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Showing most liked content on 01/22/2017 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    $1,000,000 < =55% tax rate and you wonder why there are criminals.
  2. 2 points
    Hello fellow police officers I am here to notify you that I am officially running for governor since yesterday. If I am elected I promise to set aside 30% of taxes to give to police work for better weapons, bullet proof vests, stronger vehicles, better tech, and build on more checkpoint each year in my term. I hope I have your vote to make a brighter beginning for Identity Island.
  3. 2 points
    glitches that lead to the apartment being overfilled with cats?
  4. 2 points
    Constructive Criticism: Tax rates seem pretty good up until we get to the higher income levels. Perhaps having half of your money taken at 1,000,000 is a little too much? Definitely need some more detail on the healthcare plan, ie: How exactly do you plan to achieve an affordable health care act? Your slogan? are you implying wealthy individuals will be forced to give a certain percentage of their wealth to charities and such, or are you implying that wealthy people should feel obliged to do so? How do you plan to run a business and an island at the same time? Hopefully you plan on having someone to take care of the business while you tend to politics? as well as when you first jump into Identity, which will you pursue first: business or politics? Good Luck with your campaign and business!
  5. 1 point
    Hello my name is Thomas Hetch and I am running for governor. I am the founder and CEO of a unnamed security company I think it is important that I should be elected governor because I believe that we need a safe, fair, and prosperous state. Since I know how to run a business I can use the economy to our advantage. If you want proof of how successful Hetch Tech is then you will see when a new branch come to Ash Hill. I think that all races, sexual orientations, religions, and political statuses should be welcome with loving arms in this great state. If you have any ideas or questions then just tell me in the replies. Thank You and don't be afraid to be heard and vote. Last of all my slogan is if you have the ability to help then you have the responsibility to help. This means that if you have a lot of money the you should donate a fair share of it to a charity. My platform right under this. Thanks, Hetch
  6. 1 point
    Hallo und herzlich willkommen bei Second Identity! Wir sind eine deutsche Community zu Identity RPG. Gegründet haben wir die Seite unter anderem da wir der deutschen Community eine Anlaufstelle zum Spiel bieten möchten. Hier könnt Ihr euch über alle Neuigkeiten zum Spiel informieren und natürlich auch über diese diskutieren. Dabei sollen ein netter Austausch und angeregte Diskussionen im Vordergrund stehen. Natürlich werden wir auch sobald es los geht mit einem eigenen deutschen Roleplay Server in Identity am start sein. Auch hier möchten wir euch dann einen der ersten deutschen Server als Anlaufpunkt bieten. Der Start der Website war am 19.01.2017. Wir denken, dass das Spiel wirklich sehr gutes Potential in sich birgt und aktuell genutzte Mods ablösen kann (bzw. ablösen wird). Viele spielen z.B. in ARMA3 auf RP-Servern. Aber wer ARMA kennt, der kennt auch die Macken und Nachteile dieses Spiels (Stichwort: "Engine"). Einige spielen auch auf GTA: San Andreas RP-Servern. Dieses Spiel hat aber den Nachteil, das es z.B. keinen Voice Chat bietet und bereits in die Jahre gekommen ist. Identity wird daher das erste Spiel sein welches auf RP-Spieler zugeschnitten ist. Bis dahin freuen wir uns aber erstmal auf angeregte Diskussionen und einen netten Austausch mit euch und würden uns freuen wenn Ihr mal auf unserer Website vorbeischaut oder euch sogar registriert um mit uns zu diskutieren. Wenn Ihr noch Fragen / Wünsche / Anregungen habt dann könnt Ihr diese gerne unter diesem Thread posten. Unsere Website findet Ihr unter : www.secondidentity.net Twitter: @2ndIdentity_net Facebook: fb.com/secondidentity.net Wir wünschen euch viel Spaß in der Community! Beste Grüße Woritmor - Projektleitung Shout out to @HairyGrenade for allowing us to post this here
  7. 1 point
    I'm unsure if this has already been asked since there are 7,923 posts. I've been wondering what stuff will be able to transfer between servers since some servers will become full. For example, will career progress save as you travel between servers. I've heard that some positions like dispatcher or chief have only one on the server. Are corporations server specific if not how could they compete with other corporations. Thanks
  8. 1 point
    Alright I have spent the last 5 minutes searching the forums for what happens when you get arrested or tried and convicted. lucky come to my aide and answer my inquiry
  9. 1 point
    Was just wondering when the next video would be coming out and what it would show off.
  10. 1 point
    I stumbled across the development of this game a short while ago and my excitement keeps growing, think I've watched the few videos there are on the game a dozen times and read over the FAQ a dozen times. Anyone else? I feel sorry for any of you backers who have known and patiently waited for years for this game.
  11. 1 point
    On the in-game computers you can already access the web and other services, why not implement the creation of user-made programs. People could make flash games or just silly programs. The next level would to create interactable objects for coding such as lights or doors I understand how unessasary this is to the game but it would definitely add to the realism. I don't know how difficult this would be for the devs but its a cool idea.
  12. 1 point
    Yes I agree with that fully. I think you should only process criminals if you know you'd give them a ticket. And to your comment about taking down a drug lord, with big enough crimes like that you would have s large jail sentence for him, but as you said it just ends eventually. Maybe they could go on probation or have one of those devices on their ankles that tracks them to make sure they don't leave a certain area or don't go anywhere dodgy. I agree that they could just go a free man eventually but it would be sort of hard to implement a feature that stops this, there couldn't be life sentences as this is a video game and you can't really lock someone in jail for the rest of the time they own the game.
  13. 1 point
    Yes, and if you say committed repeat offences with a car, they can take away your car or drivers license, and if you committed crimes with a firearm they could take away a firearms license or just confiscate the gun.
  14. 1 point
    I think it would be a cool idea that if someone got arrested they would have to pay a fine, but if the crime is big enough the police could start taking away your items.
  15. 1 point
    Yeah i agreee it's strange, I believe the next video coming out will highlight some SWAT features. What are your thoughts on processing, why is this a waste of time? Things like checking ID, checking database of their name to see previous convictions or maybe if they have a car check the number plate in the system if they have been caught speeding by speed cameras etc.. then explaining what happened and ticketing, maybe if there were witnesses there could be a court system and the witnesses would come to court.
  16. 1 point
    Seeing that cops and criminals have a large role in the game it is very odd that we haven't gotten any details so far. Cause it seems like it would be an awful waste of time for the criminal to be processed, even if they get convicted its not like their gonna get banned.
  17. 1 point
    @mezdoo Sorta, but it was said by a dev on the Q&A that the next video (not specified to s.w.a.t. module) will show off the gun mechanics. So like these 2 said, the video will be probably around the Town Square release (Module 1) before the s.w.a.t. module is out.
  18. 1 point
    Did you pledge on kickstarter originally? because if you did, you will just be upgrading your pledge on the store page from whatever one you do (as long as you sync the account with your kickstarter email)
  19. 1 point
    they will give some details about the SWAT module i belive
  20. 1 point
    Like @mezdoo sad, most likely around or after the release of the first module. Chances are the video will be previewing/exploring the module, or something that relates with the module.
  21. 1 point
    probably after the first module is released
  22. 1 point
    I get what you doing, and I wish you luck doing it. However I would suggest linking your advertisement of Thomas Hetch with the topic. For instance; "Thomas Hetch wants to make sure the policing on the island has the resources and manpower it's needs to be effective in protecting and serving the community. Whether that is vehicles, uniforms, weapons, financing, etc, Hetch has them covered. A vote for Hetch is a vote for the men and women in uniform."
  23. 1 point
    Thank you for the timely response. Much appreciated
  24. 1 point
    I find the text brackets somewhat insane (45% on 400000 for a business? Talk about bankruptsy) as well as some policies that aren't needed (Global Warming). I am not sure if setting up brackets now is wise, considering we have no understanding of the market we will be entering into. Your brackets may be too inflated for the actual economy, or on the flip side, they may be too low. Also the bias in your Poll is comical. You have a "Yes, And I Won't Change My Mind" but there is no, "No" option, with a similar or equal carry. Lastly is it a conflict of interest to own and operate a business and run for office at the same time. I would suggest one of the other. If you want to RP it, be realistic (that is too ALL Candidates thinking this isn't conflict of interest....it clearly is). If this is your and many other candidates ideals, then I will be pushing for the Candidates that clearly see the conflict and the possible corruption with this ideal.
  25. 1 point
    You will become splendid CEO, no question about that. On the contrary what goes for governor is different. First you must get votes based on your ideology and ideas in order to achieve this position. Then you must carry out your promises. Would you trust a governor who would change his/her mood/opinion/ideas right after becoming an official ? As world progresses we also need changes, won't argue about that, but not overnight, otherwise citizens will be confused and unhappy. Don't be too hasty, Mr Keys, as TPP is something what Identity needs.
  26. 1 point
    @jessikovv Also what was missed about pets is that at first they will be confined to your house/ apartment but in the future will be able to leave it.
  27. 1 point
    Hello O'le chap and Welcome to the identity community! What do you look forward to most about Identity? What are your goals in Identity? First Module is due within the next few months Q1 2017. There is No official date of the release yet, but I estimate by the end of March if no more delays. Please feel free to use the resources on this forum/ website to gather information on the game. If you have not found something within the resources, please don't hesitate to ask as everyone here is happy to help! Cheerio!
  28. 1 point
    Hello! I thought of maybe setting a business up on there not sure of what yet though. Can't wait to get stuck into the game!
  29. 1 point
    decent, I'm sure you're skills and knowledge of law in real life will come in handy - there will probably be a lot of people in need of a good lawyer ingame. I studied law once but wasn't very good at it, there's so much to memorise - my mate was excellent at it, I just couldn't get my head stuck into all the info, you have to be really passionate about the subject. My class got taken to the courtrooms - it can be edge of your seat stuff from what I heard from other groups - the case my group watched was probably the most ridiculous thing ever in the history of the building, - the most exhilarating part of it was when I realised smuggling Bourbon biscuits in was not a good idea - *CRUNCH* *CRUNCH* *CRUNCH* - but ah well, we picked the wrong room Good luck with it anyway! - im half asleep here/had no sleep, so sry for incoherent jubberish
  30. 1 point
    Definitely lawyer. I'm training in law currently IRL, so it'd be a fun little thing to RP in the game. Also I just find the courtroom exciting, as well as you can work with detectives to help build cases and such. And yeah I get what you mean haha. Put a player in a situation with no consequences and a lot of choices, and you'll never know what you're getting
  31. 1 point
    Some type of Lawyer, preferably a prosecutor working closely with detectives to bring down the major crime families
  32. 1 point
    Yes that would be cool and they could go to school and get a good education. They can create the next generation to make the island better and stronger then before. Visit my campaign site for more info on different issues. One more thing I think that kids should be played by real players.
  33. 1 point
    After reading the agenda of the TPP, I would suggest, low to medium taxes to begin with, then raise them up as the economy strengthens. That has proven to be successful, look at the Federal Reserve in the US, they raised the interest rates I believe 3 times, as the economy keeps improving. Also for anyone curious, debt is a good thing, it allows interest. So Joel, I would suggest, you doing subsidies for small businesses, in order to get the economy booming, as most national economies in the private secors are made up of small businesses. I vote for Joel. PS. I would enjoy be a running mate for you, or running under you, in the future. I have a large interest in politics, economy, and public interests.
  34. 1 point
    The penalty of death is you lose everything on your character other than clothing. In private servers, they can change whether your character will die permanently and I guess how long it takes to respawn.
  35. 1 point
    Danke alle für die nette willkommensheißung :3 Thanks everyone for the nice welcoming :3
  36. 1 point
    Welcome! Recently discovered it as well, kinda through a google search, that led me to a list, that led me to a video about this game, which led to my support less than a day later... Nice to meet you!
  37. 1 point
    The hentai gang, that'd be interesting although I'm not sure if they'll let you have that name on an official server at least.
  38. 1 point
    I was actually just thinking about something like this. I'd love to participate but it makes me wonder where the field/court would be.
  39. 1 point
    Nice! Love that Stephen King one especially. No problem. I just love hearing all these new and exciting quotes!
  40. 1 point
    No the game is not out yet. I really suggest you actually take time to visit this website to its fullest extent as well as do some actual research on the game before asking.
  41. 1 point
    Hello O'le chap and Welcome to the identity community! What do you look forward to most about Identity? What are your goals in Identity? Please feel free to use the resources on this forum/ website to gather information on the game. If you have not found something within the resources, please don't hesitate to ask as everyone here is happy to help! Cheerio!
  42. 1 point
    Willkommen ?? Ebenfalls aus Österreich ?⚪️?
  43. 1 point
  44. 1 point
    It´s crazy how different the schooling time is for different countrys. And thank you for explaining.
  45. 1 point
    Can't wait to marry the dream 38 year old balding fat guy who lives in his mums basement.
  46. 1 point
    It's been a busy, eventful and productive month for the Identity team at Asylum! Only a few weeks ago we released our first video showing real in-game content, the player housing system, and Identity has gotten a good bit of much-needed exposure! If you haven't seen the video, visit Identity's YouTube channel. Our programmers, especially Henrik Sonesson, have upgraded our inventory mechanics and created two new important gameplay systems these last weeks. The library which you'll have access to in the Town Square module is now in place and functional. Players can both read public domain classic books in-game, or even write their own and submit them to the library for other players to read. In addition, the NPC shop systems are now in place. When you enter most shops you'll be able to find the items you need on racks or displays around the store. Grab what it is you're looking for and then make your way to the cash register to make the purchase. In some places you can preview the items you're holding even before buying; for example, in a clothing store you can go into a change room. This system even allows for shoplifting some items, although player-crafted or very expensive items cannot be shoplifted on official servers. On the art front, we've brought on new artists and are continuing to build the world you'll be exploring. We've also been focusing on the interiors of buildings and characters. We've gotten our first facial hair assets and are approaching a complete character customization system. An overhaul of character skin and hair has Identity's characters looking incredibly life-like in comparison to other MMORPGs. Next on that list for a re-work is the eyes.
  47. 1 point
    this model reminds me of BTEC business in school
  48. 1 point
    Yesterday afternoon, for another Identity Insider, we've released a video detailing the workings of player housing in Identity and what it has to offer at our present point in development. This gives you a good idea of the level of fidelity we're going for in all of our key systems, and more videos will follow as we continue. Housing was chosen for our first video as our initial focus in development is for features present in the upcoming Town Square module. If you haven't already seen the video, check it out above. Housing as you've seen in the video is an excellent place to hang out with friends, but it has a lot of good practical uses, too! First, housing is the primary storage location for items you've collected. Whether it's a bookshelf full of books, a gun-rack with wall-mounted guns, or a crate full of junk, it's sort of like a bank for tangible stuff. Housing is also valuable for moderate crafting, too. Some advanced recipes might require a factory, but a lot of stuff can be created at your home using special crafting tables. A hydroponics table can even be used to grow small-scale plants, legal or otherwise!
  49. 1 point
    Leader of a 1% MC, running cheap guns across the island
  50. 1 point
    uhhhhh....... a biker. Duh lol