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Showing most liked content on 12/11/2016 in Posts
3 pointsHi everybody! I have been following Identity for quite some time but recently I decided to become a citizen. From what has been shown to us about the game it is bound to be epic! The "room" video was awesome and I cant wait to be able to play the modules. So, I am 32 years old, living in Sweden. Working with safety and security in real life so I might be a police officer of some sort in Identity, many people seems to want to be criminals so watch out See you guys around!
3 pointsSo it occurred to me while watching a video about the overview of Identity. At the timestamp 8:43 the video shows a player out in the woods shooting a deer ( https://youtu.be/ZQeuc7fAYyQ?t=523 ), that meaning that hunting is an available option as a hobby to the players making me think that they might need to acquire the proper licenses and tags in order to hunt said animals. The Idea: Now in real life there are Officers who are in charge of checking these licenses and stopping illegal hunters or poachers, etc., these officers are called Conservation Officers, or Game Wardens. So my idea basically is that players who choose to join the Law Enforcement can also choose whether they want to work in the city as a patrol officer or out in the backwoods as a Game Warden. Although if they do, the player will have to become familiar with the local wildlife as well as the rules that the governor (or server admins) put in place for hunting. As well they will have to become familiar with what licenses people must have on them when they are out hunting or fishing. Background: Wardens have the utmost authority when it comes to what happens in the woods. For example, if you are out fishing a Warden can come along and ask you for your license, or if you are driving and he suspects that you just got back from fishing he can check your license and your catch, all of course without having to have a search warrant on you. A better example is that if you are out hunting, even if you are on your own private property, a Warden can enter without a warrant solely because they believe that what you are doing could possibly be illegal. It's also prominent that if the Warden believes that you have been 'baiting' an animal (Putting out food to attract the animal for an easier hunt) you can be fined and even jailed, as well as in a worst case scenario, asked to forfeit over all your hunting gear including your gun. A Warden can do all of this because if you are out hunting or fishing, you are doing so to animals that 'belong to the state'. Sure it sounds a bit totalitarian, but it is the truth, and if you don't have the proper papers to do these things then you can get into deep trouble. Gameplay: Gameplay wise I believe that Game Wardens will make it more difficult for those who are driving around out in the woods trying to smuggle drugs or what have you, simply because the whole excuse of "We were just out hunting," won't fly very well if they don't have their licenses, or if the guns that they own aren't the correct ones for the animal that they are hunting. Now I recognize that this may seem a bit extreme for a game like Identity, and we don't even know if hunting will be an in-depth thing, or even if there will be licenses for such things as hunting or fishing. But it's just an idea. (If you notice any grammatical errors do message me about them and I will try and change them as soon as I can! Thank you.) (If you'd like to read up on them yourselves here's a few links: http://www.gamewardenedu.org/what-is-a-game-warden/ , http://blogs.findlaw.com/blotter/2014/08/do-game-wardens-have-the-same-powers-as-police-officers.html) Plus I mean who wouldn't want to drive around in a badass truck Also even at that, they don't just use trucks, they also have access to boats, ATV's, and even horses! Update: So I finally went on twitter and grabbed this map and after observing for approximately, ten minutes or so, I have come to the conclusion that we might need more than a few offroad trucks. I see a Marsh and that tells me it's airboat time and I see a mountain and that means it's snowmobile time! But more importantly, I see that there is quite a 'few' bits of woodland here, as well as quite a 'bit' of water, leading me further to my conclusion that a Park Ranger or a Conservation officer may be of some use to keep the island of Identity safe! Also, on a side note as a far more personal opinion, this island looks awesome. Credit where credit is due, this looks great!
3 pointsHere is my 2 cents on how I think the Cops and Robbers system should work. Step 1:Me and my friend are heading out for some scenes of nature, in the middle of the forest we get into a argument and I "accidentally" shot him with my hunting rifle. Step 2: A: There was a witness or B: Someone found the body. C: I get away with this. A: Witness calls it in and gives a description of me to the police, they scramble to the location and start searching for me. [Cops see a icon or something telling them I may match the description (if correct description was entered into police computer, a new case is created)), am not busted yet am a suspect and are being detained at gun point suspect of murder..] Meanwhile evidence is being collected, or blundered away, depending on skills \ experience of the CSI guy\ Cop. B: The body was found but there are no witnesses, cops check the footage of "security camera (CCTV) from the victims address to the location of the body. They match my photo to the one from a traffic light and I become wanted [Last seen with Watru on Main Street driving east]. Step 3: Body found or Witness called: Cops collect evidence at the crime scene, this will not stay in the world for ever but as long as the body dose ofc.They found a empty cartage, and its matched to my gun I am now wanted. "security camera (CCTV) from the victims address to the location and so on. This is just a example the point am trying to make is that it was way harder for me to get away with the crime then it was for the cop to figure out if I did it or not. And that being said we both had to work for it. Step 4: A am beeing charged with the crime or B: Am beeing let go for lack of evidence. Also if you want to try to talk your way out of go for it. Now this apply to other things as well e.g: running a red light (Picture is taken) you do that a couple of times. A warrant is issued for your arrest, if your driving a stolen car a description of the serial red light driver is posted. And cops can see that they may match a description (if they checked the today's unknown wanted felons list before leaving the station). Now if you have a career in murder then after a while you probably wont leave so much evidence around. (Maybe i moved the body, or picked up the empty cartrage.) And if you are a experienced cop you probably better at finding the evidence that is left behind. (Maybe a fingerprint was found on the body, cop finds blood in my trunk from moving of the body) Hope you guys see where am going with this. Thanks for reading. Cheers Watru
2 pointsA New age of Crime is upon us..... With Crime Families growing and falling a spot is going to need to be filled... Welcome To the Red Dragon Brotherhood (紅龍兄弟會) My name is Tom Chen, While being born and bred in Hong Kong, when was just 13, My parents and 7-year-old brother were at our home eating dinner when three men walked in and killed my father in cold blood, They Proceeded to rape my mother while my brother fucking watched, Those fucks then burned it down when my brother and mother were still alive. Triads.... Fucking Triads. They killed them. After being homeless for some time staying away from them, as I was just a loose end. I started selling myself and other unspeakable things Just to fill my stomach. I finally got on a shipping boat and made my way to America. After landing in the Los Angles I got into trouble and had to start taking hits on some old people for fucking insurance scams. What were only a few years felt like decades During this time I Dropped the Hong Kong accent and proceeded to get higher and higher up in the LA crime hierarchy. At this time I bought myself a blue Evo X and ran a street racing crew. We ruled Those fucking streets. But it wasn't for long... After my conviction for drug trafficking, I only had 5 years because of a bribe with the judge. The prison was a whole new world. lucky I met some associates and we had each others back. years after I was told by some of the gang members to go to a town in the midwest called RockFord Hills. Walking out of that prison was a Fucking relief. I walked over to the 7/11 and grabbed the pay phone and dialed one of my buddies who didn't get caught, My Evo... Still sitting in his garage how I left it Damn it was a relief to see that blue car. I started her up and oh... That feeling felt so good to hear her rumble again. I had a beer with him and I jumped into my Evo, spun the tired and started heading to Rockford. When I got there it was a whole new place. Years later my past caught up with me and my brothers were murdered and I was Only to escape with only one thousand dollars to my name and a motorcycle. It's about time I'm back on top..... ___Ranking___ Using the concept of number Codes, your rank will be designated to a number. Those numbers distinguish the power between the members. Higher the number = Higher the rank Respect and Honor are very important, you will be sworn in by oath. Disrespect to the Oath or your fellow Brothers may come with consequences. Initiation ceremonies can only happen if all (489) and (438)s are all present. Death to others outside our brotherhood may only come with the leaders consent. _____________________________________________________________ 山主 - Leader (489) The Most Important member of the organization. You must respect and Honor his decisions. Protect and serve him and Rewards may come your way. "ItsTomeo - Tom Chen" ______________________________________________________________________________ 副山主 - Deputy Leader (438) When (489) is not present you must respond to him and him only. He will act as leader if anything happens to (489) He will be managing the organization if the Leader is not online. "Trisword - Tekato" _______________________________________________________________________________ 香主 - Incense Master (438) This is the Ceremony officer, He must be present In any Initiation. He will Be in charge of Teaching the (49)s our values. He has an influence on members positions. "Vacant" ___________________________________________________________________________________ 執行者 - Enforcer (426) He Is the leader in the field. He is the best fighter in the clan. You must respond to his orders during an operation. He can oversee an operation. "vacant" __________________________________________________________________________________ 會員 - Member (49) The Majority of the organization The sold You must treat your fellow Brothers as you would an elder. You have a chance in moving up in the Brotherhood. "0/TBD" _________________________________________________________________________ (Ranks are a WIP and subject to change) What you need to know Our Oath We must Live, Breathe and Die by these 36 oaths. After having entered brotherhood gates I must treat the parents and relatives of my sworn brothers as my own kin. I shall suffer death by five thunderbolts if I do not keep this oath. I shall assist my sworn brothers to bury their parents and brothers by offering financial or physical assistance. I shall be killed by five thunderbolts if I pretend to have no knowledge of their troubles. When my brothers visit my house, I shall provide them with board and lodging. I shall be killed by myriads of knives if I treat them as strangers. I will always acknowledge my sworn brothers when they identify themselves. If I ignore them I will be killed by myriads of swords. I shall not disclose the secrets of the RedDragon, not even to my parents, brothers, or wife. I shall never disclose the secrets for money. I will be killed by myriads of swords if I do so. I shall never betray my sworn brothers. If, through a misunderstanding, I have caused the arrest of one of my brothers I must release him immediately. If I break this oath I will be killed by five thunderbolts. I will offer financial assistance to sworn brothers who are in trouble in order that they may pay their passage fee, etc. If I break this oath I will be killed by five thunderbolts. I must never cause harm or bring trouble to my sworn brothers or Incense Master. If I do so I will be killed by myriads of swords. I must never commit any indecent assaults on the wives, sisters, or daughters, of my sworn brothers. I shall be killed by five thunderbolts if I break this oath. I shall never embezzle cash or property from my sworn brothers. If I break this oath I will be killed by myriads of swords. I will take good care of the wives or children of sworn brothers entrusted to my keeping. If I do not I will be killed by five thunderbolts. If I have supplied false particulars about myself for the purpose of joining the brotherhood I shall be killed by five thunderbolts. If I should change my mind and deny my membership of the brotherhood I will be killed by myriads of swords. If I rob a sworn brother or assist an outsider in doing so I will be killed by five thunderbolts. If I should take advantage of a sworn brother or force unfair business deals upon him I will be killed by myriads of swords. If I knowingly convert my sworn brother's cash or property to my own use I shall be killed by five thunderbolts. If I have wrongly taken a sworn brother's cash or property during a robbery I must return them to him. If I do not I will be killed by five thunderbolts. If I am arrested after committing an offense I must accept my punishment and not try to place blame on my sworn brothers. If I do so I will be killed by five thunderbolts. If any of my sworn brothers are killed, or arrested, or have departed to some other place, I will assist their wives and children who may be in need. If I pretend to have no knowledge of their difficulties I will be killed by five thunderbolts. When any of my sworn brothers have been assaulted or blamed by others, I must come forward and help him if he is in the right or advise him to desist if he is wrong. If he has been repeatedly insulted by others I shall inform our other brothers and arrange to help him physically or financially. If I do not keep this oath I will be killed by five thunderbolts. If it comes to my knowledge that the Government is seeking any of my sworn brothers who has come from other provinces or from overseas, I shall immediately inform him in order that he may make his escape. If I break this oath I will be killed by five thunderbolts. I must not conspire with outsiders to cheat my sworn brothers at gambling. If I do so I will be killed by myriads of swords. I shall not cause discord amongst my sworn brothers by spreading false reports about any of them. If I do so I will be killed by myriads of swords. I shall not appoint myself as Incense Master without authority. After entering the RedDragon gates for three years the loyal and faithful ones may be promoted by the Incense Master with the support of his sworn brothers. I shall be killed by five thunderbolts if I make any unauthorized promotions myself. If my natural brothers are involved in a dispute or lawsuit with my sworn brothers I must not help either party against the other but must attempt to have the matter settled amicably. If I break this oath I will be killed by five thunderbolts. After entering the RedDragon gates I must forget any previous grudges I may have borne against my sworn brothers. If I do not do so I will be killed by five thunderbolts. I must not trespass upon the territory occupied by my sworn brothers. I shall be killed by five thunderbolts if I pretend to have no knowledge of my brothers' rights in such matters. I must not covet or seek to share any property or cash obtained by my sworn brothers. If I have such ideas I will be killed. I must not disclose any address where my sworn brothers keep their wealth nor must I conspire to make wrong use of such knowledge. If I do so I will be killed by myriads of swords. I must not give support to outsiders if so doing is against the interests of any of my sworn brothers. If I do not keep this oath I will be killed by myriads of swords. I must not take advantage of the brotherhood in order to oppress or take violent or unreasonable advantage of others. I must be content and honest. If I break this oath I will be killed by five thunderbolts. I shall be killed by five thunderbolts if I behave indecently towards small children of my sworn brothers' families. If any of my sworn brothers has committed a big offense I must not inform upon them to the Government for the purposes of obtaining a reward. I shall be killed by five thunderbolts if I break this oath. I must not take to myself the wives and concubines of my sworn brothers nor commit adultery with them. If I do so I will be killed by myriads of swords. I must never reveal RedDragon secrets or signs when speaking to outsiders. If I do so I will be killed by myriads of swords. _____________ ===Requirements=== Many of these jobs require weapons and skill, 1. You must be sworn in by oath for any position 2. Any high ranking positions MUST have beta access 3. Your character does not have to be Chinese or speak it 4. a mic is recommended but not required. Clothing: Your appearance reflects on your sell-Respect During ceremonies and in public as an organization you must be wearing your 制服- (uniform) which is a Black suit (provided by Mr. Keys) Proper Initiation?: When the modules come out (Town Square) We will be holding most of the Ceremonies there. Requirements will change as game development goes on. ========================================== ====Activities==== The criminal activities include but are not limited to: Social Gatherings with our fellow brothers and allies. Robberies and theft Hijacking Drug production/Smuggling Street racing Bosozoku Bike Rides Gun Fights/Street wars =Benefits= Being a RedDragon Provides you with a life lasting bond with your brothers, Here are some benefits =========================== If you wish to join our brotherhood please fill out this template below. Click Here Any questions or suggestions you have just comment below. (Teamspeak and website coming soon) _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you, Tom Chen 山主 - Leader of the Red Dragon Brotherhood (紅龍兄弟會) "Honor Is everything"
2 pointsHello Mr. Luprano, I believe your family is destined for greatness. I am most certain that an alliance is in both of our best interests.
2 pointsHello and Welcome to the identity community! Please feel free to use the resources on this forum/ website to gather information on the game. If you have not found something within the resources, please don't hesitate to ask as everyone here is happy to help! Cheerio!
2 pointsThank you brothers, I wish fortune and safety on your journeys.
2 pointsHere is a link to my topic on this i made a while ago, has a reply from Motown which you may find interesting
2 points" From the shoes on your feet to the sofa under your seat, almost everything in Identity is built and crafted by other players. Manufacturing corporations give their employees access to a wider variety of constructables and resources, for a cut of the profits. " People need boxes to move things in and out XD, if its not in the game, then me and my officers will make a smooth transition of the buisness
2 pointsI suggested a box factory and I made my own. if its not in the game then il change
2 pointsYou aren't going to get many good answers here. Everybody is going to say that their own gang is the most powerful, the largest, and the most infamous. @IDEN would answer that his crime family is the best, just like I would say that mine is the best. There are more than a few 'organisations' on here which are downright idiotic and have no real plans, but I won't name names because all that would do is start an argument. In other words, do your own research and reach your own conclusion, because everybody here is 100% biased.
2 pointsBartender/Barowner Il be there when you need a refreshing drink or small snack maybe also invest in a second house to rent
2 pointsWell the main goal would to not completely take out taxes but lower them for a more economic focused community. Where there is no lower class only middle and upper. The healthcare system has been something I've been working on steadily to try and make happen but I can see that I've made a mistake by offering it. Mainly because the tax revenue would be cut nearly 90% so I would have trouble balancing it out. I've been asked about this and criticized for this many times. In the past four years from 2012 to 2016 the number of gun store robberies show a 22% jump in theft. Meaning that if there isn't a regulation on who can have them and who can't they'll just steal the guns anyways. Banning it would cause a revolt as he said mainly because people don't like it when their free will is tampered with. They want the freedom to do what they want. Think of it more as a reward system. If you're an upstanding citizen than you should be able to get guns. But if you've committed crimes you will be told you cannot have them. The underground sale of munitions is something I'm fully aware of if I try and pass this law. There's always going to be people making shortcuts to get weapons and I understand that. But my goal is to make the city safe rather than making it a utopia. I hope I answered all of your questions appropriately and tried to answer as many as possible. Thank you for your time everybody.
2 pointsWould definitely serve me and my club a purpose. Would absolutely love it if they had these types of housing in game.
2 pointsThe amount of grammatical errors this kid has regurgitated makes me sorry for future generations. I can't wait to hear the crying that comes when they (he or she) do not pass the test for becoming a police officer, or when they get banned from every single server because they are so immature. So @thecop34 i suggest you go play gmod with the rest of the children and leave the adults alone before you get put in your place. Also, good luck during training. I seriously hope you can grow up very soon.
2 points
2 pointsExcept I'm an auxiliary cop in real life..... so not exactly like you
2 pointsLmao It's very comical when these kids come on here thinking its a GTA clone ???
2 pointsYesterday afternoon, for another Identity Insider, we've released a video detailing the workings of player housing in Identity and what it has to offer at our present point in development. This gives you a good idea of the level of fidelity we're going for in all of our key systems, and more videos will follow as we continue. Housing was chosen for our first video as our initial focus in development is for features present in the upcoming Town Square module. If you haven't already seen the video, check it out above. Housing as you've seen in the video is an excellent place to hang out with friends, but it has a lot of good practical uses, too! First, housing is the primary storage location for items you've collected. Whether it's a bookshelf full of books, a gun-rack with wall-mounted guns, or a crate full of junk, it's sort of like a bank for tangible stuff. Housing is also valuable for moderate crafting, too. Some advanced recipes might require a factory, but a lot of stuff can be created at your home using special crafting tables. A hydroponics table can even be used to grow small-scale plants, legal or otherwise!
2 pointsThe way we plan to handle something like this, is to offer a park ranger spawn location for police officers in Identity, somewhere remote, and out in the woods. When they spawn, they will by default, be wearing park ranger clothing, and have access to park ranger vehicles. If they really wanted too, they could take this gear and drive all the way to the city and do their normal patrol in park ranger assets, but the important thing to note is that the two roles are merged into the law enforcement career for easier access.
1 pointAbout us Discovery Logistics Inc. (DLI) is an international freight forwarder founded in 2016. Our number one priority is to get your freight safe and quick to your destination. We forward freight to small business. We successfully offer our clients complete door to door transportation. We here at Discovery Logistics Inc don’t believe logistics is just about moving items from one place to another. We believe it’s much deeper than that. Quote: Discovery Logistics Inc. your logical choice for freight transportation. Structure Management Team President @Rick_Anderson Vice-President (Open) (1) Director of Logistics (Open) (1) Director of Finance (Closed) Director of Marketing (Closed) Director of Inspections (Closed) Logistics/Transportation Team Transport/Logistics Leader (Open) (1) Logistics Supervisor (Open) (1) Logistics Member (Open) (2) Transportation Supervisor (Open) (1) Transportation Member (Open) (2) Inspection Team Lead Inspector (Closed) Superior Inspector (Closed) Truck Inspector (Closed) Marketing Team Marketing Supervisor (Closed) Marketer (Closed) Transport Team Coach Driver (Open) (1) Driver @gustavomodo Service Here at Discovery Logistics Inc, We value our customers needs and try our best to provide the safest and quickest means to satisfy them. Our trucks and Drivers undergo regular inspections and safety checks. Furthermore, Discovery Logistics Inc. We can take anything you throw at us ranging from live stock, to clothes, to firearms, and much more. We will make sure your cargo arrives safely and if it doesn't we provide insurances to some cargo. Further information about jobs is in our contracts. Application Format You roleplay name: (Example Rick Anderson) Website name: Why you wanna join DLI: What Position do you wanna join the Company: Do you have a working mic: NOTE: All details about the different jobs are open to change -including payments- due to unknown ingame mechanics that may wreck the business model (if there is any) Discovery Logistics Inc. © Contact Us: Reply or PM me for job offers.
1 pointHey fellow Law Enforcers With this topic I'd like to inform and assist you in understanding and creating a police department. It's important that departments are organised and have a structure to ensure officers are appointed to tasks and supervisors ensure tasks are completed. While rank structure is an important part of your department, it's also important to have a good divisional structure. Hopefully at the end of the text you're a bit wiser on how a police department works. We'll start of with Police Ranks. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Hierarchy Staff Officers Chief Of Police - In charge of the department and handles public relations with other departments aswell as controls internal procedures and protocolsDeputy Assistant Chief Of Police - In charge of the department when the Chief of Police is on absence Deputy Chief of Police - In charge of a large part of the department, known as an Office. Example: Office of Operations or Office of Counter Terrorism Command Officers Commander - In charge of a training within the department. Example: Sergeant In Training or Detective In Training Captain - In charge of a precinct or leads all patrols within a certain area and acts as a supervisor to supervisors. Lieutenant - In charge of a larger division and serves as city wide/ patrol wide supervisor. Supervisor Sergeant - In charge of smaller divisions or head of certain aspects within divisions. Alse the first contact point for basic officers Senior Lead Officer - A non commissioned officer who is in training to become either a supervisor or detective.. Investigator Detective In Charge - In charge of a investigation division and will handle day to day requests from lower ranked Detectives. Also in charge of casefiles. Detective - Basic detective who investigates crimes after they happened and observes organised crimes Senior Lead Officer - A non commissioned officer who is in training to become either a supervisor or detective. Non Commissioned Officers Police Officer III - Patrol officer who teaches the new officers the way around the department. Police Officer II - Basic Patrol officer who makes up most of the department. Police Officer I - Newly inducted Police Officers who are in their probationary stage and learn the way of the department. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Hierarcy With the previous mentioned hierarcy the base of your department should be filled. However it is always possible to adjust the ranks towards the need of your department. For example you can create a Senior Sergeant who would be a basic sergeant, but in training to become a Lieutenant. Another example is a Lieutenant I and Lieutenant II. Where the I would ensure larger divisions are kept under control the Lieutenant II would handle a precinct or multiple patrols. Ranks also work hand in had with your organisation. For example if you have 7 divisions it might be wise to have 7 lieutenants or a few lieutenants of the bigger divisions and sergeants of the smaller divisions. It's important to know your department, because some divisions will require more intense handeling than others. Warrants and searches require more knowledge of the penal code and law than a traffic division. For that reason it's better to have a Lieutenant handle the Investigation divisions and a Sergeant the Traffic Division. The higher the rank the more legal and situational knowledge a person must have. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Organization Chart _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Organization Know your department and its needs! It's very important to ensure your department has a wide arrangement of divisions people can join so their day to day tasks are never the same and never boring. A good structure is most needed in the department and every part of it has a person controlling it. Divisions by Sergeants, Large divisions by Lieutenants, Precincts by Captains, Offices by Deputy Chiefs and at the top the Chief of Police. The way a good structure works if that a basic officer will not have to complain to the Chief of Police. If he has a problem he should go to his appointed sergeant. If he can not solve it, the sergeant goes to his superior and so on. Because there are limited amounts of divisions in an Office there will be a good overview of them all. It's important that the division leader reports to the Office leader and the Office leader to the Chief of Police. Ensure to give your Deputy Chief of Police enough power to change his Office by only having to inform the Chief of Police with the changes. This way there is more control and better support for every division and they will know who too contact when there is a problem. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ GENERAL NOTICE: If you have comments or have questions about a certain aspect within the police department, you can always ask it here. I'll try to give a good answer to every question asked. Obviously if your question is important, it will also be added in the topic along with the explanation. If you have certain subjects to add aswell you can always PM me and it will be added into the topic along with credits too your name. This topic is aimed to give a detailed guide on how to make or understand a police department and hopefully the community works with eachother to give tips to other servers. Sorry for possible writing errors
1 pointIt is inevitable. No matter how much we complain and no matter how many restrictions they put in place, we need to come to the realisation that children (immature ones in particular) are going to get their hands on this game. Kids who treat this game like GTA or COD. It is going to happen no matter what precautions we take. I would like to discuss possible ways that we, as a community can come together and instead of prevention, we need to decide how to deal with the issues. I recommend that we act mature. If a kid is mass RDMing, don't kick and scream, don't act like a kid in OOC, just ignore them. I know it will be hard, but it is the only way we can discourage kids from playing like that. Kids are apart of the community, and while we would all rather not have them here, its not something we can control. If a kid is RDMing, run and hide and quietly report it on the forums. Act like you arent even annoyed, like you just want to report it incase it happens again. They commit these actions for an equal and opposite reaction, we dont want to give them the reactions that entice them to commit the atupid actions. Can we as a community agree to treat these situations calmly? Let me know your thoughts below.
1 point
1 pointNope. I can bring up solid, legit arguments and you'll revert to your usual "not an argument" line. I kinda wanna see your movement in action so we all can see it fall quicker than it was started. Maybe then you'll figure out why that kind of movement won't work.
1 point@QuannTann, I really like this idea, I'll forward this over to Motown and see what he thinks!
1 pointGo here! and see what people are planning to do, which there is a lot of posts. "Those who post a business idea" that means there plan is to make that business and most of the business' posted are confirmed that we can do.
1 pointNah, I think he needs the best teacher to even get some improvements
1 pointAgreed. Maybe he can sign up for classes when @Herzog gets a university going.
1 point
1 point
1 pointThis is correct, and has been said by the devs themselves. You don't need a reason to kill anyone, it will just be discouraged. If you want to play this game without the chance of being killed for a 'good reason' you're going to have to find a private server with rules against RDM and admins to enforce it.
1 point
1 pointGun control doesn't cause revolts, it discourages people from buying guns, and that's good. Less guns is obviously a better idea than more guns
1 pointAll he says is "not and argument" lmao. This guy and his movement is a total joke.
1 pointPerma death is an option for private server owners to choose from. Also you can rp as a serial killer either way, just make a pattern for your kills. You will probably be able to rp it yes, but not obviously in big chunks. @HairyGrenade give your opinion on this please.
1 pointAs we all know the aim for this game is strict roleplay, and it is to be played similar to real life. However, my main concern is as like everyone mentions. RDM, lack of RP, and also the inability to get everyone on board with the concept. When I play this game, I want to escape the bs that occurred in life mods. Being that I want to have my character a police officer, I don't want to have the fear of getting killed every second of everyday for no reason. Let me explain what I think RDM is. RDM is pretty much killing without roleplay. An example of this would be: I'm responding to a call and a random car just blocks the road before i can do or say anything, i'm killed. I'm pretty certain that i can say for others we want to model real life in this game, so what can we do to stop this? strict rules? i know every server will handle this differently, but before the release can we get together and actually agree to just RP like we are meant to, and if you want to kill on top of kill, guys there are plenty of great games out there. lastly, lets leave on a proper kill situation: lets say we have two gangs, gang A and gang B. a Member of Gang B walks into claimed territory of Gang A and is warned by the members of gang A that they need to leave, if he doesn't then yeah a shootout can happen. That's one of many situations that can happen civ vs civ. Police vs civ is no different. As a cop, yeah it can be annoying getting killed but the reality is when you stop someone there's always risk. Id love to see a foot pursuit that turns into a shootout, that's great and that's roleplay. we don't know if we have the ability to shoot from car windows or not but if I approach a car and the guy is a known criminal, sure shoot me when i approach, but let the roleplay at least begin. things like that happen, maybe not a lot, but it should work the same in game. My judgement for RDM is based off of real life, If certain things happen in real life (like mentioned above) then sure let it happen in game. but not all of the time because it doesn't happen all of the time in real life. Argument: No one can say this isn't real life because the goal is to model it, so sorry try again. But lets have a conversation about this, agree or disagree lets contribute our thoughts.
1 pointWe are Hiring! If you want to apply, send me a message, tell me which rank you want to apply for and why do you want the job. more information here:
1 point
1 pointSerial Killer Profile: Dog murderer Adopts dogs prior to dissecting their bodies within their household.
1 pointThe 1cop2civ ratio wouldn't work since this isn't DarkRP, there needs to be around 20 employees per business. There also needs to be significantly more normal citizens than business owners so that the clothing stores have people to sell for, security services have people to protect etc. while also keeping a decent amount of cops and criminals.
1 pointI hope you don't take it too personally if i arrest you then just don't blow up the police station
1 pointHey! Your RP idea sounds really intriguing, and I really hope you can pull it off in game! It will add an interesting dynamic to a server, that much is certain. Do remember though, make them fear you! Killing in the street isn't scary in a video game so you'll need to find some way to make this role the terrifying experience its meant to be. Maybe rob another crime lord, then waste away all his money on senseless things in order to show him just how little his work matters. In any case, good luck and good night!
1 pointThat's not quite what he meant by that description. In Identity, committing a crime flags you in such a manner that a police officer can charge you with a crime. If you run a red light, you're not immediately charged with the crime; however, if an officer sees you run the red light he can pull you over and will have the ability to charge you with that crime. This mechanic keeps police from being abusive and charging for crimes which you did not commit. That said some major crimes may charge you automatically, but that can be controlled by the server operator/community. This is how it'll be done on the official servers to prevent griefing. There are times where gameplay in a multiplayer environment can't be exactly realistic to maintain it's fun for both parties. More "hardcore" communities may wish to adjust these rules, and they can.
1 pointMia Smyrnoi Mia is a young 19 year old girl from Romania. She has traveled to the island of Identity to attend her course at Uni. She is an ambitious character with a passion for music and art but she sees herself as different from others, being shy and lonely. She didnt grow up with a thousand friends on Facebook, instead she saw her friends and heroes in the music industry. Industrial goth like Rammstein and general classic rock like Iron Maiden always rocked her mind. She is always seen with a pair of headphones listening to her heroes play their jam. She was born in Cluj in 1996 and was joined with her older brother, who was 7 at the time. When she was 3, her parents were in a car crash, killing their mother by an impaling sign post. Their father sustained serious injuries and died 2 days later in hospital. The heartbroken due were taken in by their rich aunt and uncle who lived in Bucharest. Life was good for them both. She grew up learning English to the point it became a well known second language for her. However, it was not all fun and games for young Mia. She was bullied a lot through her years in school. She quickly became an unsocial being, keeping away from others and keeping to herself. Thanks to her older brother, Mia became quickly obsessed with cars, racing cars to be precise. She began to start driving a lot and she got good at it. She liked it as she could drive fast and watch the world fly past her. She started driving as a profession and mastered off road driving. Once she reached 18 and finished school, she started to search for Uni. She was very smart considering she was a very quiet person. She was given money from her aunt and uncle to pay for travel and fees for her course. Instead, when she got on the island she bought a car. She bought a Nissan GTR R34 and got it modified to off road rally specs. She was happy with what she had done and was happy to continue driving for the rest of her life. She set off on her new adventure, leaving her brother behind in his sinister job in the Romanian Mafia. Mia's new life starts here... _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name: Mia Smyrnoi Age: 19 Gender: Female Ethnicity: Caucasian Sexuality: Homosexual (Into the same sex) Hair Colour: White/Silver Occupation: Student/Racer Other: Various tattoos and piercings. Dark makeup. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Reference Pictures:
1 pointI have to disagree. Putting a gang / business out there before the game is released gives a chance to begin the recruitment phase early. It also gives us a chance to see the competition and get a little taste of RP before the game is even out. As for your other complaint, that nobody can truly say they're any better than any of their competition, I'd have to disagree again. Without naming any names, I can look at a group's forum entry and get a good idea of how successful they'll be. If a group's entry is poorly-constructed, barely legible, and very vague, you can usually bet they won't go very far - if they're even around by the time Identity is released.
1 pointI like the idea of longer jail sentences, but months seems a little excessive to me. If murder got you a week in prison, I could see that working. It would bring some good roleplay as well. Imprisoned mob bosses would have to appoint an acting boss to handle their affairs, just like in real life. It would definitely hurt the family/gang/organisation, and thus give law enforcement an incentive to take down OC figures.
1 pointI'm sorry, I'm not understanding your question.. Isn't it the same thing what you'r asking ? Transportation service and mail service? A transport service can't also transport your goods that you buy? Can't they transport anything? Isn't transportation service the same as mail services? I'm not fully understanding your question, but I think I do, a little bit and so, don't you think that it's desnecessary having 2 things when you can have only one doing everything? (Just some questions, don't be so ofended like many people do)
1 point
1 pointHey everyone, I'm Brendan, I'm currently a senior in high school taking a programming class and 3D modeling course with high hopes to go into the gaming industry in the future. I've been gaming ever since I was about 5 or 6. I've always loved video games and the world that it put you in. By the age of 13 I bought my first PC and gamed on it for about 2 years, After working part-time I save up money and built my new Gaming PC which is what I use now. After switching to PC I will never go back to consoles! Once I built that computer I installed all my software for 3D modeling and have been creating different projects to store in a portfolios for future job applications, by late 2016 I hope to apply for an internship at Gearbox Software (Creators of Borderlands) to improve my knowledge of the gaming industry. Thanks for checking out my introduction and I hope to see you guys around!