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Showing most liked content on 12/08/2016 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Hello reader, Before giving off my own ideas, I got inspiration off of @Herzog and his idea of a comic con. Please show him some love if you find this a good thing or just want to see this implemented. So, I have an idea that involved large scale events. I was thinking that there could be a feature where you can buy land, and then build on that land. People would be able to build a stage or make a large building that would include things like a Comic-Con or some big social gathering where a lot (and I mean a lot, hundreds, and maybe even thousands) of people will be able to go to that one place and be with people that share those interests on a large scale. For example, I am the manager of a band and I want to hold a concert. I would be able to buy off a piece of land and build a stage and sell tickets for the band. I know this is very ambitious but this could be a big part of the game that would help bring the community together. ~Dickbutt
  2. 3 points
    That's not quite what he meant by that description. In Identity, committing a crime flags you in such a manner that a police officer can charge you with a crime. If you run a red light, you're not immediately charged with the crime; however, if an officer sees you run the red light he can pull you over and will have the ability to charge you with that crime. This mechanic keeps police from being abusive and charging for crimes which you did not commit. That said some major crimes may charge you automatically, but that can be controlled by the server operator/community. This is how it'll be done on the official servers to prevent griefing. There are times where gameplay in a multiplayer environment can't be exactly realistic to maintain it's fun for both parties. More "hardcore" communities may wish to adjust these rules, and they can.
  3. 3 points
  4. 3 points
    As it stands already, we do have advertising systems for politicians running for office but it's restricted to billboards. I like the idea of advertising on public televisions or cinema, and implementation would be easy, but we'll have to think it over and consider all the angles. So, maybe!
  5. 2 points
    I'm an Independant Contractor and I transport anything, anywhere at anytime. No Questions Asked. Introduction I go by Zeus and I'm a transporter. As a transporter my job is to meet up with you to discuss pay and the package(s), once all of that has been arranged and agreed upon I will then take or go to pick up the package and deliver it or drop it off. I transport anything, anywhere at anytime and the best part about all of this is that I don't only take legal goods I also take illegal goods including; guns, ammo, cars, people (dead or alive), drugs, cop clothes, etc... As an independant contractor I will do one job at a time for you as I will have other customers. Also, if I do alot of jobs for you don't see me as a friend or an ally as I'm a working man and do this for the money. If someone asks me to kidnap or kill you I won't hesitate to do it. Services I'm a transporter who transports legal and illegal goods quickly and safely but I also kidnap, rob, blackmail and kill people for the right price. Alot of potential customers reading this may be wondering why they should use me instead of a hitman or one of their own and to you all I have to say is I do my job and I do my job better than anyone else. I'm trained in 4 different martial arts, I can use various weapons, shoot any gun precisely and drive better than anyone on the island. I almost forgot to mention the most important part. If you are robbing a bank, store or people I can be your driver as long as you pay me in advanced. The 3 Rules Rule Number 1: Don't change the deal. Rule Number 2: No Names. I work by aliases or nicknames. Rule Number 3: Never make a promise you can't keep. Payment You pay me in advance if I'm delivering anything but if you are asking me to kidnap, blackmail or kill someone I will take 50% before I start the job and the other 50% after. Not paying won't benefit you in anyway, trust me. Prices Rates will change when I know how well the economy is and how much jobs pay. Delivering Items (Legal) -High Valued Paintings $1,200 -Electronics $800 -Cars $2000 Delivering Items (Illegal) -Stolen Cars $1,200 -People $1,500 -Drugs $3,000 -Guns $5,000 -Ammo $500 Kidnapping Rates: -Men $2,500 -Women $3,000 -CEOs $15,000 -Gangs/Mobs/Yakuza $50,000 Assassination Rates: -Men $10,000 -Women $12,000 -Gangs/Mobs/Yakuza $50,000 per member -Politicians $150,000 -Governor XXX-XXX-XXX Blackmail Rates: -Men $2,500 -Women $2,500 -Gangs/Mobs/Yakuza $60,000 Stalking Rates: -$2,000 a day My Other Service
  6. 2 points
    Hi everyone I'm Kore just made my account here. Not sure what I plan to do in game but I plan to be on the legal side. Would like to join a group thou. I can make a discord server for us if need be. Not really interested in the biggest group in game but maybe a newer group that way there is room to expand. The other game I am waiting for is Star Citizen and on that game I am in a org (125 members) that does transport and I lead one of the departments. I think in a game like this you will ultimately have 3 groups household, friends and coworkers unlike other games. One of my goals in game will be to have a house and if I find more people to join I'd be willing to upgrade my account. By April we should see how this all turns out hopefully sooner.
  7. 2 points
    I believe it was confirmed that corporations could purchase places to act as just that.
  8. 2 points
    Am new here Kore invited me.
  9. 2 points
    age 27 Kore told me to make an account here.
  10. 2 points
    Should of put this in the role play section.
  11. 2 points
    Agreed @DLimit, you also could get extra money for the hostages
  12. 2 points
    Will it be possible to frame your Criminal and Political Rivals in the game. Also cops that are getting to close or People who are not paying you what you are due. For instance you kill someone. When you know your target is asleep or alone and then plant the gun on them later. Give the police a tip after the deed is done then watch the fun.
  13. 2 points
  14. 2 points
    First off my point is that a crime should work how it is in real life if your careful and take your time and are not noticed it should not just be auto detected by the game for the police. It should have to be discovered or witnessed by a real person or a cop. Sorry that realism is a problem for you. and your right they won't stay idle which is why i said i will kill them to remove that problem. Because hostages in game won't act like real ones. Also was why i had a backup plan of letting my own people out to flank the robbers or just have people wait around corner. So thank you for proving my point on why you need to murder all the hostages because they will not sit idle like real ones.
  15. 2 points
    Not to add fire to this thread but I wonder if it'll be possible to rob delivery drivers before they get to/enter the apartment?
  16. 2 points
    Like I said this could change
  17. 2 points
  18. 2 points
    I Joey Gambino pledge my loyalty to the Luprano family.
  19. 2 points
    At this time you cannot build custom structures on land. There is land for farming, as well as pre-existing homes and buildings which can be owned and operated, but we don't allow building permanent structures for performance reasons. When you want a lag-free experience with a lot of players, that's something that survival games suffer for. That said, if you want to put on a concert you can rent a concert hall. You'll get the option of choosing the theme for the event which will configure the art of the interior. The concert halls even have a stage which amplifies volume of instruments, as well as microphones for singing or speaking. You can use these for all sorts of things.
  20. 1 point
    Please welcome the volunteer forum moderators that will be assisting Identity's Community staff in its day to day operations! This team has been specially selected from the Identity forums for their reputation for remaining unbiased during forum discussions, and for their interests in making a difference within the Identity community. However, some of these individuals may be recognized as volunteer Administrators from Asylum Entertainment's "Asylum Altis Life," a modification for ArmA 3, and are trusted to continue the renowned work that they have become known for. Each member of Identity's volunteer forum staff has their own unique personality and moderation style. We hope that you will get your first taste of who these individuals are from this introduction topic. Thank you for being a part of the Identity community!
  21. 1 point
    About us Discovery Logistics Inc. (DLI) is an international freight forwarder founded in 2016. Our number one priority is to get your freight safe and quick to your destination. We forward freight to small business. We successfully offer our clients complete door to door transportation. We here at Discovery Logistics Inc don’t believe logistics is just about moving items from one place to another. We believe it’s much deeper than that. Quote: Discovery Logistics Inc. your logical choice for freight transportation. Structure Management Team President @Rick_Anderson Vice-President (Open) (1) Director of Logistics (Open) (1) Director of Finance (Closed) Director of Marketing (Closed) Director of Inspections (Closed) Logistics/Transportation Team Transport/Logistics Leader (Open) (1) Logistics Supervisor (Open) (1) Logistics Member (Open) (2) Transportation Supervisor (Open) (1) Transportation Member (Open) (2) Inspection Team Lead Inspector (Closed) Superior Inspector (Closed) Truck Inspector (Closed) Marketing Team Marketing Supervisor (Closed) Marketer (Closed) Transport Team Coach Driver (Open) (1) Driver @gustavomodo Service Here at Discovery Logistics Inc, We value our customers needs and try our best to provide the safest and quickest means to satisfy them. Our trucks and Drivers undergo regular inspections and safety checks. Furthermore, Discovery Logistics Inc. We can take anything you throw at us ranging from live stock, to clothes, to firearms, and much more. We will make sure your cargo arrives safely and if it doesn't we provide insurances to some cargo. Further information about jobs is in our contracts. Application Format You roleplay name: (Example Rick Anderson) Website name: Why you wanna join DLI: What Position do you wanna join the Company: Do you have a working mic: NOTE: All details about the different jobs are open to change -including payments- due to unknown ingame mechanics that may wreck the business model (if there is any) Discovery Logistics Inc. © Contact Us: Reply or PM me for job offers.
  22. 1 point
    This has probably been suggested but I want to into more detail. I think we should have weekly car meets at night, morning or whenever your free and we should cruise, talk and race. The map is the size of altis and if you don't know altis it's huge, so we would have a lot of places to meet. There doesn't have to be a leader we can make decisions on where to go as a group. Remember it's illegal street racing and most us will probably have illegal car moddifcations so I advise us to have a lookout or something. And we can also place bets and set rules like no firearms and no undercops.
  23. 1 point
    Hello all. I came up with a idea a few days ago and decided to finally share it and see what other people think of it, (Sorry if someone else had this idea as well). So I think that it would be cool if one of the options if you get high enough in the police force is to become a K-9 unit, you would have a handler and stuff, and you would be used to chase criminals or sniff drugs out *Maybe add a system where people playing as K-9 could smell drugs and gunpowder? And it would be highlighted on the person playing the K-9's screen. Also, it would be really cool if they added a system where if a K-9 uses VOIP then for people playing normal humans would just hear *Bark bark bark* Or nothing, but then other K-9's or other pets would be able to actually hear what the K-9 is saying. Just an idea, leave feedback down below.
  24. 1 point
    I was thinking, what if there were places for people to express themselves artistically. For example: what if there were abandoned tunnels or buildings where graffiti artists or artists alike can go to express themselves for everyone to view. I think that would be cool. Or what if there were events in Roseport or the major cities that are catered towards graffiti artists and street artists to paint and whatnot. Tell me what you think down below.
  25. 1 point
    I'm not sure how the developers would implement this, but you could certainly manage to pull of such an event if you can gather enough people on a server.
  26. 1 point
    @JoelKeys That does make sense.
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
    Thank you for the wise words
  29. 1 point
    Welcome I live in Canada too lol
  30. 1 point
    ok nice! website looks awesome and your goals arent too bad and seem to be quite positive (unlike the anarcho-capitalist movement). it is a shame to be a different party but you seem like a nice person to lose to.
  31. 1 point
    Yes which is why most of the information so far has been to corruption being not allowed for cops. Since the cops will be a average income middle class at best and punishing them for being idiots and not taking things live civilian life into account will be a hot button issue for players they will become the games punching bag is they misbehave. Where as criminals if everyone starts on equal footing will just start making drugs buying legitimate businesses as well and being major political backers and will want the police nice and docile.
  32. 1 point
    Yeah, I know right, they are going to do everything you state because everything happens when you say it happens. Nah mate, just troll all you want, you will get nothing from it when you get banned because what is the point to buy this game to troll, thats just wasting money for a game you can't be bothered to play properly. Grow up with your comments.
  33. 1 point
    the main reason of people not shooting people would become fear. and also if everyone owned a gun then at any point you could be shot in the back of the head. Furthermore it would be harder to identify who's trying/planning to commit a crime as since everyone is allowed guns there's no sign that they're going to kill someone. finally if you say that if someone were to commit a crime then what do the police do and how do you decide who's doing the policing and who's doing the crime.
  34. 1 point
    But why, you know there's people out there who get away with criminal things everyday, if flags popped up over our heads in real life we wouldn't need detectives and people who analyze and do other shit. it destroys the whole purpose of investigating the crime scene if the cops already know you've done something illegal.
  35. 1 point
    They said/ confirmed thats not happening sadly I mean breaking in the homes, they are instanced but only 1 person can buy it. There is also no loading screens to the game (well little as possible or at least a bare minimum) Also this is right, it will be at about 300 houses on the map not including apartments. (the number i have given was the target the developers wanted) could be more. Yeah that's been confirmed, (You have to pay tax or something to keep it) because if this was not there, I could buy the house and just never join other than once a month or couple months.
  36. 1 point
    So you want permanent death by what this post is about and from this quoted reply to a guy, you sound like a troll who wants to kill people just to make them lose everything.
  37. 1 point
    Fair enough if your in a county that cares if you die if you are not rich. Or does not want you in crippling debt for getting needed medical treatment then that is about right.
  38. 1 point
    Yea I agree with @Acetime
  39. 1 point
    As I'm not 18 until April next year , I would like to apply for something down the ranks in the future. Your plan sounds quite unique and very diverse so far!
  40. 1 point
    Open your eyes, the answer is out there.
  41. 1 point
    I've said it before multiple times but I'll say it again. I don't want another darkrp, but I still want the possibility to rob peoples houses since that is a big part of the criminal word in real life. And with all of the things I listed to make the robbing hard like alarms, doorlocks and slow furniture carrying speed, there wouldn't be a big problem for you.
  42. 1 point
    All I get from you is, "I'm okay with government robbing 30% or 60% of my hard earned money every month if they give me shit that will be worth my 30/60% of my monthly labor".. You don't sound like a businessman to me. If you're rich business man, you'd know that government is not your friend. They will steal your money for shit that they either can't deliver or won't be worth the tax money, if you're poor and lazy then fine. Let the market do the job, fuck the political parties, you said yourself that they're a turn off.
  43. 1 point
    @HICA12345, Thanks for being so polite. We hope to see you out on the Streets.
  44. 1 point
    Very good idea. One I think should be implemented into the game. +1
  45. 1 point
    This looks pretty promising. when identity is out I will be searching for you guys in game.
  46. 1 point
    Agreed. Not really trying to see youtube and twitch ads all over the city.
  47. 1 point
    Hey Golden, Identity will be on Steam, but I'm not sure it will be on Steam during beta testing. You may have to download it from a custom launcher available on our website in order to test when the time comes. We will make more payment options available in the future from our website long before their are any changes to the current pledge tier options.
  48. 1 point
    I think business owners or legitimate career people are going to be allowed to be strapped as well for protection so they are not going to necessarily going to have to defend with their first. I like the idea of gun licenses however though it would be a good way for cops to put up a red flag on routine traffic stops and be like "Sir we are aware you are not licensed to carry a weapon we need to take you downtown for questioning". I think this would be a good way to make it harder for criminals to use guns and get away with crimes, therefore keeping the peace for legitimate business people in the main areas of the cities.
  49. 1 point
    No worries, I haven't gone through applications in like the past two months I'll go through them today.
  50. 1 point