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Showing most liked content on 05/01/2016 in all areas
3 pointsDEV BLOG #001 Greetings Citizens, It has been just over a year since you helped successfully kick start Identity into existence! We want to thank you all for your continued support by providing you all with regular updates following the development process for Identity. Engaging with our community is one of the best ways we can show our thanks, and a development blog is a perfect opportunity for us to bring you along for the ride. As you’ve seen throughout the past year, there is no game out there that is quite like Identity, and through your support, you have proven to us that Identity is a vision worth turning into a reality! Feedback has shown us that you all really appreciate our attempts to respond to virtually every question we receive on social media. Twitter and Facebook have been a huge boost in exposure for Identity, and so it is time we begin to explore other avenues of exposure to help our community understand a bit more about the game. In the coming months, our fans will see their first glimpse of gameplay for Identity! We are all extremely excited to show off our first gameplay video, which will fully explore the mechanics of apartment and housing customization. With this video, you will see that we have stayed true to our original art direction from the original Kickstarter trailer, while maintaining high standards in realistic lighting and graphics. We can safely say that we have improved many of the areas of our design that needed attention since February last year. Apartment & Housing Customization Apartments and houses within Identity will have a fully customizable interior. You will be able to change the wall paper on every wall in every room, place furniture anywhere there is space on the ground, swap out doors, windows, baseboards, crown moulding, and even wainscoting! We have made no compromise to the level of detail in which you can customize your apartments or homes, in order to truly express your sense of home decor. With this level of control, there is virtually no chance that the interior of two homes will ever look alike. There will be hundreds of furniture items available to purchase in-game in every style and design, from traditional to contemporary. Furniture in Identity can even be crafted, sold, or traded to other players, and those who wish to try their hand at crafting hand-made furniture from a variety of materials can place a crafting table anywhere they wish inside their homes! And if you wish to share your space with a partner, friend, or even a group of friends, homes and apartments will be available for sale throughout the world that support multiple roommates depending the size of the space and how many bedrooms are available. The home-owner may even grant build permissions to any number of roommates, even visitors, to help them decorate their living space. When you are finished, invite your friends over to compliment you on your interior decorating skills! If you’re anything like us, we know you will spend more time cleaning up this virtual home than you do your real one! Radio This week, our team has also placed a lot of our development efforts into building a functioning radio system that will allow you to listen to your favorite real-world radio stations through placed radio objects inside your virtual home, or car! Yes, you can flip through the channels in your car radio, which will also broadcast to the immediate area outside your car. Imagine driving down the street and having everyone you pass know you listen to NSYNC! One other major part of this feature that we are excited to tell you about is player operated talk-shows which you can personally host, or tune-in and listen to, from your car radio or home. The way we currently have this planned out for hosts, is to have actual physical broadcast stations on the map that you can enter as a player and begin hosting your own radio talk-show. Player’s listening from their car or home can browse a list of channels currently being hosted at that very moment, and listen to you live, talking about government conspiracies and UFO’s! We are really hoping that this feature will have a major social impact for Identity. Like you, we see a lot of potential in something like this for budding stars within the community. We would absolutely love to see many of you sprout a career that started in a game we developed, and ended with us listening to your lovely voice on our actual car radio! The Town Square (Social Module) Many of you already know of, and are eagerly anticipating the release of the planned “Town Square” module that is currently still in production. While we can’t give you an exact date on when that will be ready, progress is steady, and we are as excited as you are to meet you all for the first time in a virtual environment. You may already be aware that Identity is largely influenced by a landmass in the south-eastern portion of the United States. The Town Square itself is only a small portion of a larger city built into the final version of Identity called Ash Hill, a reference to Asheville, North Carolina where we had originally planned to move Asylum’s office. We picked this area of the world particularly because it offered a wide range of geographical variance. The transition between Identity’s mix of biomes needed to feel natural, and this area offered most of what we had been looking for. As for the other cities in Identity, their influences may become more clear to you now. Myrtle Beach is obviously Turtle Beach in Identity, and Roseport is less subtle, but a mix between Atlanta and New York City. When we first started, we kept everything, including the structures and world props level to the ground, a mistake we have since corrected. We quickly realized that cities are rarely ever flat, and knew that setting that precedent now would benefit Identity in the future. The next time you see The Town Square module, we are confident that you will notice the difference compared to earlier screenshots, what such a small transformation makes for immersion in a game environment. Moving Forward We want to thank our community for being so patient with us. Over the course of the past year, we’ve seen many work-in-progress screenshots of assets destined for Identity, and while we believe they serve as a sample of the work we have already put into the game, we know that many of you are still anxious to see video. Our current priority is to get things ready to show off, or more specifically, the housing/apartment customization first. We are convinced that many of you will appreciate the time and effort we have put into this feature, so that you will be able to fully express yourself through your character and virtual home. We know we’ve been pretty quiet this past year, and the criticism we’ve heard from our fans on that through social media and the forums have not fallen on deaf ears! We will start to release regular updates through development blogs and continue to find new ways to interact with our community, to show you our gratitude for your support. You yourself can become more involved by contributing to the discussion with your ideas at www.identityrpg.com/community. We’ll see you there, and thank you again! Always remember that we are gamers too and we are as excited as you are to play Identity at launch!
3 pointsI hope they add cooking. Picture it you have one of your buddies coming over to visit, so you buy a raw turkey stuff it & cook it & set the plates on the table. You buy several 6 packs of bottles of beer get that ready. You then buy ingredients for cooking your own ramen to serve as an appetizer for your guests or if you want to cook in the backyard you could grill hamburgers, brautwersts, hotdogs, steaks, ribs or beercan chicken! I love what this game has potential to become & what possible gameplay might be added to it.
2 pointsWhat if you didn't have enough cops or paramedics on one server. It would be great to have a website where people who arent sure what they want to do can go and see what is needed
2 pointsThat first bit is basically a troll. A bannable offence. I would keep the RDMing to a minimum if you want to stay on servers.
2 pointsWe're going to need rule enforcers I think, watching but not interfering with roleplay unless someone is in violation of a rule. Or a game mechanic which makes death a serious thing with real consequences, resulting in it being extremely difficult for griefers to break the game for everyone else
2 pointsThat's like saying any of the early access titles on steam that are reasonably popular might of ended up being published by EA, there's almost no chance of that happening.
2 pointsAnother thing id love to see incorporated in the game is the use of garages, mechanics and dealerships. This idea came up to me when I thought of Test Drive Unlimited 2 and the way they used dealerships and used car lots to buy and sell customer cars. Images are for reference from TDU2 The first image is a high end dealership which sells super and hyper cars. I think a layout like this looks clean and shows the cars designs very well rather that a drop down list, also giving you freedom to view, testdrive and inspect the car before purchase. The second image is a reference to dealer modifications and optional extras. I'd incorporate this to keep cars unique to the user. The third image is a used car lot. Running low on cash? Sell your car and other users could have a chance to purchase and own it with the exception of dealership optional extras. Since its a used car dealership, cars could be modified to the previous owners taste. This could be changes from the rims, paintjob, engine mods, running gear, decals, exterior and interior. This would only be possible with a car tuning shop (chop shop) to improve and style vehicles which is another feature i would love to see. A motorbike and other vehicles dealerships could also be used in the game. Thanks
1 point
1 pointSo in the Identity overview trailer it was stated that cars would crash like real vehicles. I'm just wondering on to what extent does this apply. I think it would be cool if the cars had some of the soft body crash physics you would see playing BeamNG Drive or even the crash physics in an older game like Burnout Paradise.
1 pointHello, I would like to start off by saying I'm new to this forum. I'm looking forward to this game ALOT! The thing that I am probably most interested in doing in this game is becoming a musician. I have a few questions and ideas to improve this career type. Questions: What instruments will there be? Will there be a DAW ( Digital Audio Workstation) in-game? How will music be distributed? Will there be a top songs chart or something along the line? Ideas: I think it would be really cool if people where able to record/produce songs of different genres, rap, pop, EDM, rock, and be able to send it into a record label. This would give people more opportunities to start up businesses, since the labels will be player owned. It would also be cool if the record labels could distribute these records to the people in-game. If a player sells enough records it would be cool if they got an item to put on there wall like a platinum record or something along those lines. Allowing this means you could set up charts to see how sold the most records and so forth. (This would create a whole new industry that the government could tax so the city funds will go up.) Festivals could also become a cool player driven business. Where a player would buy a plot of land and set up a stage and every month or so (When ever they want to do it) pay artist to come up and perform sets. There could be an admission price and this could end up making a lot of money for many players. TL;DR I would love for there be an extensive music industry in this game.
1 pointDoes anyone know if we will be able to sue people or businesses? Let's say you make a deal with someone and you already paid them but they don't follow through (just an example). They don't necessarily need to go to jail for it but we could bring them to court before a judge and everyone can give their side, and the judge will decide.
1 pointId like to see what ideas people would want for vehicles in the game; Things like different variants of cars (muscle, tuner, super, luxury, vintage...) Motorbikes (naked, sports, supersports, cafe racers, vintage...) Personal use vehicles (skateboards, longboards, roller blades, hoverboards...) Work vehicles (trucks, tractors, construction vehicles, airport vehicles...) Aviation (personal jets, private jets, corporate airline, service helicopters, military...) Personally, i'd like to see these incorporated in this game in one way or another and I would love to hear other peoples suggestions as vehicles (i believe) are a big part of any game.
1 pointHello everyone my name is GK and role-play name "Rosso Marrz". I'm so glad to be apart of this community and look forward to meeting you all in-game.
1 pointWell if you talk to the player after he respawns then you need to stay on a casual rp server because that will be the level of rp you do.
1 pointName: Charles Age: Unknown, maybe around 17-18 From: Quebec, Canada Apperance: A bit slim but muscular, dark brown eyes and hair, tanned skin, kind of tall... Attire: Surf or skate apparel, sometimes dressed up. Job: Barman or gym owner if it will be possible. May also be involve in illegal job sometimes. Personnality: Nice, serious but like to have fun. Detail of house: Kind of small house with a two door garage and a big pool. Detail of cars: BMW 2002 Tii Turbo and a Ford Bronco convertible.
1 point*Driving back home from a business meeting Rosso finds himself pulling to a sudden stop, nearly missing the obstacle in the road.* "What the hell hap..." *He steps out of his metallic dark red S600 Maybach to see a wrecked police cruiser laying in the middle of the road* *He reaches for his phone to call EMS but before he can get his phone, Rosso hears a moan and a faint cry for help from the cruiser* "What tha..., Hello!" "Anyone..., are you ok" *Rosso slowly walks towards the car fearful of what he might see* "Hello!!... " *he whispers to himself* "thats a females voice, dear god" *as he steps around to the other side of the wrecked cruiser, as he predicted, there, was a woman in the driver seat* *her arm covered in blood and her head with a huge gash* "ma..., ma'am, this is Rosso Mars, I'm calling the paramedics." *the woman slowly turns and looks toward him and then nods back unconscious* "Hey!! Hey!, wake up. Oh shit, DAMMIT!" *Rosso then realizes that he needs to get her out of the vehicle, but as he reaches for the woman's seat belt, a small flame begins to rise from the front of the cruiser* "oh god!! COME ON COME ON!!!" *Rosso vigorously and quickly unbuckled the seat belt and begins to yank on the crippled drivers side door* *frustrated Rosso backs up and kicks the door and the door swings open, Rosso in a hurry reaches in, pulls the woman from the car, picks her up, carries her to his car, and gently lies her on the back seat or the Maybach* "I can't believe this, I don't have time..., dammit Rosso *he says to himself* why do you have to be so nosy" "there aren't any paramedics around and I can't just leave someone like this" *Rosso get back into his car, sighs, starts the car, and begins to drive home* *Rosso looks back at the woman on the back seat, unconscious and motionless. Something shiny catches his eye and as he takes a better glimps he realizes it's a police badge* *thinks to himself* "who would get into a wreck with an officer and just leave them to die?"
1 pointI say there's more evidence. The blood, prints, there's a lot of other stuff, people who saw it could report it, etc. EDIT: Witnesses was the word!
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1 pointI don't know if you guys are working on this or anything but I thought this would be a cool idea. like, you could chop trees, cut them into planks or whatever shapes you want and make cool sculptures, furniture and toys etc.
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1 pointThey announced that the game will not be on xbox or playstation (console) but after PC release they will research about it. PC release is not until Early 2017. PLEASE for heavens sake can you use the search function in future before posting as many questions have already been asked multiple times and well its annoying, Thank you!
1 pointI have faith in the devs that they won't include most of these outfits.
1 pointChecked out your channel, awesome manly voice you got Welcome to Identity! It's safer here
1 pointBRABUS 6x6 Volvo 850T 210 hp (157 kW) @5000 300 N·m (220 lb·ft) @2200 1,984 cc 0–100 km/h: 7.7sVMax: 230 km/h Front-wheel drive $22,000
1 point@Johnny Yes that's true, the game is aimed towards a more mature public, and even if there is 12vies, if they try to "troll" there will be consequences, it's not as easy as just buying a gun like in GTA, you have to work the right way to earn it, and if you don't then you most likely won't be able to get a gun or something to annoy people with.
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1 pointNo, what I was saying was why should people who intend to play the game have their experiences ruined by people who most likely aren't going to play the game properly.
1 pointI'd join any server dedicated to hardcore RP! I don't plan on being a cop or anything, just a normal citizen :-) Maybe help run a food establishment or something. But if someone decides to make an RP server I'd love to join. I'd be happy to chip in for a rented server. As for the name honestly if you just put [Harcore RP] as a tag by it I think we could have a lovely community. I love helping new RPers out too and making them feel welcome, I don't like seeing Rpers giving shit to other players because they do something 'wrong' etc. I've seen it happen and I hope it doesnt happen here D:
1 pointPlayers will be able to form custom organizations that are separate from gangs/guilds and corporations, and are viewable to other via the players profile on social media sites in the in-game intranet (should they choose to display them). These organizations can represent almost anything, including political, and religious groups! We're really excited to see what people will make of this feature!
1 point@Motown 2016 Nissan GT-R $105,000 2016 Lamborghini Huracan $245,000 2016 Ferrari 488 GTB $250,000 Mercedes S600 Maybach $225,000 2017 Audi R8 V10 $160,000 2014 BMW M4 Coupe $72,000 2016 BMW M6 Coupe $102,000 2017 Porsche 911 Turbo S $182,000 2015 Tesla Model S $70,000 Cadillac Escalade ESV $76,000 2015 Mustang GT $36,000 2015 Corvette Stingray $58,000 2016 Range Rover Sport $68,000 2016 Lexus GS-F $85,0002014 Maserati GranTurismo $145,000 2015 Maserati Ghibli $68,000 2016 Mercedes E63 AMG $102,000 Lol just some suggestions. I plan to hopefully run a high end car dealership. Hope to see these my showroom
1 pointDrinking too much sometimes happens, so how it will be? Does the screen will get "blurry" and our player will no longer walk straight ? Or for example, when you smoke a joint and get high, will the "life" will be more colorful ? Leave a like if you agree ! And feel free to leave a comment !
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1 pointI believe that the drinking will probably have that effect, as they want to have realism to things and so I guess if you smoke a joint and get high, you will also feel effects but I am not sure whats effectswill occur.
1 pointThere are going to be no military or private military organisations in game. There is just no need for them and they would overpower citizens. There are already going to be prison guards
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1 pointI want corsets! ♥ And stud bracelets! Basically give me anything gothic-like or punk-like or black and I'll love it. Adding this:
1 pointI know the game won't have AI controlled pedestrians, but what about an alternative. when the player logs out, their character becomes AI controlled. A character running from the police would surrender, one driving a car would continue to do so (instead of stopping in the middle of the road, or crashing). this would prevent people disappearing, or simply stopping suddenly. then the game could despawn them when needed(maybe when not in view of players).
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1 pointMy character moved out from her parents when she was 18 "to study". In reality she got pregnant by her boyfriend who broke up with her shortly before she found out about the pregnancy. Her parents were extremely Catholic and didn't even know she had a boyfriend in the first place. She knew they'd make her give the baby up for adoption, so she decided to keep it a secret. Didn't tell the father of the baby because she didn't want him in her life. She spent the money they gave her for university on baby stuff, but few months into the pregnancy she had a miscarriage. As a response to the emotional pain she turned to drugs and alcohol and got in debts, so now she's dancing.
1 pointDodge Ram 3500 dually turbo Diesel 6 speed manual transmission. I would love to see all types of lifted offroad trucks and Jeeps.
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1 pointCar dealerships will defiantly be in the game. As for used car lots, i don't think there will be any of that, but it would be very cool to be able to sell your used car to another player, this feature would be very cool as players would be able to sell their cars to others at lower prices than the dealers.