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Showing most liked content on 03/25/2016 in Posts

  1. 13 points
    DEV BLOG #001 Greetings Citizens, It has been just over a year since you helped successfully kick start Identity into existence! We want to thank you all for your continued support by providing you all with regular updates following the development process for Identity. Engaging with our community is one of the best ways we can show our thanks, and a development blog is a perfect opportunity for us to bring you along for the ride. As you’ve seen throughout the past year, there is no game out there that is quite like Identity, and through your support, you have proven to us that Identity is a vision worth turning into a reality! Feedback has shown us that you all really appreciate our attempts to respond to virtually every question we receive on social media. Twitter and Facebook have been a huge boost in exposure for Identity, and so it is time we begin to explore other avenues of exposure to help our community understand a bit more about the game. In the coming months, our fans will see their first glimpse of gameplay for Identity! We are all extremely excited to show off our first gameplay video, which will fully explore the mechanics of apartment and housing customization. With this video, you will see that we have stayed true to our original art direction from the original Kickstarter trailer, while maintaining high standards in realistic lighting and graphics. We can safely say that we have improved many of the areas of our design that needed attention since February last year. Apartment & Housing Customization Apartments and houses within Identity will have a fully customizable interior. You will be able to change the wall paper on every wall in every room, place furniture anywhere there is space on the ground, swap out doors, windows, baseboards, crown moulding, and even wainscoting! We have made no compromise to the level of detail in which you can customize your apartments or homes, in order to truly express your sense of home decor. With this level of control, there is virtually no chance that the interior of two homes will ever look alike. There will be hundreds of furniture items available to purchase in-game in every style and design, from traditional to contemporary. Furniture in Identity can even be crafted, sold, or traded to other players, and those who wish to try their hand at crafting hand-made furniture from a variety of materials can place a crafting table anywhere they wish inside their homes! And if you wish to share your space with a partner, friend, or even a group of friends, homes and apartments will be available for sale throughout the world that support multiple roommates depending the size of the space and how many bedrooms are available. The home-owner may even grant build permissions to any number of roommates, even visitors, to help them decorate their living space. When you are finished, invite your friends over to compliment you on your interior decorating skills! If you’re anything like us, we know you will spend more time cleaning up this virtual home than you do your real one! Radio This week, our team has also placed a lot of our development efforts into building a functioning radio system that will allow you to listen to your favorite real-world radio stations through placed radio objects inside your virtual home, or car! Yes, you can flip through the channels in your car radio, which will also broadcast to the immediate area outside your car. Imagine driving down the street and having everyone you pass know you listen to NSYNC! One other major part of this feature that we are excited to tell you about is player operated talk-shows which you can personally host, or tune-in and listen to, from your car radio or home. The way we currently have this planned out for hosts, is to have actual physical broadcast stations on the map that you can enter as a player and begin hosting your own radio talk-show. Player’s listening from their car or home can browse a list of channels currently being hosted at that very moment, and listen to you live, talking about government conspiracies and UFO’s! We are really hoping that this feature will have a major social impact for Identity. Like you, we see a lot of potential in something like this for budding stars within the community. We would absolutely love to see many of you sprout a career that started in a game we developed, and ended with us listening to your lovely voice on our actual car radio! The Town Square (Social Module) Many of you already know of, and are eagerly anticipating the release of the planned “Town Square” module that is currently still in production. While we can’t give you an exact date on when that will be ready, progress is steady, and we are as excited as you are to meet you all for the first time in a virtual environment. You may already be aware that Identity is largely influenced by a landmass in the south-eastern portion of the United States. The Town Square itself is only a small portion of a larger city built into the final version of Identity called Ash Hill, a reference to Asheville, North Carolina where we had originally planned to move Asylum’s office. We picked this area of the world particularly because it offered a wide range of geographical variance. The transition between Identity’s mix of biomes needed to feel natural, and this area offered most of what we had been looking for. As for the other cities in Identity, their influences may become more clear to you now. Myrtle Beach is obviously Turtle Beach in Identity, and Roseport is less subtle, but a mix between Atlanta and New York City. When we first started, we kept everything, including the structures and world props level to the ground, a mistake we have since corrected. We quickly realized that cities are rarely ever flat, and knew that setting that precedent now would benefit Identity in the future. The next time you see The Town Square module, we are confident that you will notice the difference compared to earlier screenshots, what such a small transformation makes for immersion in a game environment. Moving Forward We want to thank our community for being so patient with us. Over the course of the past year, we’ve seen many work-in-progress screenshots of assets destined for Identity, and while we believe they serve as a sample of the work we have already put into the game, we know that many of you are still anxious to see video. Our current priority is to get things ready to show off, or more specifically, the housing/apartment customization first. We are convinced that many of you will appreciate the time and effort we have put into this feature, so that you will be able to fully express yourself through your character and virtual home. We know we’ve been pretty quiet this past year, and the criticism we’ve heard from our fans on that through social media and the forums have not fallen on deaf ears! We will start to release regular updates through development blogs and continue to find new ways to interact with our community, to show you our gratitude for your support. You yourself can become more involved by contributing to the discussion with your ideas at www.identityrpg.com/community. We’ll see you there, and thank you again! Always remember that we are gamers too and we are as excited as you are to play Identity at launch!
  2. 3 points
    THIS comment is the endline! after this comment we'll all calm down and return to the rp conversation. noone has to say sorry. you all just have to return to the rp part without complaining or anything else about the off topic bullshit and don't answer to this comment. if you accept it just return to the rp part. the rp part while start again: NOW
  3. 2 points
    Well I´ve just read the blog post. Have to say that im very impressed by that graphic. Really good job devs!
  4. 2 points
    In my opinion this discussion only has one answer and that's that every citizen should be welcome. This discussion is just useless. Not every person in real life can speak English and that's a problem every store has to deal with in real life if a person with bad English knowledge walks in the store. It's called realism, and it's not realistic to ban Russians from the servers. That's just silly.
  5. 1 point
    Underground Racing would like to invite you all to our first modified meetup. The game is set to hopefully release in early 2017, but it will probably be a few months after that that this meetup will take place. So, if you have a modified beast or have a love for cars, then come join us at the official Underground Modified Meetup! More info released closer to date of meetup. Prices: $30 entry. $20 to those who hold an official Underground Membership. The Underground Membership: This membership can be acquired by any high ranking members of the Underground team. It entitles you to discounts in our races, meetups and at our famous chop shop. It also means that you can attend any of our meetups without having to fill out our form, instead just put your name down and your in. To get your spot at our meetup, visit our events page and click the Join In button to fill out a small form so we know you are coming. Events (I know its really early but Underground has been discussing meetups for a while now and we wanted to be the first...plus i also got bored)
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    SAO (Sword Of Art Online ) was fucking wonders. I am done. Well, looking forward to Toko Ghoul s3 and hopefully s3 Nisekoi ;-;
  8. 1 point
    || BRAINSTORM IDEA || WHAT IF THERE WAS A SEASON LIKE CYCLE. Oh wait they already have made concept art of it so of course we will force them to make it. Right. @HairyGrenade ... * murder looks *
  9. 1 point
    No, we have just developed insanity and begun planning our future in a hardcore mode.
  10. 1 point
    Not sure if they will be specifically at tattoo parlors, but I'm sure we'll see piercings.
  11. 1 point
    There is a day/night cycle and day lasts longer than night. When you have a job in identity I think you pick your own hours, but your income will depend on how much you work.
  12. 1 point
    Yh #Paratus Rush Hour would be actually intresting to watch like if there is a main road and traffic jam the police would have to get involved;D
  13. 1 point
    So if I want to get drugs into the city without people knowing (this is assuming there is a checkpoint) could I hide the drugs/contraband in certain places in the car? like inside the seats or next to the engine etc. Comment ideas and suggestions down below.
  14. 1 point
    There will most likely be something like this to hide contraband. This will extend the use of police dogs at checkpoints and things like that
  15. 1 point
    Commas people.... Commas save lives.
  16. 1 point
    Since there will be a variety of cars in the game from sport cars to old rusted ones, there's no doubt the customization will be in depth and you'll definitely have a good time picking out what you want.
  17. 1 point
    i'm not sure but the way this forum is reacting to russians reminds me to the reichskristallnacht (nazis destroyed jewish property) and the genocide in islamic countrys (turkey etc. are killing every yezidi). @all don't be like them! act like a homo sapiens sapiens would act! cooperate with russians! they are humans that can speak english, too! without them the usa would be captured by the nazis in 2. ww!
  18. 1 point
    This may mean that they are creating some sort of underwater world/ details
  19. 1 point
    Please block Americans, I can't understand them either. We should just block all the countries except this one that I'm living in right now.
  20. 1 point
    don't worry. i've created a topic just for them. now continue your story! the last story post was:
  21. 1 point
    you know the moment when you realise how senseless a conversation is and how much you want to facepalm? this is one
  22. 1 point
    @Herzog you have to know that @Aziz, @Atmosphere, @Kickapoo and some other users don't know how to "turn on their heads" and because of that they are inpolite. that's almost as funny as trolling kids in gta online. @Kickapoo please try to pm me. i don't think everyone wants to know your and @Atmosphere's fantasys. @Herzog you should either contact a mod or create a new topic because the giant kids will answer me via this topic.
  23. 1 point
    Limit: You Get All The Diseases You Cure Power: To Have The Power To Do Nothing
  24. 1 point
    @ZeroAI Above Person's Limit: Can only use powers whilst furiously masturbating with one hand and groaning loudly My Power: Ability to cure all diseases @TheMan Sorry didn't mean to tag ZeroAI
  25. 1 point
    Dear citizens with criminal hopes. I have some few interview questions 1. How do you respond to other crime syndicates and such as Mafia families? 2. Do you do more violence than words in a beef? ( Beef a term used in the 90's for a matter that had issues with each party at hand ) 3. Details about economy? 4. How is your starting tactic? 5. More explaining within your crimes,as they lack motivation inside the sentence you made. Try and make it a bit more " Damn sounds fun " _ I suggest you to not spread private information on the forum as people might abuse your information and the list goes on. _ Everything I have said, I have said with respect as I want you to improve your text a bit more so it becomes a bit more understanding. -
  26. 1 point
    Dear citizen, I believe you haven't been on the official Asylum website, yet? Oh, silly me being lazy. Here you go. http://www.asylumentertainment.ca/careers/ You are welcome!
  27. 1 point
    We live next to South America.... We share you're pain bro. But deal with it.
  28. 1 point
    Alright,thank you everyone! Your responses really cleared some things up for me
  29. 1 point
    I believe it will be a small designer in game. e.g change colour, add text, possible add an external image. Then again im not a dev so i have no clue. This would be my guess
  30. 1 point
    This makes no sense to me. You CANT buy the game because your mum doesn't like the community? Do you not have a bank account? Can you not buy it yourself? If not you might be a tad too young for video games involved violence and drug references
  31. 1 point
    Full release not soon, but first module TTS is soon enough. May be late summer. But gameplay video - that what we need first
  32. 1 point
    ever heard of oculus rift? or htc vive? that samsung vr is just for watching videos on you smartphone. and even if you can use it with your pc: your smartphone will overheat and you'll have a destroyed smartphone because smartphones aren't made for being used 24/7
  33. 1 point
    We would like to welcome our newest member! @Mark_Fergason Welcome to Aegis!
  34. 1 point
    It may be less than palatable for some to realise, we are becoming a global community. Those who wish to interact with that global community just have to accept that a majority speak one particular language. Arguing which language is spoken more in a particular region is not really productive. If we went by sheer numbers of world population then the internet would all be in Chinese Mandarin. If you only speak a minority language (in terms of the internet and online gaming as a whole) you have to accept, there will be less opportunity for you. While I'm sure Russians are very proud of their nationality and native tongue and rightly so, the simple truth is, the majority of online gaming is in English and will likely remain so. I don't agree with excluding anyone, encouraging other gamers to join in with the majority will help everyone in the end. Yes it's true Northern and Eastern Europeans often have the ability to speak German, but even more speak English, as well as German. I know a guy in Norway, he speaks Bulgarian, German, Dutch, French and English. When he streams on Twitch.. guess which language he uses? The majority of internet traffic is in English, the vast majority of games are produced in English speaking countries. The majority of European countries have English speaking TV channels (for entertainment rather than just news), the UK and USA generally do not (Unless you get them by subscription). Most of the successful Films and TV is produced in English speaking countries. The most popular music is overwhelmingly produced in English speaking countries. Abba, a Swedish group would have been unknown outside of central Europe if they had stuck to their native tongue. So it's just a fact, if you wish to engage globally, chances are you will have to learn to speak in English, and you will have much more popular media to immerse yourself in the language than we poorly served English speaking countries get. Look at HitBox, a streaming media company based in Germany, the majority of people by far who stream through HitBox stream in English. This move has been made successfully in other disciplines. All air traffic controllers have to speak English. Those involved in World finance and higher tier business conduct their business in English (or American). It's just a reality, no intent to denigrate anyone. Here's something interesting. I speak a little German, Dutch, Spanish and French. When I visit those countries I don't get to practise as much as I would like.. Why? Because as soon as they hear my accent the majority figure out their English is far better than my feeble attempt at their language. Shameful I know, but it's just the reality of life.
  35. 1 point
    Everyone has Equal rights. Yes it can be annoying. But if you dont want to listen or hear them. You can simple mute them. We are just as annoying to them. Speaking in a different language.
  36. 1 point
    I won't commit any crime, except those 70% sales on my high quality sweaters, that will be a big crime