, you could sink yourself and then need to be rescued. I think this would be super fun and also a better way for transporting large amounts of goods. It would also make a huge harbour not just for things like yachts and small boats. @HairyGrenade can you answer any of these? In this post Im going to keep adding questions as I think of them. Tell me if you see a grammatical error i'll correct it! -Theo
1 point@chuck_01272003 @HairyGrenade they said $45 for steam release on the Reddit Q&A! @Avi3ator The prices of the pledges which you see now are going to be rising and some pledges could be gone when the first module is released and so make sure you pledge before the town square module otherwise the price could be significantly different.
1 pointIt's been a month and we still don't have an update... Can you guys please update us on what you are working on and when is the percentage going up? what are you guys doing?
1 pointSorry if this has already been asked the search bar isn't working on my ipad and my PC is in another country, but how will the beta work, im quite confused. I know that the modules will come first but will the beta be like any other game beta and be the whole game and things or will there be parts missing from it that they already know are going to be added to the main game like fire department or things like that.
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1 pointGene I know I am running for Governor but I want to know if I can vote for other candidates I am voting for you, I dont agree with all of your policies but you have a head and you can think logically, I like that.
1 point
1 pointYou cannot, especially two people who haven't been here five minutes.
1 point
1 pointFlaco Transportation! Getting you from point A to B! Much respect for you family and if you need a transportation corporation on your side. Feel free to contact. I will also have ties to police because I'll have men in there.
1 point
1 pointI am sure you canb get ill, I can't remember but there may be diseases I am not sure. @HairyGrenade can tell you more.
1 point
1 pointLike previously stated there is already going to be a fire department as well as paramedics and police department. It is not confirmed wether or not ems is connected directly to the fire department however most likely not.
1 pointFor starters fgt. I don't live in America. And why tf would you rape someone's dead grandmother you dirty pervert f***.
1 point
1 pointFor you 506Plays, I think you should rethink what you're doing and just let things go for once.
1 pointyeah i know, i try to be nice but then he just starts cussing at me and saying we are all poor becuase we live in america
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1 pointWhat do I look forward to the most about Identity? I'm mostly looking forward to meeting new people and owning my own business or something. There's just a lot that I'm looking forward to I cant pick ;p. What are my goals in Identity? To find great friends to have fun with and to own a successful business.
1 pointYou do realize your taxes were set at 50% and you only lowered them by 200,000$. The fact that you say these taxes are too high is ridiculous and hypocritical. And with free healthcare people would feel at ease. Who in their right mind would say "Free healthcare? Guess I'll rush in there with gun blazing." Nobody, why? Because they have everything to lose. Their guns and the scene that they were in. And depending on what type of server, their actual life is on the line. So far what I've seen from you Mr. Hetch is a re work of MY tax system and what I can assume will be a rip off of my healthcare plan as well. On top of this your taxes are extreme and unnecessary. You'll be making everybody poor while you stay rich. If you want to make money, stick to being a business man Mr. Hetch. The Island doesn't need greed. It needs a leader who is willing to make sacrifices for himself.
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1 pointWhat are you going to do with all your "money". Maybe you should get some brain treatment for all the cancer you are spreading.
1 pointHey welcome to the neighborhood! Glad to hear it, if you're interested in the mafia I would refer you to @Frank he runs a decently sized family and also has ambitions to create a "little italy" within our community in the town that we decide to take over. Sounds like you'd be a good fit, I'm sure there's plenty of space for a gun shop in their village. I encourage you to also join our discord and interact with our other members as well. Plenty of career opportunities within, and no particular rush at the moment. https://discord.gg/sh76s8Q
1 point
1 point@506plays I got to 100% agree with you and I know that the devs said 300 as that is there goal but they also said on the Q&A or interview that if they can go higher then they will. Also having more players on the server means more traffic and more accidents likely to happen = more immersive and interesting.
1 point
1 pointIf you pay money to support the game you get to play the beta. In this game th beta is called 'modules'. It consists of 3 modules, the town square module, the swat module and another one. In the first module, the map will be secluded to the town square, you get to interact, work and basically test out what the game has to offer. The swat module is abit more cloudy. We aren't that sure on it. But it will basically be a cops and robbers game. It will be used to show off the gun mechanics. I'm not sure on the 3rd module tho.
1 pointThe beta will come after all 3 modules are out. the modules will contain small areas of the island and you cant just go to another place by your will in the module, but the beta will make you experience the full game before release you can do all the stuff we are talking about here like jobs cars guns work and all that but in the modules you only chat,go to movie, social, customize your apart
1 point
1 pointNo offense: But this question got answered a few times already. Use the search function. The game will only be available for PC first (shortly after release available to MAC and Linux). The full release will be available at steam.
1 pointI'm hoping each one gives a different effect. Beer- Turns your screen blurry with a slightly green hue. Whiskey- Makes everything brighter. Vodka- Turns your screen black?
1 pointDear haters of this game, I understand that a lot of people have many doubts on this game thinking that it will be a 2nd "No Man's Sky" and it's too ambitious of a project, or simply just impossible, then please reconsider and give this game a chance. Yes there are a lot of expectations in this game and yes it has limitations but this game is striving to become a new genre all in itself. After this game comes out, or even before, you might see big corporations trying to copy this as this has become very popular and very unique. This brings me to my main point. If your trying to say that this game is like those made by major corporations, it's not. It's made by a small team of developers who fantasized about this type of game. Instead of sitting around like the rest of us do and expect a game like this to be handed to us, they took the initiative and MADE this game. Also, we aren't buying "early access" per say. We are giving the developers money to continue working on this game and bring this community something that we all enjoy. Most of us are here because we wanted this type of game to come out and when it did, we all jumped on the great idea and are trying to make it a reality. The people who pledge $30 or more will get beta access, yes. This doesn't mean that they are trying to suck all the money out of us as they can. They simply NEED funding unlike games made by BE or BLIZZARD or Valve, etc. I hope you put this here as a joke. If you meant this in a detrimental way then I think that you need to find a better use of your time. Again, the people of the Identity community love this game and wish for it to be a reality. If we didn't buy "early access" and all the other perks, then there would be no game. Valve can pump out new games for as long as they want without selling early access. They can make games that are F2P and have no micro transactions whatsoever simply because of the fact that they have the funding too and will be bringing in more money than they know what to do with. This being said, Asylum Entertainment has no major funding expect for the people that like the community and the game. I can't speak for everyone, but I think that most people part of the community appreciate what Asylum Entertainment is doing and giving us a game that is 1. Cheap, 2. NOT pay to win, and 3. Something that a lot of people have fantasized about for a long time. You can buy the game and become the most powerful person on the official servers just by playing and being dedicated. I am not 100% on this but I heard that it will cost around $15 USD to buy the full game. There are micro transactions but they are purely cosmetic. This is purely a community based driven game. Almost the whole world is controlled by the people. This is a game created by the people for the people. If you still have doubts in your mind then that's fine, different people have different opinions and you are entitled to yours. I hope that you can at least not spread hate about this game. Thanks for reading and if you agree then leave a like to show the power of the community and to show that you really care about this game! ~Rem P.S: If this can for some reason get pinned, It might help show the haters the power of the people and community!
1 pointHello, only just heard about this game so my knowledge is limited hence the questions and ideas that will follow. First of all I love the concept even though it seems very dependant on the community doing something other than starting gangs wars. what I would like to know is: Will food and drink be required? I noticed something around you not dying if you don't eat. And that player created items will grant boosts. I think this is too small and that more of a career aspect could be added to this. For example hunting for higher quality level ingredients, farming/crop growing could be included for ingredient/narcotics. With this in mind cafe owners could order ingredients from other players or from npc's lower quality. The owners would not be serving people an NPC could do that behinds a till. The career side could be budget management and development. Ordering the ingredients and creating player made items (that might increase skill exp gain or something) then evaluating the player driven market to set up prices. Costs will be added for bills and npc employees. i was wondering why this has not been added as a career option? also will the vehicles need fuel? If so can gas stations be bought? Once again the owner would just manage the income and bills ect. All transactions could be made at the pump? banks can be robbed awesome. Can the bank loan you money? Will their be a career chance within a bank? Employment will contracts be editable? How do contracts work? Will the legal department have a non-criminal function? What happens if you die in game? Will a player loose everything I worked for? Do we get wills? Sorry for all of the questions! I can see so much potential with this game I just need to know more. Any knowledge would be appreciated and thank you in advance Pig.
1 pointYes, you will have to re-fuel the vehicle... (Life Simulator ~ as some call it) No, these are un-ownable. Would be a great addition but, the developers are only adding stuff that they feel that players will want to do and actually stay with the job/ career for long periods of time. Maybe, or you will have an NPC in the pump station shop. No info on banks giving loans (Maybe player's will do loans like loan sharks.) No there is no career options in the banks.... Have no clue, great questions. Maybe ask on Twitter. 1. You will lose everything on you, (excluding clothing). (official servers, but could be different on community servers.) Community servers will get a permanent Death option! 2. If you got the apartment package on the store page/ or kick-starter then you will never lose it. (includes all servers, private or official servers) 3. Probably not as because you could have your second character created/ also its not permanent death and then you could just do the will for your second character which means you lose nothing anyways/ pointless feature. They stated already that food and drink won't be a thing which you will die from but will reduce other things like maybe fatigue and stamina etc. but thats all really, so topping up from time to time. These are great ideas, but as usual the scope of this that has been covered by the developers could change over time as because its a long time and the production of that area could always be expanded on after the full release of the game and so don't expect the features that are to be at minimum to stay like that as its a far future that it could be added upon and maybe the minimum would be only upon release. I hope this helps you and answers most or all the questions you have.
1 point@KittyDeKarebu All the people you convert to llamas become obsessively attracted to you and follow you around 24/7. Power: To be able to get hench in two seconds
1 pointle bonjour? just kidding, hello, hallo, bonjour, эй, hei... no, forget the last one
1 pointIdentity Forum Guidelines Last Edit: July 9th, 2018 Participation in the Official Identity forums constitutes agreement to the following guidelines, which apply to posts, profile information, avatars, signatures, private messaging, and any other content on this site and participation in general. The live nature of discussions in this community makes it difficult for staff to catch every violation of these rules. If you believe that someone has violated our User Guidelines, please send a private message to a member of our volunteer moderation team or staff with a link to the content and a brief description of what you believe is wrong. Please do not respond to a violation personally, as you may aggravate the situation and possibly violate our guidelines yourself. Any content that violates our User Guidelines will be removed. Interpretation of our guidelines is at the discretion of the staff. Please do 1. Report violations of the forum rules. Moderators will quickly review reports and make decisions based on the information you provide. 2. Respect others. Showing respect will encourage others to participate in discussion. 3. Like posts, that you feel contribute useful information to a discussion. 4. Read the rules, so that you do not accidentally receive an infraction or ban. 5. Be constructive. Help others by answering questions, and offer feedback to their ideas. 6. Read before posting. Fully Comprehend the topic of discussion and determine what has already been discussed. 7. Use proper grammar and spelling. Read your post before submitting. Spelling mistakes may attract attention away from the discussion. 8. Search for content related to your questions. There’s a good chance that there may already be an answer to what you are looking for! Please don’t 1. Troll. Trolling does not contribute to meaningful discussion. 2. Spam. Spamming clutters the forum and makes it difficult to find original content. 3. Flame, or attack others. Insults do not contribute to discussion, and will be removed. 4. Repost Deleted Content. Content that was deleted was removed for a reason, even if the reason is unclear. 5. Demonstrate or perpetuate toxic behavior. A user is considered toxic if they repeatedly make defamatory, threatening, insulting, or otherwise hateful remarks toward other users or staff. Please keep language civil when expressing your opinions. 6. Advertise websites or services unrelated to Identity. We do not sell advertising space on the Identity forums. 7. Cross Post. Cross-posting makes it difficult for users using the search function to find relevant information, and may be considered spam. 8. Ask for Likes. Likes are given to those for contributing useful information in a discussion. 9. Abuse reports. Reporting content with blank or inaccurate report descriptions will hinder a moderator's capacity to help. Please report content that is in violation of the rules, and not simply because you personally dislike another user. 10. Engage rule violators. You may accidentally violate these rules yourself by responding to others that you feel aren’t following these guidelines. 11. Make low-effort posts. Contribute useful information to the discussion, and avoid going off-topic. 12. Discuss Politics/Religion. These subjects are sensitive and may offend others. (There is a small place for fantasy politics within Identity's ecosystem. The Governor position will be able to tweak small settings within the game world, and must compete against others for power. The political systems within Identity are simplified and do not accurately reflect the processes involved with political discourse in the real world. Players may implicitly take inspiration from existing candidates or parties, but must not show any connections to real world politics through the use of logos/symbols, names (of existing leaders, existing parties, or of those within recent history), or slogans. By affiliating your party with a real world political faction, you are bringing such politics into discussion and grabbing the attention of those who recognize it. Real world politics typically invoke a strong emotional response in some viewers and can lead to vehement conflicts extremely quickly.) 13. Create multiple accounts. Only one account per person is authorized, so forum users can be easily identified. Avoiding a ban may result in further permanent action. 14. Operate a shared account. Sharing an account with another user will make conversation difficult should any of the account operators share a difference in opinion. Conflicting statements will impede our ability to help assist any single user on a shared account. Due to this, we request that each account is operated by a single, separate user. 15. Create forum posts that mention specific users in the title. Creating a new topic with the title specifically mentioning another user isn’t conducive to group discussion, especially if the targeted user isn’t comfortable responding in an open format. (For example, don’t make posts like “@usernamehere, why is x and not y?”) If you’re asking a question directly to another user, please do so using the inbox function on the forums. 16. Post Personal Information, or post links containing personal information. Sharing information about others can be harmful to their real-life. 17. Use forum features in unintended ways. Asking for likes, or making a game that incorporates the like/follow buttons artificially inflates user forum stats, making it difficult for other users to determine which content or user is contributing popular content to the site. 18. Discuss Moderator or Administrator actions Publicly. There are often reasons why a decision is made by a moderator or administrator that may be unclear to outside-parties, and off-topic discussion about an admin or moderator decision may be disruptive to a conversation. We politely ask that you trust and respect decisions made by staff. If you have an issue with a specific staff member, please report the matter to a Community Manager. 19. Impersonate Asylum Entertainment Staff or Moderators. When users seek assistance from moderators or Asylum staff, they shouldn't need to worry about encountering the possibility of dealing with an impostor. Always heed the official titles for staff roles on both the forums and discord to help avoid confusion. 20. Intentionally Spread False Information. Spreading rumors you know are falsified and portraying them as fact will only complicate Identity's development and serves to derail the actual constructive criticism offered by other users. Even accidentally giving out false information can be dangerous, so please ask a staff member or reference official statements (Dev Blogs for example). 21. Post or link to illegal, dangerous, offensive or NSFW content. Do not engage in activities that include (but are not limited to) the sharing of sexually explicit content, piracy, malicious code execution (viruses, malware, spyware etc.), gore. Please keep posts pertaining to the M-rated content in Identity reasonable. 22. Create or operate an account with the intention of solely boosting or supporting another user's reputation, poll votes, or opinions. We ask that all users contribute to the forums in ways that don't simply perpetuate someone else's particular viewpoint or account statistics. ***Moderators and staff have the final say on all matters. If you would like to report moderator abuse, contact a Community Manager directly. Creating public threads or posts that question or reference administrative decisions or potential administrative decisions is not permitted.*** ***Freedom of speech rights do not extend to privately owned websites, such as this one. These guidelines detail the types of behavior and activities that are allowed here.*** ***We reserve the right to deactivate any account and to edit or remove any content without warning. These guidelines are subject to change at any time without notice.*** ***If you have a question or suggestion about our User Guidelines, please do not hesitate to contact a moderator or admin and we will be glad to help in any way that we can.*** 3bdullah alzmeeeleee 6ree8 jbbbh #7mod mf95